MSH|^~\&|PTH|RCH|||201911281123||ORU^R01|4116202|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||RC00006059|RC6052|LABTEST^ALASKA^ROLL||19900918|F||||||||||RC000066/17|9876521172 PV1|1|I OBR|1|16191|00011964^18AS-24^PTH^18AS-24^16191||||20180824||||||LABTEST|201808241350|S^SURGICAL SPECIMEN^SURGICAL|||||18AS-24||201911281123|||SOUT OBX|1|TX|Pathology Lab: Abbotsford Regional Hospital OBX|2|TX|Phone: (604)851-4700x646545 Fax: (604)851-4858 OBX|3|TX| OBX|4|TX|Specimen Number: 18AS-24 OBX|5|TX| OBX|6|TX|DIAGNOSES OBX|7|TX|TESTING BIZTALK 2013 OBX|8|TX| OBX|9|TX|SYNOPTIC REPORT OBX|10|TX|-------- Esophagus tnm testing, 1 -------- OBX|11|TX| OBX|12|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|13|TX| Procedure: Esophagogastrectomy OBX|14|TX| OBX|15|TX|TUMOUR OBX|16|TX| Tumour Site: Esophagus, not otherwise specified OBX|17|TX| Relationship of Tumour to OBX|18|TX| Esophagogastric Junction: Not specified OBX|19|TX| Distance of Tumour Center from OBX|20|TX| Esophagogastric Junction: Cannot be determined - TEST OBX|21|TX| Tumour Size: 2.0 Centimeters (cm) OBX|22|TX| Histologic Type: Adenocarcinoma OBX|23|TX| Histologic Grade: G1: Well differentiated OBX|24|TX| Tumour Extension: Tumour invades lamina propria OBX|25|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|26|TX| OBX|27|TX|MARGINS OBX|28|TX| All margins are negative for invasive OBX|29|TX| carcinoma, dysplasia, and intestinal OBX|30|TX| metaplasia OBX|31|TX| Margins Examined: Proximal OBX|32|TX| Distance of Invasive Carcinoma from OBX|33|TX| Closest Margin: 4.0 Centimeters (cm) OBX|34|TX| OBX|35|TX|LYMPH NODES OBX|36|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|37|TX| OBX|38|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|39|TX| No known presurgical therapy OBX|40|TX| OBX|41|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|42|TX| rypT1a(2) pNX pM1 OBX|43|TX| pM Site(s): TEST OBX|44|TX| OBX|45|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|46|TX| Best Tumour Block: TEST OBX|47|TX| OBX|48|TX|ADDITIONAL PATHOLOGIC FINDINGS OBX|49|TX| None identified OBX|50|TX| OBX|51|TX|COMMENTS OBX|52|TX| TEST OBX|53|TX| OBX|54|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|55|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|56|TX|-------- Mismatch Repair (MMR) Testing, 2 -------- OBX|57|TX| OBX|58|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|59|TX| Submitting Hospital Case Number: 18SS-99999; OBX|60|TX| Block Tested: XX OBX|61|TX| Pertains To: TESTING TESTING OBX|62|TX| OBX|63|TX|RESULTS OBX|64|TX| IHC Interpretation OBX|65|TX| MMR abnormal - likely MLH1 gene defect: OBX|66|TX| Immunohistochemical stains for mismatch OBX|67|TX| repair proteins show defective MLH1 and PMS2 OBX|68|TX| protein expression. Depending on the tumour OBX|69|TX| site, further testing (i.e. MLH1 promoter OBX|70|TX| methylation testing, etc.) may be needed to OBX|71|TX| differentiate between sporadic versus OBX|72|TX| germline MLH1 abnormality. OBX|73|TX| Comment(s): TESTING VERSION OBX|74|TX| OBX|75|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|76|TX|-------- Breast Biomarkers, 3 -------- OBX|77|TX| OBX|78|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|79|TX| Submitting Hospital Case Number: 18SS-99999; OBX|80|TX| Block Tested: 1A OBX|81|TX| OBX|82|TX|BREAST BIOMARKER TESTS OBX|83|TX| ER: Negative (Intensity: Negative, 0%), Allred OBX|84|TX| Score: 0/8 OBX|85|TX| PR: Negative (Intensity: Negative, 0%), Allred OBX|86|TX| Score: 0/8 OBX|87|TX| HER2 by ISH: Negative (not amplified) OBX|88|TX| HER2 / CEP17 Ratio: 1.0 OBX|89|TX| Average Number of HER2 Signals per OBX|90|TX| Cell: 20 OBX|91|TX| Average Number of CEP17 Signals OBX|92|TX| per Cell: 20 OBX|93|TX| Number of Invasive Tumour Cells