MSH|^~\&|LAB|SMH|||201912190907||ORU^R01|4131475|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||SM00044879|SM44685|LABTEST^AMARYLLIS^||20181203|F||||||||||SM000862/19| OBR|1|36855^LAB|00027958^1912:C00002R^LAB^191219:C2^36855|500.5690^TROP^Troponin I^^^10839-9||201912190906|201912190800|||||||201912190805||||||||||LAB|F|||| OBX|1|ST|500.5695^TROPIHS^Troponin I High Sensitivity^^89579-7^89579-7|1|25^^Y|ng/L|<18|H||A^S|F|||201912190907 NTE|1||Abnormal Troponin I result. To assess risk of acute NTE|2||myocardial injury, consider repeat Troponin I in 3 hours to NTE|3||evaluate the change ("delta"). If this is a follow up NTE|4||Troponin I collected within 3-6 hours of previous: NTE|5||Delta < 11 ng/L: Acute myocardial injury is unlikely. NTE|6||Delta 11 - 21 ng/L: Consistent with myocardial injury, but NTE|7||low positive predictive value for an acute event. Consider a NTE|8||further Troponin I in another 3 hours to re-evaluate. NTE|9||Delta >= 22 ng/L: Critical change in Troponin I. Result is NTE|10||highly predictive for acute myocardial injury.