@Interrupt Services DOSùBIOSùEMSùMouse :int table:interrupt table:exceptions:IRQ ^Intel Defined CPU Exception Table (see notes) % Interrupt Function 0 Divide by zero 1 Single step 2 Non-maskable (NMI) 3 Breakpoint 4 Overflow trap 5 BOUND range exceeded (186,286,386) 6 Invalid opcode (186,286,386) 7 Coprocessor not available (286,386) 8 Double fault exception (286,386) 9 Coprocessor segment overrun (286,386) A Invalid task state segment (286,386) B Segment not present (286,386) C Stack exception (286,386) D General protection exception (286,386) E Page fault (286,386) F Reserved 10 Coprocessor error (286,386) ^IBM PC Hardware Interrupt Table (in order of priority) % IRQ# Interrupt Function IRQ0 8 ~timer~ (55ms intervals, 18.2 per second) IRQ1 9 keyboard service required IRQ2 A slave ~8259~ or EGA/VGA vertical retrace IRQ8 70 real time clock (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ9 71 software redirected to IRQ2 (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ10 72 reserved (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ11 73 reserved (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ12 74 mouse interrupt (PS50+) IRQ13 75 numeric coprocessor error (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ14 76 fixed disk controller (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ15 77 reserved (AT,XT286,PS50+) IRQ3 B COM2 or COM4 service required, (COM3-COM8 on MCA PS/2) IRQ4 C COM1 or COM3 service required IRQ5 D fixed disk or data request from LPT2 IRQ6 E floppy disk service required IRQ7 F data request from LPT1 (unreliable on IBM mono) ^Interrupt Table as Implemented by System BIOS/DOS % INT # Locus Function 0 CPU divide by zero 1 CPU single step 2 CPU non-maskable 3 CPU breakpoint 4 CPU overflow trap 5 BIOS print screen 6 CPU Invalid opcode (186,286,386) 7 CPU coprocessor not available (286,386) 8 IRQ0 ~timer~ (55ms intervals, 18.21590 per second) 9 IRQ1 keyboard service required (see ~INT 9~) A IRQ2 slave ~8259~ or EGA/VGA vertical retrace B IRQ3 COM2 service required (PS/2 MCA COM3-COM8) C IRQ4 COM1 service required D IRQ5 fixed disk or data request from LPT2 E IRQ6 floppy disk service required F IRQ7 data request from LPT1 (unreliable on IBM mono) 10 BIOS video (see ~INT 10~) 11 BIOS Equipment determination (see ~INT 11~) 12 BIOS memory size (see ~INT 12~) 13 BIOS disk I/O service (see ~INT 13~) 14 BIOS serial communications (see ~INT 14~) 15 BIOS system services, cassette (see ~INT 15~) 16 BIOS keyboard services (see ~INT 16~) 17 BIOS parallel printer (see ~INT 17~) 18 BIOS ROM BASIC loader 19 BIOS bootstrap loader (unreliable, see ~INT 19~) 1A BIOS time of day (see ~INT 1A~) 1B BIOS user defined ctrl-break handler (see ~INT 1B~) 1C BIOS user defined clock tick handler (see ~INT 1C~) 1D BIOS ~6845~ video parameter pointer 1E BIOS diskette parameter pointer (base table) 1F BIOS graphics character table 20 DOS general program termination 21 DOS function request services (see ~INT 21~) 22 DOS terminate address (see ~INT 22~) 23 DOS control break termination address (see ~INT 23~) 24 DOS critical error handler (see ~INT 24~) 25 DOS absolute disk read (see ~INT 25~) 26 DOS absolute disk write (see ~INT 26~) 27 DOS terminate and stay resident (see ~INT 27~) 28 DOS idle loop, issued by DOS when idle (see ~INT 28~) 29 DOS fast TTY console I/O (see ~INT 29~) 2A DOS critical section and NETBIOS (see ~INT 2A~) 2B DOS internal, simple ~IRET~ in DOS 2.0-5.0 2C DOS internal, simple IRET in DOS 2.0-5.0 2D DOS internal, simple IRET in DOS 2.0-5.0 2E DOS exec command from base level command interpreter (see ~INT 2E~) 2F DOS multiplexer (see ~INT 2F~) 30-31 CPM far jump vector for CPM (not an interrupt) 31 DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface (for DOS extenders) 32 reserved 33 mouse support (see ~INT 33~) 34-3E Microsoft/Borland floating point emulation 3F overlay manager 40 BIOS hard disk 41 BIOS fixed disk 0 parameters pointer (see ~INT 13,9~) 42 BIOS relocated video handler (EGA/VGA/PS) 43 BIOS user font table (EGA/VGA/PS) 44 BIOS first 128 graphics characters (also Netware) 45 BIOS reserved for BIOS 46 BIOS fixed disk 1 parameters ptr (see ~INT 13,9~/INT 41) 47 BIOS reserved for BIOS 48 BIOS PCjr cordless keyboard translation 49 BIOS PCjr non-keyboard scancode translation table 4A BIOS user alarm (AT,CONV,PS/2) (see ~INT 4A~) 4B-4F BIOS reserved 50 BIOS periodic alarm from timer (PS/2) 51-58 BIOS reserved 59 BIOS GSS Computer Graphics Interface 5A BIOS cluster adapter BIOS entry point 5B BIOS cluster adapter boot 5C NETBIOS NETBIOS interface, TOPS interface 5D-5F BIOS reserved for BIOS 60-67 reserved for user software interrupts 67 EMS LIM/EMS specification (see ~INT 67~) 68 APPC 69-6B reserved by IBM 6C DOS DOS 3.2 real time clock update BIOS system resume vector 6D-6F reserved 70 IRQ8 real time clock (AT,XT286,PS50+, see ~INT 15~) 71 IRQ9 software redirected to IRQ2 (AT,XT286,PS50+) 72 IRQ10 reserved (AT,XT286,PS50+) 73 IRQ11 reserved (AT,XT286,PS50+) 74 IRQ12 mouse interrupt (PS50+) 75 IRQ13 numeric coprocessor NMI error (AT,XT286,PS50+) 76 IRQ14 fixed disk controller (AT,XT286,PS50+) 77 IRQ15 reserved (AT,XT286,PS50+) 78-79 unused 80-85 ROM BASIC 86-F0 DOS reserved for BASIC interpreter use 86 NETBIOS NETBIOS relocated INT 18 E0 CPM CP/M 86 function calls F1-FF reserved by IBM FE-FF may be destroyed by return from protected mode using VDISK on 286 machines (Apr 86, DDJ) - Intel defined 0 through 20h for use for internal CPU; IBM redefined interrupts 0 through 1Fh for its own use, hence the duplicate definitions in the tables - all interrupts except the internal CPU exceptions push the flags and the CS:IP of the next instruction onto the stack. CPU exception interrupts are similar but push the CS:IP of the causal instruction. 8086/88 divide exceptions are different, they return to the instruction following the division - interrupts are disabled upon entry into any interrupt routine and should be enabled by the user or by an ~IRET~ - in DOS 3.2+ hardware IRQ interrupts are re-vectored through DOS to provide standard stack frames :int 5 ^INT 5 - Print Screen no input data % related memory: 50:00 = 00 Print screen has not been called, or upon return from a call there were no errors = 01 Print screen is already in progress = FF Error encountered during printing - invoked from ~INT 9~ :int 8:BIOS timer interrupt ^INT 8 - System timer no input data % related memory: 40:6C = Daily timer counter (4 bytes) 40:70 = 24 hr overflow flag (1 byte) 40:67 = Day counter on all products after AT 40:40 = Motor shutoff counter - decremented until 0 then shuts off diskette motor - ~INT 1C~ is invoked as a user interrupt - the byte at 40:70 is a flag that certain DOS functions use and adjust the date if necessary. Since this is a flag and not a counter it results in DOS (not the ~RTC~) losing days when several midnights pass before a DOS call - generated 18.2 times per second by the ~8253~ Programmable Interval Timer (PIT) - normal INT 8 execution takes approximately 100 microseconds - see ~8253~ :int 9:keyboard interrupt ^INT 9 - Keyboard Interrupt (Hardware Handler) no input data % related memory: 40:17 = updates keyboard flag byte 0 40:18 = updates keyboard flag byte 1 40:1A = queue head ptr is set to buffer start if Ctrl-Break is hit 40:1C = updates buffer tail pointer for each keystroke; sets queue tail ptr is set to queue start if Ctrl-Break is hit 40:1E = updates keyboard buffer (32 bytes) 40:71 = updates bit 7 of the BIOS break flag if Ctrl-Break is hit 40:72 = updates reset flag with 1234H if Ctrl-Alt-Del pressed 40:96 = indicates keyboard type (AT,PS/2) 40:97 = updates keyboard LED flags (AT,PS/2) FFFF:0 = reboot code called if Ctrl-Alt-Del pressed % related interrupts: ~INT 5~ invoked if print screen key pressed ~INT 1B~ invoked if Ctrl-Break key sequence pressed ~INT 15,85~ invoked on AT if system request key is pressed ~INT 15,4F~ invoked on machines after PC/AT with AL = scan code - records key press and key release via IRQ1/8259 and stores scan codes in the BIOS buffer located at 40:1C - keyboard controllers also buffer data when interrupts are disabled at the ~8259~ interrupt controller - keyboard controller is capable of storing 16 keystrokes even when interrupts are disabled at the 8259 - normal INT 9 execution takes approximately 500 microseconds; at least one standard XT BIOS is known to take up to 1.3 milliseconds to execute - see ~MAKE CODES~ ~KB FLAGS~ :int 10:BIOS video services:video interrupt ^INT 10 - Video BIOS Services % For more information, see the following topics: ~INT 10,0~ - Set video mode ~INT 10,1~ - Set cursor type ~INT 10,2~ - Set cursor position ~INT 10,3~ - Read cursor position ~INT 10,4~ - Read light pen ~INT 10,5~ - Select active display page ~INT 10,6~ - Scroll active page up ~INT 10,7~ - Scroll active page down ~INT 10,8~ - Read character and attribute at cursor ~INT 10,9~ - Write character and attribute at cursor ~INT 10,A~ - Write character at current cursor ~INT 10,B~ - Set color palette ~INT 10,C~ - Write graphics pixel at coordinate ~INT 10,D~ - Read graphics pixel