MSH|^~\&|ITS|ARH|||202002281606||ORU^R01|4178272|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1|FHATVIG0007218|AB00007711|AB7739|MITEST^ARH^LONGLONGLONG NAME||19660302|M||||||||||AB000806/18|9875634426 PV1|1|I ORC||5239.001ARH OBR|1|RADM5239.001ARH|7581ARH|RADM^BIBRCR6OP^Bx Breast Core Rt 6-10 PF^Breast Core Needle Biopsy^Radiology Report||202002050000|202002051234|202002051234||||||||||RADM20200205-0002||MI|MISQ||||S|||||| OBX|1|TX|||\H\FRASER HEALTH AUTHORITY Signed with Addenda OBX|2|TX|||Abbotsford Regional Hospital Medical Imaging Report OBX|3|TX|||\ZU\_\ZHU\___________________________________________________________________________________ OBX|4|TX|||\H\ACCOUNT #: AB000806/18 UNIT #: AB00007711 OBX|5|TX|||PHN: 9875634426 NAME: MITEST,ARH LONGLONGLONG NAME OBX|6|TX|||PT. TEL #: (604)223-1122 \N\ \H\ AGE: 53 SEX: M OBX|7|TX|||DOB: 02/03/1966 REG CAT: AB.ACU LOC: AB-2YCCU OBX|8|TX|||ADMIT: 24/12/18 DISCHARGE: OBX|9|TX||| OBX|10|TX|||Order Dr : ITSTEST,MI ATT DOC 1 Family Dr : ITSTEST,MI FAM DOC 1 MD OBX|11|TX|||Attend Dr : ITSTEST,MI ATT DOC 1 Dictate Dr : GILL,JAG S , IIC OBX|12|TX|||\ZU\_\ZHU\___________________________________________________________________________________ OBX|13|TX|||\H\EXAM DATE: \N\05/02/20 \H\PACS ID#: \N\ AB7739 \H\BCCA#: \N\ OBX|14|TX||| OBX|15|TX|||\H\ORDERS: REPORT #: \N\ 0502-0001 OBX|16|TX|||0502-0002 RADM/Bx Breast Core Rt 6-10 PF OBX|17|TX||| OBX|18|TX||| OBX|19|TX|||\H\ADDENDUM\N\ OBX|20|TX||| OBX|21|TX|||\H\ADDENDUM:\N\ OBX|22|TX|||This is an addendum to an existing report. OBX|23|TX||| OBX|24|TX||| OBX|25|TX|||\H\ Dictated By: \ZHU\JAG S GILL , IIC OBX|26|TX|||\N\ OBX|27|TX||| OBX|28|TX|||Addendum was generated in Voice Recognition System (*FFI*) OBX|29|TX|||D: $JGILL5; 28/02/20 1602 E: ; 28/02/20 1602 S: $JGILL5; 28/02/20 1603 OBX|30|TX||| OBX|31|TX|||cc: ITSTEST,MI ATT DOC 1; ITSTEST,MI FAM DOC 1 MD; ITSTEST,MI HEMO DOC1 MD; ITSTEST,MI OTH DOC 1 MD; ITSTEST,MI REF DOC1 MD OBX|32|TX|||\ZHU\_____________________________________________________________________________________ OBX|33|TX|||\N\\H\EXAM TYPE:\N\ OBX|34|TX|||RADM Bx Breast Core Rt 6-10 PF OBX|35|TX||| OBX|36|TX|||\H\HISTORY:\N\ OBX|37|TX|||Breast Health. OBX|38|TX||| OBX|39|TX|||\H\COMPARISON:\N\ OBX|40|TX|||December 10, 2019. OBX|41|TX||| OBX|42|TX|||\H\FINDINGS:\N\ OBX|43|TX|||Under stereotactic mammographic guidance, biopsy of the calcification in roughly the 4 o'clock position of the left breast has been performed. OBX|44|TX||| OBX|45|TX||| OBX|46|TX|||No complications were encountered during the procedure. Specimen radiograph demonstrates numerous calcifications within the specimen fragments. OBX|47|TX||| OBX|48|TX|||A radiographic marker has been placed. A postprocedure mammogram shows the marker in close proximity to residual calcifications. The calcifications are diminished in number with the previous exam. OBX|49|TX||| OBX|50|TX|||Please note that this is a test report only. Has no clinical significance. Please disregard this report. OBX|51|TX||| OBX|52|TX|||\H\IMPRESSION:\N\ OBX|53|TX|||Technically successful stereotactic core biopsy. OBX|54|TX||| OBX|55|TX|||This is a test report only. Please disregard this report. OBX|56|TX||| OBX|57|TX||| OBX|58|TX|||\H\ Dictated By:\N\ \ZHU\JAG S GILL , IIC OBX|59|TX|||\N\ OBX|60|TX||| OBX|61|TX|||Report was generated in Voice Recognition System (*FFI*) OBX|62|TX|||D: $JGILL5; 05/02/20 1234 E: ; 05/02/20 1234 S: *; 05/02/20 1245 OBX|63|TX||| OBX|64|TX|||cc: ITSTEST,MI ATT DOC 1; ITSTEST,MI FAM DOC 1 MD; ITSTEST,MI HEMO DOC1 MD; ITSTEST,MI OTH DOC 1 MD; ITSTEST,MI REF DOC1 MD