OBX|94|TX| Counted: 100 OBX|95|TX| OBX|96|TX|CONTROLS OBX|97|TX| ER Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|98|TX| PR Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|99|TX| OBX|100|TX|METHODS OBX|101|TX| Cold Ischemia and Fixation Times OBX|102|TX| Meet the Requirements Specified in OBX|103|TX| the Latest Version of the ASCO / CAP OBX|104|TX| Guidelines: Yes OBX|105|TX| OBX|106|TX|COMMENT(S) OBX|107|TX| TESTING V. OBX|108|TX| OBX|109|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|110|TX|-------- Breast Biomarkers, 4 -------- OBX|111|TX| OBX|112|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|113|TX| Submitting Hospital Case Number: 18SS-99999; OBX|114|TX| Block Tested: 1A OBX|115|TX| Pertains To: TEST OBX|116|TX| OBX|117|TX|BREAST BIOMARKER TESTS OBX|118|TX| ER: Negative (Intensity: Negative, 0%), Allred OBX|119|TX| Score: 0/8 OBX|120|TX| PR: Negative (Intensity: Negative, 0%), Allred OBX|121|TX| Score: 0/8 OBX|122|TX| HER2 by IHC: Negative (Score 0) OBX|123|TX| OBX|124|TX|CONTROLS OBX|125|TX| ER Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|126|TX| PR Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|127|TX| OBX|128|TX|METHODS OBX|129|TX| Cold Ischemia and Fixation Times OBX|130|TX| Meet the Requirements Specified in OBX|131|TX| the Latest Version of the ASCO / CAP OBX|132|TX| Guidelines: Yes OBX|133|TX| OBX|134|TX|COMMENT(S) OBX|135|TX| TESTING V. OBX|136|TX| OBX|137|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|138|TX|-------- Breast Invasive Carcinoma, 5 -------- OBX|139|TX| OBX|140|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|141|TX| Pertains To: TEST OBX|142|TX| OBX|143|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|144|TX| Breast; Excision (less than total OBX|145|TX| mastectomy); Laterality not specified OBX|146|TX| OBX|147|TX|TUMOUR OBX|148|TX| Invasive Carcinoma: No residual invasive carcinoma after OBX|149|TX| presurgical (neoadjuvant) therapy OBX|150|TX| Histologic Grade: No residual invasive carcinoma after OBX|151|TX| presurgical (neoadjuvant) therapy OBX|152|TX| Tumour Focality: No residual invasive carcinoma after OBX|153|TX| presurgical (neoadjuvant) therapy OBX|154|TX| Tumour Size: No residual invasive carcinoma after OBX|155|TX| presurgical (neoadjuvant) therapy OBX|156|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|157|TX| In Situ Component: Not identified OBX|158|TX| OBX|159|TX|MARGINS OBX|160|TX| Invasive Carcinoma Margins: Cannot be assessed OBX|161|TX| DCIS Margins: No DCIS present in specimen OBX|162|TX| OBX|163|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|164|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|165|TX| OBX|166|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|167|TX| pT0 pNX OBX|168|TX| OBX|169|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|170|TX| Best Tumour Block: TEST OBX|171|TX| Block Tested: A1 OBX|172|TX| Results OBX|173|TX| ER: Negative (Intensity: Negative, 0%), Allred OBX|174|TX| Score: 0/8 OBX|175|TX| HER2 by IHC: Negative (Score 0) OBX|176|TX| Ki-67: High (10% or greater) OBX|177|TX| Controls OBX|178|TX| ER Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|179|TX| Methods OBX|180|TX| Cold Ischemia and Fixation Times OBX|181|TX| Meet the Requirements Specified OBX|182|TX| in the Latest Version of the OBX|183|TX| ASCO / CAP Guidelines: No OBX|184|TX| Comment(s) OBX|185|TX| TEST OBX|186|TX| OBX|187|TX|COMMENT(S) OBX|188|TX| TESTING V. OBX|189|TX| OBX|190|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|191|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|192|TX|-------- Esophagus, 6 -------- OBX|193|TX| OBX|194|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|195|TX| Pertains To: TESTING