at coordinate ~INT 10,E~ - Write text in teletype mode ~INT 10,F~ - Get current video state ~INT 10,10~ - Set/get palette registers (EGA/VGA) ~INT 10,11~ - Character generator routine (EGA/VGA) ~INT 10,12~ - Video subsystem configuration (EGA/VGA) ~INT 10,13~ - Write string (BIOS after 1/10/86) ~INT 10,14~ - Load LCD char font (convertible) ~INT 10,15~ - Return physical display parms (convertible) ~INT 10,1A~ - Video Display Combination (VGA) ~INT 10,1B~ - Video BIOS Functionality/State Information (MCGA/VGA) ~INT 10,1C~ - Save/Restore Video State (VGA only) ~INT 10,FE~ - Get DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer ~INT 10,FF~ - Update DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer Warning: Some BIOS implementations have a bug that causes register BP to be destroyed. It is advisable to save BP before a call to Video BIOS routines on these systems. - registers CS, DS, ES, SS, BX, CX, DX are preserved unless explicitly changed - see ~INT 1F~ ~INT 1D~ ~INT 29~ ~INT 21,2~ ~INT 21,6~ ~INT 21,9~ :int 10,0:video modes ^INT 10,0 - Set Video Mode AH = 00 AL = 00 40x25 B/W text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 01 40x25 16 color text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 02 80x25 16 shades of gray text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 03 80x25 16 color text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 04 320x200 4 color graphics (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 05 320x200 4 color graphics (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 06 640x200 B/W graphics (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA) = 07 80x25 Monochrome text (MDA,HERC,EGA,VGA) = 08 160x200 16 color graphics (PCjr) = 09 320x200 16 color graphics (PCjr) = 0A 640x200 4 color graphics (PCjr) = 0B Reserved (EGA BIOS function 11) = 0C Reserved (EGA BIOS function 11) = 0D 320x200 16 color graphics (EGA,VGA) = 0E 640x200 16 color graphics (EGA,VGA) = 0F 640x350 Monochrome graphics (EGA,VGA) = 10 640x350 16 color graphics (EGA or VGA with 128K) 640x350 4 color graphics (64K EGA) = 11 640x480 B/W graphics (MCGA,VGA) = 12 640x480 16 color graphics (VGA) = 13 320x200 256 color graphics (MCGA,VGA) = 8x EGA, MCGA or VGA ignore bit 7, see below = 9x EGA, MCGA or VGA ignore bit 7, see below - if AL bit 7=1, prevents EGA,MCGA & VGA from clearing display - function updates byte at 40:49; bit 7 of byte 40:87 (EGA/VGA Display Data Area) is set to the value of AL bit 7 :int 10,1 ^INT 10,1 - Set Cursor Type AH = 01 CH = cursor starting scan line (cursor top) (low order 5 bits) CL = cursor ending scan line (cursor bottom) (low order 5 bits) returns nothing - cursor scan lines are zero based - cursor size can also be set via the ~6845~ CRT controller - cursor size can be determined using the CRTC, ~INT 10,3~ or the ~BIOS Data Area~ bytes 40:60 (ending scan line) and 40:61 (starting scan line) - the following is a list of the cursor scan lines associated with most common adapters; screen sizes over 40 lines may differ depending on adapters. % Line Starting Ending Character % Video Count Scan Line Scan Line Point Size CGA 25 06 07 08 MDA 25 0B 0C 0E EGA 25 06 07 0E EGA 43 04/06 07 08 VGA 25 0D 0E 10 VGA 40 08 09 0A VGA 50 06 07 08 - use CX = 2000h to disable cursor :int 10,2 ^INT 10,2 - Set Cursor Position AH = 02 BH = page number (0 for graphics modes) DH = row DL = column returns nothing - positions relative to 0,0 origin - 80x25 uses coordinates 0,0 to 24,79; 40x25 uses 0,0 to 24,39 - the ~6845~ can also be used to perform this function - setting the data in the BIOS Data Area at location 40:50 does not take immediate effect and is not recommended - see ~VIDEO PAGES~ ~6845~ ~BDA~ :int 10,3 ^INT 10,3 - Read Cursor Position and Size AH = 03 BH = video page on return: CH = cursor starting scan line (low order 5 bits) CL = cursor ending scan line (low order 5 bits) DH = row DL = column - returns data from ~BIOS DATA AREA~ locations 40:50, 40:60 and 40:61 - the ~6845~ can also be used to read the cursor position - the return data can be circumvented by direct port I/O to the 6845 CRT Controller since this function returns the data found in the BIOS Data Area without actually checking the controller :int 10,4 ^INT 10,4 - Read Light Pen Position AH = 04 on return: AH = 0 light pen switch not triggered = 1 light pen triggered BX = pixel column (0-319 or 0-639, mode dependent) CH = raster line (0-199) (CGA and EGA modes 4, 5 and 6) CX = raster line (EGA modes except 4, 5 and 6) DH = row (0-24) DL = column (0-79 or 0-79 mode dependent) - data returned as a byte coordinate, leaving horizontal accuracy to within 2 pixels (320) or 4 pixels (640) - vertical accuracy within 2 lines - PS/2's don't support the light pen interface :int 10,5 ^INT 10,5 - Select Active Display Page AH = 05 AL = new page number, see ~VIDEO PAGES~ for PCjr only: AL = 80h to read CRT/CPU page registers 81h to set CPU page register BL = CPU page register 82h to set CRT page register BH = CRT page register 83h to set CPU and page registers BH = CRT page register BL = CPU page register on return: (PCjr only) BH = CRT page register BL = CPU page register :int 10,6 ^INT 10,6 - Scroll Window Up AH = 06 AL = number of lines to scroll, previous lines are blanked, if 0 or AL > screen size, window is blanked BH = attribute to be used on blank line CH = row of upper left corner of scroll window CL = column of upper left corner of scroll window DH = row of lower right corner of scroll window DL = column of lower right corner of scroll window returns nothing - in video mode 4 (300x200 4 color) on the EGA, MCGA and VGA this function scrolls page 0 regardless of the current page - can be used to scroll graphics screens, using character coords - on CGA's this function disables video adapter, causing flitter :int 10,7 ^INT 10,7 - Scroll Window Down AH = 07 AL = number of lines to scroll, previous lines are blanked, if 0 or AL > screen size, window is blanked BH = attribute to be used on blank line CH = row of upper left corner of scroll window CL = column of upper left corner of scroll window DH = row of lower right corner of scroll window DL = column of lower right corner of scroll window returns nothing - in video mode 4 (300x200 4 color) on the EGA, MCGA and VGA this function scrolls page 0 regardless of the current page - can be used to scroll graphics screens, using character coords - on CGA's this function disables video adapter, causing flitter :int 10,8 ^INT 10,8 - Read Character and Attribute at Cursor Position AH = 08 BH = display page on return: AH = attribute of character (alpha modes only) AL = character at cursor position - in video mode 4 (300x200 4 color) on the EGA, MCGA and VGA this function works only on page zero :int 10,9 ^INT 10,9 - Write Character and Attribute at Cursor Position AH = 09 AL = ASCII character to write BH = display page (or mode 13h, background pixel value) BL = character attribute (text) foreground color (graphics) CX = count of characters to write (CX >= 1) returns nothing - does not move the cursor - in graphics mode (except mode 13h), if BL bit 7=1 then value of BL is XOR'ed with the background color :int 10,a ^INT 10,A - Write Character Only at Current Cursor Position AH = 0A AL = ASCII character to write BH = display page (or mode 13h, background pixel value) BL = foreground color (graphics mode only) CX = count of characters to write (CX >= 1) return nothing - similar to ~INT 10,9~ except color ignored in text modes :int 10,b ^INT 10,B - Set Color Palette AH = 0B BH = palette color ID = 0 to set background and border color = 1 to select 4 color palette BL = color value (when BH = 0) = palette value (when BH = 1) Palette Pixel Color 0 0 current background color 1 green (2) 2 red (4) 3 brown (6) 1 0 current background color 1 cyan (3) 2 magenta (5) 3 white (7) - does not work for all EGA and VGA video modes - sets border color in text mode (BH = 0) :int 10,c ^INT 10,C - Write Graphics Pixel at Coordinate AH = 0C AL = color value (XOR'ED with current pixel if bit 7=1) BH = page number, see ~VIDEO PAGES~ CX = column number (zero based) DX = row number (zero based) returns nothing - if bit 7 is 1, color specified is XOR'ed with current pixel - page number in BH ignored for 320x200 4 color graphics mode - this function is known to destroy AX and possibly SI and DI on on some PS/2 VGA systems :int 10,d ^INT 10,D - Read Graphics Pixel at Coordinate AH = 0D BH = page number, see ~VIDEO PAGES~ CX = column number (zero based) DX = row number (zero based) on return: AL = color of pixel read - 64K IBM EGAs with BIOS dated 9/13/84 in 350 line video modes, return invalid data in AL - page number in BH ignored for 320x200 4 color graphics mode :int 10,e ^INT 10,E - Write Text in Teletype Mode AH = 0E AL = ASCII character to write BH = page number (text modes) BL = foreground pixel color (graphics modes) returns nothing - cursor advances after write - characters BEL (7), BS (8), LF (A), and CR (D) are treated as control codes - for some older BIOS (10/19/81), the BH register must point to the currently