MSH|^~\&|LAB|LMH|||201911071142||ORU^R01|4101683|D|2.3|||AL|NE PID|1||LM00005042|LM4926|LABLISTEST^LMWAM^PT1||19700201|F||||||||||LM000532/18| OBR|1|32076^LAB|00024715^2708:HC00006R^LAB^270819:HC6^32076|231.2500^PF4^Anti-Platelet Factor 4 Group^^^34701-3||201908271154|201908271154|||||||201908271154||||||||||LAB|I|||| OBX|1|ST|231.2485^HIT R^Platelet PF4 Antibodies^^45155-9^|1|1.1^^Y|U/mL|<1.0|H||A^S|C|||201911071142 NTE|1||This assay has a sensitivity of at least 95% and a NTE|2||specificity of 75% at the 1.0 U/mL cut-off. For results NTE|3||>4.0 U/mL the specificity is 95%. HIT remains a clinical NTE|4||diagnosis and results should be interpreted using the 4T's NTE|5||probability score. NTE|6||* CRITICAL VALUE NTE|7|| NTE|8|| **** CORRECTED RESULT **** NTE|9|| --- 07/11/19 1141 --- NTE|10|| Anti-PF4 previously reported as: 1.1 H U/mL NTE|11||This assay has a sensitivity of at least 95% and a NTE|12||specificity of 75% at the 1.0 U/mL cut-off. For results NTE|13||>4.0 U/mL the specificity is 95%. HIT remains a clinical NTE|14||diagnosis and results should be interpreted using the 4T's NTE|15||probability score. NTE|16|| NTE|17||This assay has a sensitivity of at least 95% and a NTE|18||specificity of 75% at the 1.0 U/mL cut-off. For results NTE|19||>4.0 U/mL the specificity is 95%. HIT remains a clinical NTE|20||diagnosis and results should be interpreted using the 4T's NTE|21||probability score.