V. OBX|196|TX| OBX|197|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|198|TX| Procedure: Esophagogastrectomy OBX|199|TX| OBX|200|TX|TUMOUR OBX|201|TX| Tumour Site: Mid esophagus, upper thoracic esophagus OBX|202|TX| Relationship of Tumour to Tumour midpoint lies in the distal esophagus OBX|203|TX| Esophagogastric Junction: AND tumour involves the esophagogastric OBX|204|TX| junction OBX|205|TX| Distance of Tumour Center from OBX|206|TX| Esophagogastric Junction: 2.0 Centimeters (cm) OBX|207|TX| Tumour Size: 5.0 x 2.5 x 2.0 Centimeters (cm) OBX|208|TX| Histologic Type: Adenocarcinoma OBX|209|TX| Histologic Grade: G1: Well differentiated OBX|210|TX| Tumour Extension: Tumour invades lamina propria OBX|211|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|212|TX| Perineural Invasion: Present OBX|213|TX| OBX|214|TX|MARGINS OBX|215|TX| All margins are negative for invasive OBX|216|TX| carcinoma, dysplasia, and intestinal OBX|217|TX| metaplasia OBX|218|TX| Margins Examined: Proximal, Distal OBX|219|TX| Distance of Invasive Carcinoma from OBX|220|TX| Closest Margin: 4.0 Centimeters (cm) OBX|221|TX| Closest Margin: Distal OBX|222|TX| OBX|223|TX|LYMPH NODES OBX|224|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|225|TX| OBX|226|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|227|TX| No known presurgical therapy OBX|228|TX| OBX|229|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|230|TX| pT1a pNX OBX|231|TX| OBX|232|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|233|TX| Best Tumour Block: TEST OBX|234|TX| OBX|235|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|236|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|237|TX|-------- Bone Marrow - Aspiration; Core Biopsy, 7 -------- OBX|238|TX| OBX|239|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|240|TX| Specimen: Bone marrow aspiration and Bone marrow core OBX|241|TX| biopsy OBX|242|TX| Procedure: Aspiration and Biopsy OBX|243|TX| Aspiration Site: Right posterior iliac crest OBX|244|TX| Biopsy Site: Right posterior iliac crest OBX|245|TX| OBX|246|TX|TUMOUR OBX|247|TX| Histologic Type based on 2017 WHO OBX|248|TX| classification: Acute promyelocytic leukemia with PML-RARA OBX|249|TX| Comments: test test test OBX|250|TX| OBX|251|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|252|TX| Immunophenotyping: Performed OBX|253|TX| Cytogenetic Studies: Performed OBX|254|TX| Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization: Performed OBX|255|TX| Molecular Genetic Studies: Performed OBX|256|TX| OBX|257|TX|ADDITIONAL FINDINGS OBX|258|TX| test OBX|259|TX| OBX|260|TX|COMMENTS OBX|261|TX| testing v. OBX|262|TX| OBX|263|TX|Based on CAP eCC January 2018 OBX|264|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|265|TX|-------- Breast Biomarkers, 8 -------- OBX|266|TX| OBX|267|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|268|TX| Submitting Hospital Case Number: TESTING OBX|269|TX| V.; Block Tested: 1A OBX|270|TX| Pertains To: TEST OBX|271|TX| OBX|272|TX|BREAST BIOMARKER TESTS OBX|273|TX| ER: Negative (Intensity: Intermediate, < 1%), OBX|274|TX| Allred Score: 3/8 OBX|275|TX| Comment: The ASCO/CAP guidelines recommend that OBX|276|TX| carcinomas with <1% positive cells be OBX|277|TX| considered negative for ER and PgR. However, OBX|278|TX| carcinomas with <1% positive cells and OBX|279|TX| intensity scores of 2 or 3 are rare OBX|280|TX| carcinomas, and their response to hormonal OBX|281|TX| therapy has not been specifically studied. OBX|282|TX| PR: Negative (Intensity: Weak, < 1%), Allred OBX|283|TX| Score: 2/8 OBX|284|TX| HER2 by IHC: Negative (Score 1+) OBX|285|TX| OBX|286|TX|CONTROLS OBX|287|TX| ER Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|288|TX| PR Internal Positive Control: Present