displayed page - on CGA adapters this function can disable the video signal while performing the output which causes flitter. :int 10,f ^INT 10,F - Get Video State AH = 0F on return: AH = number of screen columns AL = mode currently set (see ~VIDEO MODES~) BH = current display page - video modes greater than 13h on EGA, MCGA and VGA indicate ~INT 10,0~ was called with the high bit of the mode (AL) set to 1, meaning the display does not need cleared - function returns byte value at 40:49; On EGA, MCGA and VGA bit 7 of register AL is determined by bit 7 of BIOS Data Area byte 40:87. This bit is usually set by INT 10,0 with bit 7 of the requested mode (in AL) set to 1 :int 10,10 ^INT 10,10 - Set/Get Palette Registers (EGA/VGA) AH = 10h % AL = 00 set individual palette register BH = color value BL = palette register % AL = 01 set border color (overscan register) BH = color value % AL = 02 set all palette registers and border ES:DX = pointer to 17 byte table representing 16 palette registers and border color register % AL = 03 toggle intensity/blinking (EGA) BL = 0 enable intensity 1 enable blinking % AL = 07 read palette register (PS/2) BL = palette register to read (0-15) on return: BH = value of palette register % AL = 08 read border color (overscan register, PS/2) on return: BH = value of border color (overscan register) % AL = 09 read palette registers and border (PS/2) ES:DX = pointer to 17 byte table representing 16 palette registers and border color register on return: ES:DX = pointer to table provided as input % AL = 10 set DAC color register BX = color register to set CH = green value CL = blue value DH = red value % AL = 12 set block of DAC color registers BX = first color register to set CX = number of color registers to set ES:DX = pointer to table of color values to set % AL = 13 set attribute controller color select state BL = 0 set Mode Control register bit 7 BH = value for bit 7 BL = 1 set color select register BH = value for color select register % AL = 15 read DAC color register (PS/2) BX = color register to read on return: CH = green value CL = blue value DH = red value % AL = 17 read block of DAC color registers BX = first color register to read CX = number of color registers to read ES:DX = pointer to buffer for color registers on return: ES:DX = pointer to color table provided as input % AL = 18 update video DAC mask register BL = new mask % AL = 19 read video DAC mask register on return: BL = value read from video DAC mask register % AL = 1A read color page state BL = bit 7 of Mode Control Register BH = bits 2 thru 3 of Color select register if BL = 0 = bits 0 thru 3 of Color select register if BL = 1 on return: BL = current paging mode CX = current page % AL = 1B sum color values to shades of gray BX = first color register to sum CX = number of color registers to sum - controls the pixel color mapping bit values - BIOS extension to EGA/VGA systems :int 10,11 ^INT 10,11 - Character Generator Routine (EGA/VGA) AH = 11h % AL = 00 user character load BH = number of bytes per character BL = table in character generator RAM CX = count of characters in table DX = ASCII code of first character defined ES:BP = pointer to user table % AL = 01 ROM BIOS 8x14 monochrome set BL = table in character generator RAM % AL = 02 ROM BIOS 8x8 double dot BL = table in character generator RAM % AL = 03 set displayed definition table BL = value for character Map Select register (EGA,VGA) = character generator RAM table numbers (MCGA) % AL = 04 ROM BIOS 8x16 character set BL = table in character generator RAM % AL = 10 user specified character definition table BH = bytes per character (points) BL = table in character generator RAM CX = number of characters defined in table DX = ASCII code of first character defined ES:BP = pointer to user table % AL = 11 ROM BIOS 8x14 monochrome character set BL = table in character generator RAM % AL = 12 ROM 8x8 double dot character definitions BL = table in character generator RAM % AL = 14 ROM 8x16 double dot character definitions BL = table in character generator RAM % AL = 20 pointer to graphics character table for ~INT 1F~ (8x8) ES:BP = pointer to user table % AL = 21 user graphics character pointer at INT 43 BL = row specifier = 0 - user specified (DL = rows) = 1 is 14 rows = 2 is 25 rows = 3 is 43 rows CX = bytes per character (points) DL = rows (when BL = 0) ES:BP = pointer to user table % AL = 22 ROM 8x14 character set BL = number of rows (see AL=21) DL = rows (when BL = 0) % AL = 23 ROM 8x8 double dot character set BL = row specifier (see AL=21) DL = rows (when BL = 0) % AL = 24 ROM 8x16 character set BL = row specifier (see AL=21) DL = rows (when BL = 0) % AL = 30 get current character generator information BH = information desired: = 0 ~INT 1F~ pointer = 1 INT 44h pointer = 2 ROM 8x14 pointer = 3 ROM 8x8 double dot pointer (base) = 4 ROM 8x8 double dot pointer (top) = 5 ROM 9x14 alpha alternate pointer = 6 ROM 8x16 character table pointer = 7 ROM 9x16 alternate character table pointer on return: CX = bytes per character (points) DL = rows (less 1) ES:BP = pointer to table :int 10,12 ^INT 10,12 - Video Subsystem Configuration (EGA/VGA) AH = 12h % BL = 10 return video configuration information on return: BH = 0 if color mode in effect = 1 if mono mode in effect BL = 0 if 64k EGA memory = 1 if 128k EGA memory = 2 if 192k EGA memory = 3 if 256k EGA memory CH = feature bits CL = switch settings % BL = 20 select alternate print screen routine % BL = 30 select scan lines for alphanumeric modes AL = 0 200 scan lines = 1 350 scan lines = 2 400 scan lines on return: AL = 12 % BL = 31 select default palette loading AL = 0 enable default palette loading = 1 disable default palette loading on return: AL = 12 % BL = 32 CPU access to video RAM AL = 0 enable CPU access to video RAM and I/O ports = 1 disable CPU access to video RAM and I/O ports on return: AL = 12 % BL = 33 Gray scale summing AL = 0 enable gray scale summing = 2 disable gray scale summing on return: AL = 12 % BL = 34 cursor emulation AL = 0 enable cursor emulation = 1 disable cursor emulation on return: AL = 12 % BL = 35 PS/2 video display switching AL = 0 initial adapter video off = 1 initial planar video on = 2 switch active video off = 3 switch inactive video on ES:DX pointer to 128 byte save area (when AL = 0, 2 or 3) on return: AL = 12 % BL = 36 video refresh control AL = 0 enable refresh = 1 disable refresh on return: AL = 12 :int 10,13 ^INT 10,13 - Write String (BIOS versions from 1/10/86) AH = 13h AL = write mode (see bit settings below) = 0 string is chars only, attribute in BL, cursor not moved = 1 string is chard only, attribute in BL, cursor moved = 2 string contains chars and attributes, cursor not moved = 3 string contains chars and attributes, cursor moved BH = video page number BL = attribute if mode 0 or 1 (AL bit 1=0) CX = length of string (ignoring attributes) DH = row coordinate DL = column coordinate ES:BP = pointer to string Bit settings for write mode (register AL): ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 0=don't move cursor, 1=move cursor ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 0=BL has attributes, 1=string has attributes ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused returns nothing - BEL, BS, CR, LF are treated as ASCII control codes - wraps data and scrolls if unable to fit data on one line :int 10,14 ^INT 10,14 - Load LCD Character Font (convertible only) AH = 14h % AL = 0 - load user specified font ES:DI = pointer to character font CX = number of characters to store DX = char offset into ram font area BH = number of bytes per character BL = 0 load main font (block 0) = 1 load alternate font (block 1) % AL = 1 - load system ROM default font BL = 0 load main font (block 0) = 1 load alternate font (block 1) % AL = 2 - set mapping of LCD high intensity attribute BL = 0 ignore high intensity attribute = 1 map high intensity to underscore = 2 map high intensity to reverse video = 3 map high intensity to select alternate font :int 10,15 ^INT 10,15 - Return Physical Display Parms (convertible) AH = 15h on return: AX = alternate display adapter type ES:DI = pointer to parameter table: % Offset Size Description 01 word monitor model number 02 word vertical pels per meter 03 word horizontal pels per meter 04 word total number of vertical pels 05 word total number of horizontal pels 06 word horizontal pel separation in micrometers 07 word vertical pel separation in micrometers :int 10,1a ^INT 10,1A - Video Display Combination (VGA) AH = 1A AL = 00 get video display combination = 01 set video display combination BL = active display (see table below) BH = inactive display on return: AL = 1A, if a valid function was requested in AH BL = active display (AL=00, see table below) BH = inactive display (AL=00) % Valid display codes: FF Unrecognized video system 00 No display 01 MDA with monochrome display 02 CGA with color display 03 Reserved 04 EGA with color display 05 EGA with monochrome display 06 Professional graphics controller 07 VGA with analog monochrome display 08 VGA with analog color display 09 