MSH|^~\&|LAB|SMH|||202002120840||ORU^R01|4166117|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||SM00044281|RC6243|LABTEST^ACADEMIC^||20180321|M||||||||||SM005226/18|9876209312 OBR|1|39274^LAB|00029628^1202:C00004R^LAB^120220:C4^39274|499.0052^QCOWCARM2^QC ONE WORLD CARDIAC MARKERS 2^^^||202002120839|202002120839|||||||202002120839||||||||||LAB|F|||| OBX|1|ST|500.6900^CRPH^C-Reactive Protein High Sens^^30522-7^30522-7|1|3.0^^Y|mg/L|<7.5|N||A^S|F|||202002120840 NTE|1||This high sensitivity CRP method is sensitive to 0.3 mg/L NTE|2||and is suitable for coronary artery risk assessment: NTE|3|| Less than 1.0 mg/L low risk; NTE|4|| 1.0 - 3.0 mg/L intermediate risk; NTE|5|| Greater than 3.0 mg/L high risk. NTE|6||Values greater than 7.5 mg/L are significant for active NTE|7||inflammation or infection and require follow up as NTE|8||clinically needed. For consultation on specific patient NTE|9||cases call your site Medical Biochemist. Interpretation NTE|10||should be based on full history and other risk assessment NTE|11||factors.  MSH|^~\&|LAB|RCH|||202002120841||ORU^R01|4166127|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||RC00007325|RC7134|LABTEST^AIR^UPTEMPO||19740306|M||||||||||RC000949/18|9875474973 OBR|1|39275^LAB|00029629^1202:C00005R^LAB^120220:C5^39275|499.0052^QCOWCARM2^QC ONE WORLD CARDIAC MARKERS 2^^^||202002120840|202002120840|||||||202002120840||||||||||LAB|F|||| OBX|1|ST|500.6900^CRPH^C-Reactive Protein High Sens^^30522-7^30522-7|1|4.0^^Y|mg/L|<7.5|N||A^S|F|||202002120841 NTE|1||This high sensitivity CRP method is sensitive to 0.3 mg/L NTE|2||and is suitable for coronary artery risk assessment: NTE|3|| Less than 1.0 mg/L low risk; NTE|4|| 1.0 - 3.0 mg/L intermediate risk; NTE|5|| Greater than 3.0 mg/L high risk. NTE|6||Values greater than 7.5 mg/L are significant for active NTE|7||inflammation or infection and require follow up as NTE|8||clinically needed. For consultation on specific patient NTE|9||cases call your site Medical Biochemist. Interpretation NTE|10||should be based on full history and other risk assessment NTE|11||factors.