OBX|289|TX| OBX|290|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|291|TX|-------- Ewing Sarcoma Resection, 9 -------- OBX|292|TX| OBX|293|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|294|TX| Pertains To: testing v. OBX|295|TX| OBX|296|TX|CLINICAL OBX|297|TX| Preresection Treatment: No known preresection therapy OBX|298|TX| OBX|299|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|300|TX| Procedure: test OBX|301|TX| OBX|302|TX|TUMOUR OBX|303|TX| Tumour Site: Osseous OBX|304|TX| Osseous: Pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx and associated OBX|305|TX| joints - test OBX|306|TX| Tumour Size: 6 cm OBX|307|TX| Primary Tumour Location: Tumour extension into soft tissue OBX|308|TX| Lymph-Vascular Invasion: Present OBX|309|TX| OBX|310|TX|MARGINS OBX|311|TX| Margins negative for tumour OBX|312|TX| Distance of Tumour From Closest Bone OBX|313|TX| Margin: 4 cm OBX|314|TX| Distance of Tumour From Closest Soft OBX|315|TX| Tissue Margin: 3 cm OBX|316|TX| Distance of Tumour From Closest OBX|317|TX| Other (e.g. parenchymal) Margin: 2 cm OBX|318|TX| Comment: test OBX|319|TX| OBX|320|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|321|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|322|TX| OBX|323|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|324|TX| Distant Metastasis (pM): Present OBX|325|TX| Site(s): test OBX|326|TX| OBX|327|TX|ADDITIONAL PATHOLOGIC FINDINGS OBX|328|TX| test OBX|329|TX| OBX|330|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|331|TX| Best Tumour Block: test OBX|332|TX| Immunohistochemistry: test OBX|333|TX| Cytogenetic Findings: No rearrangement identified OBX|334|TX| OBX|335|TX|COMMENT(S) OBX|336|TX| test OBX|337|TX| OBX|338|TX|Based on CAP eCC February 2019 OBX|339|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|340|TX| ____________________________________ OBX|341|TX| Teresa Chow OBX|342|TX| Electronically signed: 28/Nov/2019 OBX|343|TX| OBX|344|TX|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBX|345|TX| OBX|346|TX| OBX|347|TX| OBX|348|TX| OBX|349|TX| OBX|350|TX| OBX|351|TX| OBX|352|TX| OBX|353|TX| OBX|354|TX| OBX|355|TX| OBX|356|TX| OBX|357|TX| OBX|358|TX| OBX|359|TX|  MSH|^~\&|PTH|SMH|||201911281124||ORU^R01|4116203|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||SM00040261|SM40228|LABTEST^ABDOH^||20160920|F||||||||||SM003631/18|9876478783 PV1|1|O OBR|1|23902|00018150^19AS-8^PTH^19AS-8^23902||||20190304|||||||201903041456|S^SURGICAL SPECIMEN^SURGICAL|||||19AS-8||201911281124|||SOUT OBX|1|TX|Pathology Lab: Abbotsford Regional Hospital OBX|2|TX|Phone: (604)851-4700x646545 Fax: (604)851-4858 OBX|3|TX| OBX|4|TX|Specimen Number: 19AS-8 OBX|5|TX| OBX|6|TX|REVISED REPORT OBX|7|TX|THIS IS A REVISED REPORT WHICH CORRECTS THE ORIGINAL REPORT IN THE **HIGHLIGHTED** AREAS. OBX|8|TX| OBX|9|TX|DIAGNOSES OBX|10|TX|TESTING BIZTALK 2013 OBX|11|TX| OBX|12|TX|SYNOPTIC REPORT OBX|13|TX|-------- Endometrium - Hysterectomy, 1 -------- OBX|14|TX| OBX|15|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|16|TX| Procedure: Radical hysterectomy OBX|17|TX| OBX|18|TX|TUMOUR OBX|19|TX| Histologic Type: Endometrioid carcinoma with secretory OBX|20|TX| differentiation OBX|21|TX| Histologic Grade: FIGO grade 2 OBX|22|TX| Tumour Size: 3 Centimeters (cm) OBX|23|TX| Myometrial Invasion: Present OBX|24|TX| Depth of Invasion: 2 Millimeters (mm) OBX|25|TX| Myometrial Thickness: 2 Millimeters (mm) OBX|26|TX| Percentage of Myometrial Invasion: 100% OBX|27|TX| Cervical Stromal Invasion: Present OBX|28|TX| Other Tissue Involvement / Organ OBX|29|TX| Involvement: Not applicable OBX|30|TX| Lymph Vascular Invasion: Focal (2 or fewer) OBX|31|TX| OBX|32|TX|MARGINS OBX|33|TX| Parametrial / Paracervical Margin: Positive for carcinoma