Reserved 0A MCGA with digital color display 0B MCGA with analog monochrome display 0C MCGA with analog color display - returns value at byte 40:8A indicating display combination status - used to detect video display capabilities :int 10,1b ^INT 10,1B - Video BIOS Functionality and ^State Information (MCGA/VGA) AH = 1B BX = implementation type (must be zero) ES:DI = pointer to 64 byte buffer on return: AL = 1B ES:DI = pointer to updated buffer (see below) - returns static and dynamic information about the current state and capabilities of the current video system - bytes 0-3 of the dynamic data table at ES:DI contain a far pointer to the video static information table ^Video BIOS Dynamic Functionality State Table (MCGA/VGA) % Dynamic Video State Table 00 dword address of static functionality table 04 byte video mode 05 word number of columns 07 word length of displayed video buffer (# bytes) 09 word start address of upper left corner of video buffer 0B 16bytes cursor position table for 8 pages (col,row) 1B byte cursor end line 1C byte cursor start line 1D byte active video page 1E word I/O port for CRTC address register 20 byte current value of CRTC 3x8 register 21 byte current value of CRTC 3x9 register 22 byte number of displayed character rows 23 word height of character matrix (points) 25 byte active display combination code 26 byte inactive display combination code 27 word number of displayed colors (mono = 0) 29 byte number of supported video pages 2A byte raster scan lines 0=200, 1=350, 2=400, 3=480 2B byte text character table used 2C byte text character table used 2D byte other state information: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ State Information byte at offset 2D ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = all modes active (MCGA always 0) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = gray scale summing enabled ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = monochrome display attached ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = default palette loading disabled ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = cursor emulation enabled ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = blinking attribute enabled ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = reserved 2E 3bytes reserved 31 byte video RAM available 0=64K, 1=128K, 2=192K, 3=256K 32 byte save area status ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Save Area Status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = two text char sets are active ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = dynamic save area is active ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = text char set override is active ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = graphics char set is override active ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = palette override is active ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = display combination code ext. active ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = reserved 33 dword reserved ^Video BIOS Static Functionality Table (EGA/VGA) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Video modes supported, byte at offset 00 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = mode 0 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 3 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 4 ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 5 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 6 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 7 ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Video modes supported, byte at offset 01 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = mode 8 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 9 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode A ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode B ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode C ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode D ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode E ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode F ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Video modes supported, byte at offset 02 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = mode 10 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 11 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 12 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = mode 13 ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved 03 dword reserved 07 byte scan lines supported in text modes ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Scan lines supported, byte at offset 07 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = 200 lines ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = 350 lines ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = 400 lines 08 byte max number of displayable text character sets 09 byte # of text definition tables in char generator RAM 0A byte other capability flags ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Other flags, byte at offset 0A ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = all modes (0 on MCGA) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = gray scale summing ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = character set loading ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = default palette loading ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = cursor emulation ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = 64 color palette ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = video DAC loading ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = DAC controlled by ACCS 0B byte other capability flags ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Other flags, byte at offset 0B ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ 1 = light pen support ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = save/restore video state ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = blinking/background intensity ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = display combination code ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved 0C word reserved 0E byte save area capabilities ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ save area capabilities at offset 0E ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = multiple text character sets ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = dynamic save area ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = text character set override ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = graphics character set override ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = palette override ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = display combination code extension ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved 0F byte reserved :int 10,1c ^INT 10,1C - Save/Restore Video State (VGA only) AH = 1C % AL = 0 get save buffer size CX = requested states bit 0: video hardware state bit 1: video BIOS data areas bit 2: video DAC state on return: AL = 1C BX = buffer size in 64 byte blocks % AL = 1 save requested state CX = requested states (see AL = 0) ES:BX = pointer to buffer returns nothing % AL = 2 restore requested states CX = requested states (see AL = 0) ES:BX = pointer to buffer returns nothing :int 10,fe ^INT 10,FE - Get DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer AH = FE ES:DI = set to sentinel value (test for INT 10,FE supported) returns: ES:DI = address of DESQView/TopView video buffer, DI will always be zero - on return ES:DI should be tested against the original value; the value will change if this function is supported (DESQView or TopView loaded), otherwise it will remain unchanged - if ES:DI changes this address can be used as the video screen regen buffer :int 10,ff ^INT 10,FF - Update DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer AH = FF CX = number of characters changed ES:DI = pointer to first character in buffer to change, ES is set to segment returned by ~INT 10,FE~ returns nothing - the physical screen does not get updated until INT 10,FF is called in TopView - it is not necessary to make this call under DESQView since it handles updates automatically - calling this function under DESQView will cancel the automatic update mode :int 11:equipment flags ^INT 11 - BIOS Equipment Determination / BIOS Equipment Flags no input data on return: AX contains the following bit flags: ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ IPL diskette installed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ math coprocessor ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ old PC system board RAM < 256K ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ pointing device installed (PS/2) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ not used on PS/2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ initial video mode ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ # of diskette drives, less 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 if DMA