Copyright (c) 2000 Ken Yap ssh is a simple frontend for sshdos that gives you the config file functionality of the Unix ssh. This functionality could be put into sshdos but it would make the size of the executable larger. All that is really needed is a program to read in the command line flags, then parse a config file, make some subsitutions and finally exec sshdos. For example, say the config file ssh.cfg contains this: Host sourceforge Hostname User programmer Cipher blowfish Term linux Keymap linux.kbd Mode 132x25 then you can run ssh like this: ssh sourceforge and it will call sshdos like this: sshdos -c blowfish -t linux -k linux.kbd -m 132x25 programmer Like the Unix ssh, it reads options in this order: command line options, user config file, and finally system config file. The first setting of an option is the one that takes effect. Wildcards are allowed for the Host lines, just like the Unix version. Therefore the options should be arranged from the most specific to the least specific. So in the previous example, we could override the cipher and user by ssh -c 3des writer sourceforge and sshdos -c 3des writer is what gets executed. The disadvantage of this approach is that if sshdos gets some new options, then ssh has to be taught about them. (I have made provision for the code to be a frontend for scp later. :-) Ken Yap August 2000