OBX|34|TX| OBX|35|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|36|TX| Number of Sentinel Node(s) Examined: 2 OBX|37|TX| Site of Sentinel Node(s) Examined: Pelvic OBX|38|TX| Laterality of Sentinel Node(s) OBX|39|TX| Examined: Right OBX|40|TX| Number of Sentinel Nodes with OBX|41|TX| Macrometastasis: 1 OBX|42|TX| Number of Sentinel Nodes with OBX|43|TX| Micrometastasis: 0 OBX|44|TX| Number of Sentinel Nodes with OBX|45|TX| Isolated Tumour Cells: 0 OBX|46|TX| Site of Sentinel Node(s) with OBX|47|TX| Tumour: Pelvic OBX|48|TX| Laterality of Sentinel Node(s) with OBX|49|TX| Tumour: Right OBX|50|TX| Pelvic Lymph Nodes (non-sentinel): No pelvic nodes present OBX|51|TX| Para-Aortic Lymph Nodes OBX|52|TX| (non-sentinel): No para-aortic nodes present OBX|53|TX| OBX|54|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|55|TX| pT2 pN1a OBX|56|TX| OBX|57|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|58|TX| Best Tumour Block: test OBX|59|TX| Biomarker Testing: Performed, to follow: test OBX|60|TX| OBX|61|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|62|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|63|TX|-------- Kidney - Nephrectomy, Partial or Radical, 2 -------- OBX|64|TX| OBX|65|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|66|TX| Pertains To: V. OBX|67|TX| OBX|68|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|69|TX| Procedure: Radical nephrectomy OBX|70|TX| Specimen Laterality: Right OBX|71|TX| OBX|72|TX|TUMOUR OBX|73|TX| Tumour Focality: Unifocal OBX|74|TX| Tumour Size: 3 Centimeters (cm) OBX|75|TX| Histologic Type: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma OBX|76|TX| Histologic Grade (WHO / ISUP Grade): G3 OBX|77|TX| Tumour Extension: Tumour extension into inferior vena cava OBX|78|TX| Tumour Necrosis: Not identified OBX|79|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|80|TX| Sarcomatoid Features: Not identified OBX|81|TX| Rhabdoid Features: Not identified OBX|82|TX| OBX|83|TX|MARGINS OBX|84|TX| Positive for invasive carcinoma OBX|85|TX| Margin(s): Renal sinus soft tissue margin OBX|86|TX| OBX|87|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|88|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|89|TX| OBX|90|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|91|TX| pT3 pNX OBX|92|TX| OBX|93|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|94|TX| Best Tumour Block: TEST OBX|95|TX| OBX|96|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|97|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|98|TX|-------- Major Salivary Gland, 3 -------- OBX|99|TX| OBX|100|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|101|TX| Pertains to: Testing v. OBX|102|TX| OBX|103|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|104|TX| Procedure: Parotidectomy, not specified OBX|105|TX| OBX|106|TX|TUMOUR OBX|107|TX| Tumour Site: Sublingual gland OBX|108|TX| Tumour Laterality: Bilateral OBX|109|TX| Tumour Focality: Unifocal OBX|110|TX| Histologic Type: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, high grade OBX|111|TX| Tumour Size: 3 Centimeters (cm) OBX|112|TX| Macroscopic Tumour Extension: test OBX|113|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Present OBX|114|TX| Perineural Invasion: Present OBX|115|TX| OBX|116|TX|MARGINS OBX|117|TX| Negative for carcinoma OBX|118|TX| Distance of Tumour from Closest OBX|119|TX| Margin: 3 Millimeters (mm) OBX|120|TX| Margin: test OBX|121|TX| OBX|122|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|123|TX| Number of Lymph Nodes Examined: 4 OBX|124|TX| Number of Lymph Nodes Involved: Cannot be determined - test OBX|125|TX| Laterality of Lymph Nodes Involved: Cannot be determined - test OBX|126|TX| Size of Largest Metastatic Deposit: 3 Centimeters (cm) OBX|127|TX| Extranodal Extension (ENE): Not identified OBX|128|TX| OBX|129|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|130|TX| pT2 pNX OBX|131|TX| OBX|132|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|133|TX| Best Tumour Block: test OBX|134|TX| OBX|135|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|136|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|137|TX|-------- Colon and Rectum - Resection, 4 -------- OBX|138|TX| OBX|139|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|140|TX| Pertains To: testing OBX|141|TX| OBX|142|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|143|TX| Procedure: Right hemicolectomy OBX|144|TX| Macroscopic Tumour Perforation: Present OBX|145|TX| OBX|146|TX|TUMOUR OBX|147|TX| Tumour Site: Cecum OBX|148|TX| Histologic Type: Adenocarcinoma OBX|149|TX| Histologic Grade: G1: Well differentiated (Low grade) OBX|150|TX| Tumour Size: 3 Centimeters (cm) OBX|151|TX| Tumour Extension: Tumour invades submucosa OBX|152|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Present OBX|153|TX| Perineural Invasion: Present OBX|154|TX| Comment: testing tumour comment OBX|155|TX| OBX|156|TX|MARGINS OBX|157|TX| Proximal Margin: Negative for invasive carcinoma OBX|158|TX| Status of Non-Invasive Tumour at OBX|159|TX| Proximal Margin: Positive for intramucosal adenocarcinoma OBX|160|TX| Distal Margin: Negative for invasive carcinoma, OBX|161|TX| intramucosal adenocarcinoma, high-grade OBX|162|TX| dysplasia and adenoma OBX|163|TX| Radial or Mesenteric Margin: Negative for invasive carcinoma OBX|164|TX| Comment: testing optional margin comment OBX|165|TX| OBX|166|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|167|TX| Number of Lymph Nodes Examined: 8 OBX|168|TX| Number of Lymph Nodes Involved: 4 OBX|169|TX| Tumour Deposits: Present OBX|170|TX| Number of Deposits: 5 OBX|171|TX| Comment: testing lymph node comment OBX|172|TX| OBX|173|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|174|TX| No known presurgical therapy OBX|175|TX| OBX|176|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|177|TX| pT1 pN2a pM1 OBX|178|TX| OBX|179|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|180|TX| Best Tumour Block: test OBX|181|TX| Biomarker Testing: Performed, to follow: test OBX|182|TX| OBX|183|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|184|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|185|TX| OBX|186|TX|PREVIOUSLY REPORTED AS: OBX|187|TX|The corrected TEST "TEST" was previously reported on TEST as "TEST". OBX|188|TX| OBX|189|TX|HERE ARE THE SPECIAL CHARACTERS OBX|190|TX|squiggly OBX|191|TX|carrot \S\ OBX|192|TX|backslash \E\ OBX|193|TX|and \T\ OBX|194|TX|pipe \F\ OBX|195|TX| ____________________________________ OBX|196|TX| Teresa Chow OBX|197|TX| Electronically signed: 28/Nov/2019 OBX|198|TX| OBX|199|TX|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBX|200|TX| OBX|201|TX| OBX|202|TX| OBX|203|TX| OBX|204|TX| OBX|205|TX| OBX|206|TX| OBX|207|TX| OBX|208|TX| OBX|209|TX|  MSH|^~\&|PTH|SCSC|||201911281124||ORU^R01|4116205|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||SU00003595|SU3573|TEST^ANNA^AMB||19410908|F||||||||||SU001325/17|9037813291 PV1|1|P OBR|1|22048|00016634^19RS-2^PTH^19RS-2^22048||||201902041000||||||GASTROSCOPY|201902051138|S^SURGICAL SPECIMEN^SURGICAL|||||19RS-2||201911281124|||SOUT OBX|1|TX|Pathology Lab: Royal Columbian Hospital OBX|2|TX|Phone: (604)520-4352 Fax: (604)520-4409 OBX|3|TX| OBX|4|TX|Specimen Number: 19RS-2 OBX|5|TX| OBX|6|TX|DIAGNOSES OBX|7|TX|TESTING BIZTALK 2013 OBX|8|TX| OBX|9|TX|SYNOPTIC REPORT OBX|10|TX|-------- Lung - Resection, 1 -------- OBX|11|TX| OBX|12|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|13|TX| Procedure: Segmentectomy OBX|14|TX| Specimen Laterality: Left OBX|15|TX| OBX|16|TX|TUMOUR OBX|17|TX| Tumour Site: Middle lobe OBX|18|TX| Tumour Focality: Single tumour OBX|19|TX| Total Tumour Size Inclusive of OBX|20|TX| Invasive and Lepidic Components: 4 Centimeters (cm) OBX|21|TX| Invasive Tumour Size: 4 Centimeters (cm) OBX|22|TX| Histologic Type: Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS), mucinous OBX|23|TX| Visceral Pleura Invasion: Present OBX|24|TX| Direct Invasion of Adjacent OBX|25|TX| Structures: Adjacent structures present but not involved OBX|26|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Present OBX|27|TX| OBX|28|TX|MARGINS OBX|29|TX| All margins are negative for carcinoma OBX|30|TX| Margins Examined: Bronchial OBX|31|TX| OBX|32|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|33|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|34|TX| OBX|35|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|36|TX| Known presurgical therapy OBX|37|TX| Response to Presurgical Therapy: Less than 10% residual viable tumour OBX|38|TX| OBX|39|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|40|TX| mpT1c pNX pM1b OBX|41|TX| OBX|42|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|43|TX| Best Tumour Block(s): test OBX|44|TX| OBX|45|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC June 2017 OBX|46|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|47|TX|-------- Breast Invasive Carcinoma, 2 -------- OBX|48|TX| OBX|49|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|50|TX| Pertains To: Testing Original Checklist OBX|51|TX| OBX|52|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|53|TX| Breast; Excision (less than total OBX|54|TX| mastectomy); Right OBX|55|TX| OBX|56|TX|TUMOUR OBX|57|TX| Invasive Carcinoma: Present OBX|58|TX| Histologic Type: Invasive carcinoma of no special type OBX|59|TX| (ductal, not otherwise specified) OBX|60|TX| Histologic Grade (Nottingham OBX|61|TX| Histologic Score) OBX|62|TX| Glandular (Acinar) / Tubular OBX|63|TX| Differentiation: Score 1 OBX|64|TX| Nuclear Pleomorphism: Score 1 OBX|65|TX| Mitotic Rate: Score 1 OBX|66|TX| Overall Nottingham Score: Grade 1 OBX|67|TX| Tumour Size: Size of largest invasive focus cannot be OBX|68|TX| determined OBX|69|TX| Tumour Focality: Single focus of invasive carcinoma OBX|70|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|71|TX| In Situ Component: Not identified OBX|72|TX| OBX|73|TX|MARGINS OBX|74|TX| Invasive Carcinoma Margins: Positive for invasive carcinoma OBX|75|TX| Positive Margin(s): Anterior OBX|76|TX| Extent: Anterior: 2 mm OBX|77|TX| DCIS Margins: No DCIS present in specimen OBX|78|TX| OBX|79|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|80|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|81|TX| OBX|82|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|83|TX| No known presurgical therapy OBX|84|TX| OBX|85|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|86|TX| pTX pNX OBX|87|TX| OBX|88|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|89|TX| Best Tumour Block(s): test OBX|90|TX| Biomarker Testing/Results: Performed previously OBX|91|TX| OBX|92|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC February 2019 OBX|93|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|94|TX|-------- Breast Invasive Carcinoma Option 1, 3 -------- OBX|95|TX| OBX|96|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|97|TX| Pertains To: Testing Option 1 OBX|98|TX| OBX|99|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|100|TX| Breast; Excision (less than total OBX|101|TX| mastectomy); Right OBX|102|TX| OBX|103|TX|TUMOUR OBX|104|TX| Invasive Carcinoma: Present OBX|105|TX| Histologic Type: Invasive carcinoma of no special type OBX|106|TX| (ductal, not otherwise specified) OBX|107|TX| Histologic