installed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ number of serial ports ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ game adapter installed ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused, internal modem (PS/2) ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ number of printer ports - bits 3 & 2, system board RAM if less than 256K motherboard 00 - 16K 01 - 32K 10 - 16K 11 - 64K (normal) - bits 5 & 4, initial video mode 00 - unused 01 - 40x25 color 10 - 80x25 color 11 - 80x25 monochrome - bits 7 & 6, number of disk drives attached, when bit 0=1 00 - 1 drive 01 - 2 drives 10 - 3 drive 11 - 4 drives - returns data stored at ~BIOS Data Area~ location 40:10 - some flags are not guaranteed to be correct on all machines - bit 13 is used on the PCjr to indicate serial printer :int 12 ^INT 12 - Memory Size Determination no input data on return: AX = the number of contiguous 1k memory blocks found at startup - contiguous memory does not include video memory or extended RAM :int 13:BIOS disk services ^INT 13 - Diskette BIOS Services ^For more information see the following topics: ~INT 13,0~ Reset disk system ~INT 13,1~ Get disk status ~INT 13,2~ Read disk sectors ~INT 13,3~ Write disk sectors ~INT 13,4~ Verify disk sectors ~INT 13,5~ Format disk track ~INT 13,6~ Format track and set bad sector flag (XT & portable) ~INT 13,7~ Format the drive starting at track (XT & portable) ~INT 13,8~ Get current drive parameters (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,9~ Initialize 2 fixed disk base tables (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,A~ Read long sector (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,B~ Write long sector (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,C~ Seek to cylinder (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,D~ Alternate disk reset (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,E~ Read sector buffer (XT & portable only) ~INT 13,F~ Write sector buffer (XT & portable only) ~INT 13,10~ Test for drive ready (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,11~ Recalibrate drive (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,12~ Controller ram diagnostic (XT & portable only) ~INT 13,13~ Drive diagnostic (XT & portable only) ~INT 13,14~ Controller internal diagnostic (XT & newer, see note Ø) ~INT 13,15~ Read disk type/DASD type (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer) ~INT 13,16~ Disk change line status (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer) ~INT 13,17~ Set dasd type for format (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer) ~INT 13,18~ Set media type for format (BIOS date specific) ~INT 13,19~ Park fixed disk heads (AT & newer) ~INT 13,1A~ Format ESDI drive unit (PS/2 50+) Ø The 1983 version of the "IBM XT BIOS Technical Reference" shows these functions are available for the XT but many other programming references say they aren't available until the AT. This is probably due to misunderstanding the design of the disk BIOS. Upon bootup the hard disk BIOS replaces the default INT 13h diskette handler with the hard disk INT 13h handler. % Most disk BIOS calls use the following parameter scheme: AH = function request number AL = number of sectors (1-128 dec.) CH = cylinder number (0-1023 dec.) CL = sector number (1-17 dec.) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=C:, 81h=D:) Note that some programming references use (0-3) as the drive number which represents diskettes only. ES:BX = address of user buffer % and return with: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = status of operation (see INT 13,STATUS) - INT 13 diskette read functions should be retried at least 3 times to assure the disk motor has time to spin up to speed - physical sector numbers can be converted to and from DOS sector numbers with the following formulas: dos_sector = (sector - 1) + (head * sectors_per_track) + (track * sectors_per_track * num_heads) physical_sector = 1 + (dos_sector MOD sectors_per_track) physical_head = (dos_sector / sectors_per_track) MOD num_heads physical_track = dos_sector / (sectors_per_track * num_heads) - registers DS, BX, CX and DX are preserved - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ :int 13,0 ^INT 13,0 - Reset Disk System AH = 00 DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = disk operation status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - clears reset flag in controller and pulls heads to track 0 - setting the controller reset flag causes the disk to recalibrate on the next disk operation - if bit 7 is set, the diskette drive indicated by the lower 7 bits will reset then the hard disk will follow; return code in AH is for the drive requested :int 13,1:int 13,status ^INT 13,1 - Disk Status AH = 01 on return: AL = status: % Status in AL 00 no error 01 bad command passed to driver 02 address mark not found or bad sector 03 diskette write protect error 04 sector not found 05 fixed disk reset failed 06 diskette changed or removed 07 bad fixed disk parameter table 08 DMA overrun 09 DMA access across 64k boundary 0A bad fixed disk sector flag 0B bad fixed disk cylinder 0C unsupported track/invalid media 0D invalid number of sectors on fixed disk format 0E fixed disk controlled data address mark detected 0F fixed disk DMA arbitration level out of range 10 ECC/CRC error on disk read 11 recoverable fixed disk data error, data fixed by ECC 20 controller error (NEC for floppies) 40 seek failure 80 time out, drive not ready AA fixed disk drive not ready BB fixed disk undefined error CC fixed disk write fault on selected drive E0 fixed disk status error/Error reg = 0 FF sense operation failed - codes represent controller status after last disk operation - returns the status byte located at 40:41 in the ~BIOS Data Area~ :int 13,2 ^INT 13,2 - Read Disk Sectors AH = 02 AL = number of sectors to read (1-128 dec.) CH = track/cylinder number (0-1023 dec., see below) CL = sector number (1-17 dec.) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = pointer to buffer on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) AL = number of sectors read CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk reads should be retried at least three times and the controller should be reset upon error detection - be sure ES:BX does not cross a 64K segment boundary or a DMA boundary error will occur - many programming references list only floppy disk register values - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5-0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ sector number ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track/cylinder ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track/cyl number - see ~INT 13,A~ :int 13,3 ^INT 13,3 - Write Disk Sectors AH = 03 AL = number of sectors to write (1-128 dec.) CH = track/cylinder number (0-1023 dec.) CL = sector number (1-17 dec., see below) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = pointer to buffer on return: AH = 0 if CF=0; otherwise disk status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) AL = number of sectors written CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk write attempts should reset the controller on error - be sure ES:BX does not cross a 64K segment boundary or a DMA boundary error will occur - IBM PC XT 286 does not require a value in AL, though it is recommended that one be supplied for portability - many programming references list only floppy disk register values - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5-0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ sector number ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track/cylinder ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track/cyl number - see ~INT 13,B~ :int 13,4 ^INT 13,4 - Verify Disk Sectors AH = 04 AL = number of sectors to verify (1-128 dec.) CH = track/cylinder number (0-1023 dec., see below) CL = sector number (1-17 dec.) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = pointer to buffer on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) AL = number of sectors verified CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk reads should be retried at least three times and the controller should be reset upon error detection - causes controller to calculate the CRC of the disk data and compare it against the CRC stored in the sector header - BIOS before 11/15/85 required ES:BX point to a valid buffer that doesn't cross DMA boundaries. More recent BIOS versions actually ignore the buffer and the DMA boundary requirement - use this function to check for valid formatted diskette in a the specified drive and for drive ready for read - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5-0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ sector number ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track/cylinder ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track/cyl number - see ~DETECTING~ :int 13,5 ^INT 13,5 - Format Disk Track AH = 05 AL = interleave value (XT only) CX = track/cylinder number (see below for format) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = pointer to block of "track address fields" containing four byte fields for each sector to be formatted of the form: 1 byte track number 1 byte head number Size # 1 byte sector number Codes Bytes 1 byte sector size code 0 128 1 256 2 512 3 1024 on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk write attempts should reset the controller on error - ~INT 13,17~ should be called to set the DASD type - this function is capable of doing great damage if the parameters are incorrectly specified; only the drive number is checked - initializes disk address fields and data sectors - interleave is specified by ordering of track address fields - after INT 13 disk format, if the disk is to be used with DOS the DOS data structure must be written - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5-0³ CX (cylinder value 0-1023 dec.) