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#include <boost/phoenix/scope/let.hpp>

You declare local variables using the syntax:


let allows 1..N local variable declarations (where N == BOOST_PHOENIX_LOCAL_LIMIT). Each declaration follows the form:

local-id = lambda-expression
[Note] Note

You can set BOOST_PHOENIX_LOCAL_LIMIT, the predefined maximum local variable declarations in a let expression. By default, BOOST_PHOENIX_LOCAL_LIMIT is set to BOOST_PHOENIX_LIMIT.


let(_a = 123, _b = 456)
    _a + _b

Reference Preservation

The type of the local variable assumes the type of the lambda- expression. Type deduction is reference preserving. For example:

let(_a = arg1, _b = 456)

_a assumes the type of arg1: a reference to an argument, while _b has type int.

Consider this:

int i = 1;

let(_a = arg1)
    cout << --_a << ' '

cout << i << endl;

the output of above is : 0 0

While with this:

int i = 1;

let(_a = val(arg1))
    cout << --_a << ' '

cout << i << endl;

the output is : 0 1

Reference preservation is necessary because we need to have L-value access to outer lambda-scopes (especially the arguments). args and refs are L-values. vals are R-values.


The scope and lifetimes of the local variables is limited within the let-body. let blocks can be nested. A local variable may hide an outer local variable. For example:

let(_x = 1, _y = ", World")
    // _x here is an int: 1

    let(_x = "Hello") // hides the outer _x
        cout << _x << _y // prints "Hello, World"

The RHS (right hand side lambda-expression) of each local-declaration cannot refer to any LHS local-id. At this point, the local-ids are not in scope yet; they will only be in scope in the let-body. The code below is in error:

    _a = 1
  , _b = _a // Error: _a is not in scope yet
    // _a and _b's scope starts here
    /*. body .*/

However, if an outer let scope is available, this will be searched. Since the scope of the RHS of a local-declaration is the outer scope enclosing the let, the RHS of a local-declaration can refer to a local variable of an outer scope:

let(_a = 1)
        _a = 1
      , _b = _a // Ok. _a refers to the outer _a
        /*. body .*/
