consigne; one directional input , x,y analog, one trigger button pausable if windows is not on top, mouse can quit windows without problem SDL: it use only standar SDL lib and standar ansi C libs SDL.h SDL_ttf.h SDL_image.h SDL_mixer.h todo give consistence for various transistion design a better menu redo pausesystem trance.c menu.c and pause system in the same file todo separate some noid.c component noid.c : noidServer & noidEvent Gnoid.c : blit n text service with a new init Inoid.c : all mouse service with a new init Snoid.c : sound service with a init menu.c : contain main menu structure with transision and pause result todo different layer of drawing layer 0 text cursor layer 1 forground layer 2 middle layer 3 background mean taking shoot of layer 123 todo change name of layer structure for channel !!!! todo while engine is mouse/timer oriented . it will need following service double click (done) Mouse clicknkeep + dragdrop mouse release todo music is take a lot of space , need musicservice !!! todo must draw new arting because it starting getting hard for the eyes