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track/cylinder ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track/cyl number :int 13,6 ^INT 13,6 - Format Track and Set Bad Sector Flags (XT & portable) AH = 06 AL = Interleave value (XT only) BX = format buffer, size = 512 bytes; the first 2*(sectors/track) bytes contain F,N for each sector F = 00h for good sector, F = 80h for bad sector N = sector number on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk write attempts should reset the controller on error - only the disk number is checked for validity :int 13,7 ^INT 13,7 - Format Drive Starting at Specified Track (XT & portable) AH = 07 AL = interleave value (XT only) BX = format buffer, size = 512 bytes; the first 2*(sectors/track) bytes contain F, N for each sector where: F = 00h for good sector F = 80h for bad sector N = sector number on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk write attempts should reset the controller on error - only the disk number is checked for validity :int 13,8 ^INT 13,8 - Get Current Drive Parameters (XT & newer) AH = 08 DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) BL = CMOS drive type 01 - 5¬ 360K 03 - 3« 720K 02 - 5¬ 1.2Mb 04 - 3« 1.44Mb CH = cylinders (0-1023 dec. see below) CL = sectors per track (see below) DH = number of sides (0 based) DL = number of drives attached ES:DI = pointer to 11 byte ~Disk Base Table~ (DBT) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error % Cylinder and Sectors Per Track Format ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄ sectors per track ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of cylinder count ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of cylinder count - the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track) - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - only the disk number is checked for validity :int 13,9 ^INT 13,9 - Initialize Fixed Disk Table (XT & newer) AH = 09 DL = fixed disk number (80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - sets specified fixed disk table to the default values from ROM - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - INT 41h vector is pointer to table for drive 0 - INT 46h vector is pointer to table for drive 1 ^Table definitions located by interrupt vectors 41H & 46H % Offset Size Description 00 word maximum number of cylinders 02 byte maximum number of heads 03 word starting reduced write current cylinder 05 word starting write pre-comp cylinder 07 byte maximum ECC data burst length 08 byte control byte: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Control byte ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ drive option ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ always zero ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ disable ECC retries ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ disable access retires :int 13,a ^INT 13,A - Read Long Sector (XT & newer) AH = 0A AL = number of sectors (1-121 dec.) CH = track number (0-1023 dec., see below) CL = sector number (1-17 dec., see below) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = fixed drive number (80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = address of buffer on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) AL = number of sectors actually transferred CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk reads should be retried at least three times and the controller should be reset upon error detection - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - reads regular data sectors (128-1024 bytes) with an additional 4 byte ECC code included - a DMA boundary error will occur if the buffer at ES:BX crosses a 64K segment boundary - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ sector number ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track number ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track number - see ~INT 13,2~ :int 13,b ^INT 13,B - Write Long Sectors (XT & newer) AH = 0B AL = number of sectors (1-121 dec.) CH = track number (0-1023 dec., see below) CL = sector number (1-17 dec., see below) DH = head number (0-15 dec.) DL = fixed drive number (80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = address of buffer on return: AL = number of sectors actually transferred AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - BIOS disk write attempts should reset the controller on error - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - writes regular sectors (128-1024 bytes) with additional 4 byte ECC code included in data - a DMA boundary error will occur if the buffer at ES:BX crosses a 64K segment boundary - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ sector number ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track number ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track number - see ~INT 13,3~ :int 13,c ^INT 13,C - Seek to Cylinder (XT & newer) AH = 0C CH = low order byte of cylinder number (see below) CL = high order byte of cylinder number (see below) DH = head number (0-15) DL = fixed drive number (80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - notice that CX is in reverse byte format similar to the way data is stored in memory and reverse of normal register storage - only the disk number is checked for validity - the parameters in CX change depending on the number of cylinders; the track/cylinder number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5-0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits of track number ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track number :int 13,d ^INT 13,D - Alternate Disk Reset (XT & newer) AH = 0D DL = fixed drive number (80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - used to force drive recalibration similar to ~INT 13,0~ - drive heads are positioned at track zero :int 13,e ^INT 13,E - Read Sector Buffer (XT & portable only) AH = 0E on return: AL = number of sectors actually transferred AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error :int 13,f ^INT 13,F - Write Sector Buffer (XT & portable only) AH = 0F on return: AL = number of sectors actually transferred AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error :int 13,10 ^INT 13,10 - Test for Drive Ready (XT & newer) AH = 10h DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available :int 13,11 ^INT 13,11 - Recalibrate Drive (XT & newer) AH = 11h DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available :int 13,12 ^INT 13,12 - Controller RAM Diagnostic (XT & portable only) AH = 12h on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error :int 13,13 ^INT 13,13 - Drive Diagnostic (XT & portable only) AH = 13h on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error :int 13,14 ^INT 13,14 - Controller Internal Diagnostic (XT & newer) AH = 14h on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - many good programming references indicate this function is only available on the AT, PS/2 and later systems, but all hard disk systems since the XT have this function available - not valid on PS/2 model 30 :int 13,15 ^INT 13,15 - Read DASD Type (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer) AH = 15h DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = 00 drive not present = 01 diskette, no change detection present = 02 diskette, change detection present = 03 fixed disk present CX:DX = number of fixed disk sectors; if 3 is returned in AH CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - XT's must have a BIOS date 1/10/86 or newer - used to determine if ~INT 13,16~ can detect disk change - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ :int 13,16 ^INT 13,16 - Change of Disk Status (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer) AH = 16h DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = 00 no disk change = 01 disk changed CF = set if disk has been removed or an error occurred - used to detect if a disk change has occurred - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ ~INT 13,15~ :int 13,17 ^INT 13,17 - Set DASD Type for Format (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer) AH = 17h AL = 00 no disk = 01 320k/360k diskette in 320k/360k drive = 02 320k/360k diskette in 1.2Mb drive = 03 1.2Mb