Grade (Nottingham OBX|108|TX| Histologic Score) OBX|109|TX| Glandular (Acinar) / Tubular OBX|110|TX| Differentiation: Score 1 OBX|111|TX| Nuclear Pleomorphism: Score 1 OBX|112|TX| Mitotic Rate: Score 1 OBX|113|TX| Overall Nottingham Score: Grade 1 OBX|114|TX| Tumour Size: Size of largest invasive focus cannot be OBX|115|TX| determined OBX|116|TX| Tumour Focality: Single focus of invasive carcinoma OBX|117|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|118|TX| In Situ Component: Not identified OBX|119|TX| OBX|120|TX|MARGINS OBX|121|TX| Invasive Carcinoma Margins: Positive for invasive carcinoma OBX|122|TX| Positive Margin(s): Anterior OBX|123|TX| Extent: Anterior: 2 mm OBX|124|TX| Negative Margins OBX|125|TX| Distance from Posterior Margin: 4 Millimeters (mm) OBX|126|TX| Distance from Superior Margin: 5 Millimeters (mm) OBX|127|TX| DCIS Margins: No DCIS present in specimen OBX|128|TX| OBX|129|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|130|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|131|TX| OBX|132|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|133|TX| No known presurgical therapy OBX|134|TX| OBX|135|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|136|TX| pTX pNX OBX|137|TX| OBX|138|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|139|TX| Best Tumour Block(s): test OBX|140|TX| Biomarker Testing/Results: Performed, addendum to follow OBX|141|TX| OBX|142|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC February 2019 OBX|143|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|144|TX|-------- Breast Invasive Carcinoma Option 2, 4 -------- OBX|145|TX| OBX|146|TX|SPECIMEN COMMENT OBX|147|TX| Pertains To: Testing Option 2 OBX|148|TX| OBX|149|TX|SPECIMEN OBX|150|TX| Breast; Excision (less than total OBX|151|TX| mastectomy); Right OBX|152|TX| OBX|153|TX|TUMOUR OBX|154|TX| Invasive Carcinoma: Present OBX|155|TX| Histologic Type: Invasive carcinoma of no special type OBX|156|TX| (ductal, not otherwise specified) OBX|157|TX| Histologic Grade (Nottingham OBX|158|TX| Histologic Score) OBX|159|TX| Glandular (Acinar) / Tubular OBX|160|TX| Differentiation: Score 1 OBX|161|TX| Nuclear Pleomorphism: Score 1 OBX|162|TX| Mitotic Rate: Score 1 OBX|163|TX| Overall Nottingham Score: Grade 1 OBX|164|TX| Tumour Size: Size of largest invasive focus cannot be OBX|165|TX| determined OBX|166|TX| Tumour Focality: Single focus of invasive carcinoma OBX|167|TX| Lymphovascular Invasion: Not identified OBX|168|TX| In Situ Component: Not identified OBX|169|TX| OBX|170|TX|MARGINS OBX|171|TX| Invasive Carcinoma Margins: Positive for invasive carcinoma OBX|172|TX| Positive Margin(s): Anterior OBX|173|TX| Extent: Anterior: 2 mm OBX|174|TX| Distance from Negative Margins OBX|175|TX| Posterior Margin: 4 Millimeters (mm) OBX|176|TX| Superior Margin: 5 Millimeters (mm) OBX|177|TX| DCIS Margins: No DCIS present in specimen OBX|178|TX| OBX|179|TX|LYMPH NODES, REGIONAL OBX|180|TX| No lymph nodes present OBX|181|TX| OBX|182|TX|TREATMENT EFFECT OBX|183|TX| No known presurgical therapy OBX|184|TX| OBX|185|TX|PATHOLOGIC STAGE OBX|186|TX| pTX pNX OBX|187|TX| OBX|188|TX|ANCILLARY STUDIES OBX|189|TX| Best Tumour Block(s): test OBX|190|TX| Biomarker Testing/Results: Performed previously OBX|191|TX| OBX|192|TX|Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 8th edition; CAP eCC February 2019 OBX|193|TX|---------- End of Synoptic Report ---------- OBX|194|TX| ____________________________________ OBX|195|TX| Teresa Chow OBX|196|TX| Electronically signed: 28/Nov/2019 OBX|197|TX| OBX|198|TX|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBX|199|TX| OBX|200|TX| OBX|201|TX| OBX|202|TX| OBX|203|TX| OBX|204|TX| OBX|205|TX| OBX|206|TX| OBX|207|TX| OBX|208|TX| OBX|209|TX|