MSH|^~\&|MIC|FLW|||201912161518||ORU^R01|4129740|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||FW00000509|FW509|PHATEST^FLW1^|||M||||||||||FW000002/19| OBR|1|36762^MIC|00027879^19:MT0000255R^MIC^19:MT255^36762|700.1950^CDT^C. difficile Assay^^^XXX-2144||201912161512|201912150800|||||||201912161512|Stool^^^|||||||||MB|F|||| OBX|1|CE|700.2060^CDTPCR R^C. difficile toxin B gene^^74822-8^74822-8^O:NATCDIFF|1.1|NATCDIFF^C. difficile toxin B detected||||||F|||201912161518 OBX|2|ST|700.2060^CDTPCR R^C. difficile toxin B gene^^74822-8^74822-8|1.1|||||||F|||201912161518 NTE|1||Patients positive for the C. difficile toxin B gene should NTE|2||not have a test of cure as the test may remain positive for NTE|3||months after symptom resolution. NTE|4||Approximately 25% of adequately treated patients will have a NTE|5||relapse of C. difficile disease. Repeat C. difficile testing NTE|6||is not helpful. NTE|7|| NTE|8||A copy of these results has been sent to Infection NTE|9||Prevention and Control. NTE|10|| NTE|11||For mild or first recurrent Clostridium difficile associated NTE|12||diarrhea in adults, treatment with oral vancomycin is now NTE|13||considered more effective than metronidazole. Consult NTE|14||Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) 2017 NTE|15||C.difficile guideline or UpToDate.