diskette in 1.2Mb drive = 04 720k diskette in 720k drive (BIOS 6/10/85 & newer) 720K diskette in 1.44Mb drive (PS/2) 1.44Mb diskette in 1.44Mb drive (PS/2) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) returns nothing - only the disk number is checked for validity - tells BIOS format routine about the disk type :int 13,18 ^INT 13,18 - Set Media Type for Format (BIOS date specific) AH = 18h CH = lower 8 bits of number of tracks (0-1023 dec., see below) CL = sectors per track (1-17 dec., see below) DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: ES:DI = pointer to 11-byte ~Disk Base Table~ (DBT) AH = 00h if requested combination supported = 01h if function not available = 0Ch if not supported or drive type unknown = 80h if there is no media in the drive CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - valid only for XT BIOS dated after 1/10/86, AT after 11/15/86, XT 286 and the PS/2 line - only disk number is checked for validity - track number is a 10 bit value taken from the 2 high order bits of CL and the 8 bits in CH (low order 8 bits of track): ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ sectors per track count ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ high order 2 bits track/cyl count ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ low order 8 bits of track/cyl count - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ :int 13,19 ^INT 13,19 - Park Fixed Disk Heads (AT & newer) AH = 19h DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) on return: AH = status (see ~INT 13,STATUS~) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - available only on AT, XT 283 and PS/2 machines :int 13,1a ^INT 13,1A - Format Unit (PS/2 model 50+) AH = 1Ah AL = defect table count DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1) ES:BX = far pointer to defect table CL = modifier bits ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Format Unit Modifier Bits ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1=ignore primary defect map, 0=use map ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1=ignore secondary defect map, 0=use map ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=update secondary defect map, 0=don't ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=do extended surface analysis, 0=don't ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=periodic interrupt status on, 0=off ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved returns nothing - only the disk number is checked for validity - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ :int 14:BIOS serial services:BIOS communications:int 14,status ^INT 14 - BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services % For more information, see the following topics: ~INT 14,0~ Initialize serial port parameters ~INT 14,1~ Send character in AL ~INT 14,2~ Receive character in AL ~INT 14,3~ Get Serial port status ~INT 14,4~ Extended initialize (PS/2) ~INT 14,5~ Extended communication port control (PS/2) - all functions have: AH = function number AL = character to send or receive DX = zero based RS232 card number - all registers are preserved except AX - these functions use hardware flow control - used by DOS MODE to redirect LPTx output to a serial device - see individual functions for more data ^BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services (Status) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL modem status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ clear to send status changed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ data set ready status changed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ trailing edge ring indicator ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ receive line signal changed ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ clear to send ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ data set ready ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ring indicator ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ receive line signal detected ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AH port status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ data ready ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ overrun error ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ parity error ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ framing error ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ break detect ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ transmit holding register empty ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ transmit shift register empty ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ time out (N/A for functions 1 and 2) :int 14,0 ^INT 14,0 - Initialize Communications Port Parameters AH = 00 AL = parms for initialization (see tables below) DX = zero based serial port number (0-1) (0-3 for AT) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL Parity (bits 4 & 3) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄ word length bits 00 = none ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ stop bits flag 01 = odd ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ parity bits 10 = none ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ baud rate bits 11 = even % Word length (bits 1 & 0) Stop bit count (bit 2) 10 = 7 bits 0 = 1 stop bit 11 = 8 bits 1 = 2 stop bits % Baud rate (bits 7, 6 & 5) 000 = 110 baud 100 = 1200 baud 001 = 150 baud 101 = 2400 baud 010 = 300 baud 110 = 4800 baud 011 = 600 baud 111 = 9600 baud (4800 on PCjr) on return: AH = port status AL = modem status - for status bits see ~INT 14,STATUS~ :int 14,1 ^INT 14,1 - Send Character to Communications Port AH = 01 AL = character to send DX = zero based serial port number (0-1) (0-3 for AT) on return: AH = port status (see ~INT 14,STATUS~) bit 7=0 indicates success bit 7=1 indicates error, bits 0-6 indicate cause - ~INT 14,3~ should be used to determine the actual cause of the error since the time-out bit of the status register is always set during an error on this call - uses hardware flow control :int 14,2 ^INT 14,2 - Receive Character from Communications Port AH = 02 DX = zero based serial port number (0-1) (0-3 for AT) on return: AH = port status (see ~INT 14,STATUS~) bit 7 = 0 if successful bit 7 = 1 if call failed AL = character received if call was success - ~INT 14,3~ should be used to determine the actual cause of the error since the time-out bit of the status register is always set during an error on this call - uses hardware flow control :int 14,3 ^INT 14,3 - Get Serial Port Status AH = 03 DX = zero based serial port number (0-1) (0-3 for AT) on return: AH = port status AL = modem status - for status bits see ~INT 14,STATUS~ - the status check performs a poll of the port and does not perform character I/O :int 14,4 ^INT 14,4 - Serial Port Extended Initialization (PS/2 & later systems) AH = 04 AL = break setting BH = parity setting BL = stop bit setting CH = word length setting CL = baud rate setting DX = zero based serial port number (0-3) % --- Break Setting --- 1 = break 0 = no break % ----- Parity Setting ----- --- Stop Bit Setting --- 0 = no parity 0 = one stop bit 1 = odd parity 1 = 2 stop bits 2 = even parity 1« if register CH=0 3 = stick parity odd (5 bit word length) 4 = stick parity even % -- Word Length Setting -- ---- Baud rate Setting ---- 0 = 5 bits 0 = 110 5 = 2400 1 = 6 bits 1 = 150 6 = 4800 2 = 7 bits 2 = 300 7 = 9600 3 = 8 bits 3 = 600 8 = 19200 4 = 1200 on return: AH = port status AL = modem status - for status bits see ~INT 14,STATUS~ :int 14,5 ^INT 14,5 - Extended Communication Port Control (PS/2 & later systems) AH = 05 AL = read or write modem control register = 00 read modem control register = 01 read modem control register DX = zero based serial port number (0-1) (0-3 for AT) BL = modem control register ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ BL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = activate data terminal ready ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = activate request to send ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ OUT1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ OUT2 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = normal, 1 = loopback test ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved, forced to zero on return: AH = port status AL = modem status BL = ~UART~ modem control register - for status bits see ~INT 14,STATUS~ :int 15:BIOS system services:system interrupts ^INT 15 - System BIOS Services ^For more information see the following topics: ~INT 15,0~ Turn cassette motor on (PC,PCjr only) ~INT 15,1~ Turn cassette motor off (PC,PCjr only) ~INT 15,2~ Read blocks from cassette (PC,PCjr only) ~INT 15,3~ Write blocks to cassette (PC,PCjr only) ~INT 15,F~ PS/2 format periodic interrupt (PS/2 only) ~INT 15,20~ PRINT.COM Critical region flag (undocumented DOS 3.x+) ~INT 15,21~ PS/2 power on self test (PS/2 except 30) ~INT 15,40~ Read / modify profiles (convertible only) ~INT 15,41~ Wait on external event (convertible only) ~INT 15,42~ Request