an ugly old granpa with abnormal vitality appeared in front of me and then ... i am arm and leg tied to a hoolaoup and floating in the air i was unconscious, and i realized the old scum was blowing me but with injection he was striking my ass with a gun, i came without any desire to do so in his mouth. i was discusted of what happened. and he expressed the same and grumbled incomprehensible gliberish then my ceilling facing position turned to opposite, with the floor as custody the ... i cant find an adjective ... mas injected him self repeatedly with the same gun. and fucked me in the ass, and came a load. i was crying, he spoke the same linguistic soup but i understood what he was trying to tell me. i feel your discust, and then clothe kind of printed it self over me, i was on my feet. and i hear him speak and understood more of his language the telepatical link will get better over time he brought to a room with a window i saw the earth after i while i understood what he said while raping me, the only way to telepathicly communicate require the injestion of genetic splited material our brain absorb it and use the genetic part to bind with the donor. he would be worst if he chosed the other end, i would puke or bite we are departing, we needed to travel a few time around the galaxy before arriving it is not like the motion picture, it dont even compare while i can eye track one star from one point to another, it felt like every thing is going backward slowly and repeatly spawn somewhere opposite. was un comprehensible i understood the old man explaination, the kind of hyper jump that wasnt was pulling us to origin time and gave us a celestial speed momentum. and by changing direction we control time dilatation and we can travel in real hour and we got to a small neutron star, with four giant, and we kind of landed on third, kind of the planet is entirely covered of floating cities, he informed me it was the ecumenopolis. we landed somewhere, i cant understand how he can land on the right spot, it look the same all around the giant planet. we landed, it was his place, he presented me to a naked woman and told me i had to link telepathicly to her. i flused at the idea to get blown by her. but she just handed me a small capsule the size of an allergy pills and a glass of water i looked very madly at the abductor who litteraly raped me instead. i swallowed with anger after a minute the girl talked directly to me no accent, my town language, i am not a human, it is different. she understood my feeling right away. and said exactly what i needed. the old punk was feeling like shit, i felt it from the link. these not human cant go fetch, there brain is too big the woman brought a fossilised metalic cylinder and she opened it, it was containing my left little toe i just noticed it was cuted, and already healed. i just woke up without it without ever feeling its loss. she can of bathed my feet and the toe inligth, i had my toe back there, she had the proof of were i cam from the man been congratulated for going this far everyone on this planet are human. 8 trillion persons, all human. all ugly what about earth ? its gone, now everyone lives here, had all abducted and f.. no they are born here, earth is no more for a long time the neutron star was the sun. we time traveled, it wasnt, the lady just said, einstein was wrong. she was an hologram, from an artificial intelligence, part of a collective super intelligence so you tell me, for billion of years, you have free energy from a dyson sphere, super benevolent intelligence, providence horn that print all your need, faster than light travel, time travel and no one ever wanted colonise other's star ? why would we do that, its irrevelant all those planet wait for us and we inhabit a gas giant. yes its perfect with gas giant are we on ?, to third, was the only one with same surface gravity than earth. we conpletly dismanteled earth to build the city. wait the third?. i am on uranus. the old , i dont understand why i laugh