system power off (convertible only) ~INT 15,43~ Read system status (convertible only) ~INT 15,44~ (De)activate internal modem power (convertible) ~INT 15,4F~ Keyboard intercept (BIOS date specific) ~INT 15,80~ Device open ~INT 15,81~ Device close ~INT 15,82~ Program termination ~INT 15,83~ Event wait ~INT 15,84~ Joy-Stick support ~INT 15,85~ System request key pressed ~INT 15,86~ Elapsed time wait (AT and after) ~INT 15,87~ Move block to/from extended memory ~INT 15,88~ Extended memory size determination ~INT 15,89~ Switch processor to protected mode ~INT 15,90~ Device busy ~INT 15,91~ Interrupt complete ~INT 15,C0~ Return system configuration parameters (PS/2 only) ~INT 15,C1~ Return extended BIOS data address (PS/2 only) ~INT 15,C2~ Pointing device BIOS interface (PS/2 only) ~INT 15,C3~ Enable/Disable watchdog timer ~INT 15,C4~ Programmable option select - CF is set and AX is left unchanged if a function requested in AH isn't supported - some Tandy BIOS's fail to restore interrupts on return from INT 15 :int 15,0 ^INT 15,0 - Turn Cassette Motor On (PC,PCjr only) AH = 00 - all programs using the cassette must actually turn on the device before use - there is a noticeable delay between turn-on and device ready - a noticeable clicking noise can be heard by switching the cassette on and off - see ~INT 15,1~ :int 15,1 ^INT 15,1 - Turn Cassette Motor Off (PC,PCjr only) AH = 01 - all programs using the cassette should turn off the device after use - a noticeable clicking noise can be heard by switching the cassette on and off - see ~INT 15,0~ :int 15,2 ^INT 15,2 - Read Blocks from Cassette (PC,PCjr only) AH = 02 CX = count of bytes to read ES:BX = pointer to data buffer on return: AH = error code if CF=1 = 1 if CRC error = 2 data transition lost, (bit signal scrambled) = 3 no data found on tape DX = count of bytes actually read ES:BX = pointer to byte following last byte read - data is transferred in 256 byte blocks, though only the number of bytes requested are actually stored :int 15,3 ^INT 15,3 - Write Blocks to Cassette (PC,PCjr only) AH = 03 CX = count of bytes to write ES:BX = pointer to data buffer on return: CX = zero ES:BX = pointer to byte following last byte written - data is actually written in 256 byte blocks - if CX is less than 256, then the block is padded - no error detection/correction is available for writing :int 15,f ^INT 15,F - Format Periodic Interrupt (PS/2 only) AH = 0F AL = phase code = 00 reserved = 01 surface analysis = 02 formatting on return: CF = 0 continue formatting/scanning = 1 end of format/scanning - after formatting/scanning each cylinder the formatting routine calls this interrupt - may be used by a program to gain control after formatting a cylinder - if invoked from a non-PS/2 CF=1 and AH contains the following AH = 80h for PC and PCjr = 86h on most other machines :int 15,20 ^INT 15,20 - PRINT.COM Critical Region Flag (undocumented DOS 3.x+) AH = 20h AL = 00 disable user critical region flag = 01 enable user critical region flag ES:BX = pointer to user critical region flag byte (AH = 1) returns nothing - provides PRINT.COM with the address of a byte to increment on entry to DOS functions - see ~bibliography~ reference for "Undocumented DOS" :int 15,21 ^INT 15,21 - Power On Self Test (POST) Error Log (PS/2 except 30) AH = 21h AL = 00 read POST error log = 01 write error code to POST error log BH = Device code (if write) BL = Device error (if write) on return CF = 0 if successful = 1 if in error (AH contains code) % if reading POST error log: AH = 00h if successful = 80h (PCjr and PC) = 86h for all other machines BX = number of POST error codes stored ES:DI pointer to POST error log % if writing POST error log: AH = 00h if successful = 01 POST error log full = 80h (PCjr and PC) = 86h for all other machines :int 15,40 ^INT 15,40 - Read / Modify Profiles (convertible only) AH = 40h AL = 00 - return system profile in CX,BX 01 - modify system profile CX,BX = profile info AL = 02 - return internal modem profile in BX AL = 03 - modify internal modem profile BX = profile info :int 15,41 ^INT 15,41 - Wait on External Event (convertible only) AH = 41h AL = condition type: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ conditions (codes) to wait for ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1=port address/0=user byte ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved % Condition codes: 0 = any external event 1 = compare and return if equal 2 = compare and return if not equal 3 = test and return if not zero 4 = test and return if zero BH = condition compare or mask value BL = time-out value times 55 ms, 0 if no time limit DX = I/O port address (if AL bit 4 = 1) ES:DI = pointer to user byte (if AL bit 4 = 0) :int 15,42 ^INT 15,42 - Request System Power Off (convertible only) AH = 42h AL = 00 to use system profile = 01 to force suspend regardless of profile :int 15,43 ^INT 15,43 - Read System Status (convertible only) AH = 43h on return AL = STATUS: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ LCD detached ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ RS232/parallel powered on ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ internal modem powered on ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ power activated by alarm ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ standby power lost ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ external power in use ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ battery low :int 15,44 ^INT 15,44 - (De)activate Internal Modem Power (convertible) AH = 44h AL = 00 to power off = 01 to power on :int 15,4f ^INT 15,4F - Keyboard Intercept (BIOS date specific) AH = 4F AL = scan code CF = set to 1 (via STC instruction) on return AH = 80h, CF set (PC, PCjr) = 86h, CF set (XT BIOS 11/8/82, AT BIOS 1/10/84) AL = CF set, new scan code = CF clear, original scancode - available with XT BIOS after 11/8/82, AT BIOS after 1/10/84 - called by ~INT 9~, makes allowance for keyboard translation - normally returns the scan code in AL, with CF set - if function returns with CF clear, INT 9 ignores keystroke - do not rely on this function being called for each INT 9 since any user INT 9 handler can exit prematurely and circumvent this function :int 15,80 ^INT 15,80 - Device Open AH = 80h BX = device id CX = process id on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = 80h for PC & PCjr = 86h for XT (BIOS after 11/8/82) - available on the AT, XT 286, PS/2 and XT with BIOS after 11/8/82 - designed for use in simple multitasking :int 15,81 ^INT 15,81 - Device Close AH = 81h BX = device id CX = process id on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = 80h for PC & PCjr = 86h for XT (BIOS after 11/8/82) - available on the AT, XT 286, PS/2 and XT with BIOS after 11/8/82 - designed for use in simple multitasking :int 15,82 ^INT 15,82 - Program Termination AH = 82h BX = device id on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = 80h for PC & PCjr = 86h for XT (BIOS after 11/8/82) - available on the AT, XT 286, PS/2 and XT with BIOS after 11/8/82 - designed for use in simple multitasking :int 15,83 ^INT 15,83 - Event Wait AH = 83h AL = 0 set interval = 1 cancel interval (PS/2) CX,DX = number of microseconds to wait (976 æs resolution) ES:BX = pointer to memory flag (bit 7 is set when interval expires) (granularity is 976 microseconds) on return: CF = 1 if function already busy AH = 80h for PC = 86h for XT & AT - available on the AT (BIOS after 1/10/84) and PS/2's except 30 - designed for use in simple multitasking :int 15,84 ^INT 15,84 - Joy-Stick Support AH = 84h DX = 0 to read the current switch settings = 1 to read the ~joystick~ position (resistive inputs) on return (DX=0, read switch setting): CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = 80h error code if CF set on PC = 86h error code if CF set on XT before 11/8/82 AL = switch settings in bits 7-4 (if read switch function) on return (DX=1, read joystick position): AX = A(X) BX = A(Y) CX = B(X) DX = B(Y) :int 15,85 ^INT 15,85 - System Request Key Pressed AH = 85h AL = 00 key pressed = 01 key released on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = 80h for PC or PCjr = 86h for XT (BIOS after 11/8/82) - called by BIOS when the System Request key is pressed/released - available on machines with newer BIOS and keyboards :int 15,86 ^INT 15,86 - Elapsed Time Wait (AT and PS/2) AH = 86h CX,DX = number of microseconds to wait (976 æs resolution) on return: CF = set if error (PC,PCjr,XT) = set if wait in progress = clear if successful wait AH = 80h for PC and PCjr = 86h for XT - AT and PS/2 only for system timing - not designed for user application usage :int 15,87 ^INT 15,87 - Move Block to/from Extended Memory AH = 87h CX = word count of block to be moved ES:SI = pointer to Global Descriptor Table (~GDT~) on return: CF = 0 if successful (AH contains return code) = 1 if error detected AH = 0 operation successful (ZF also set) = 1 RAM parity error (if CF set) = 2 other exception (if CF set) = 3 gate address on line 20h failed (if CF set) = 80h on PC and PCjr (if CF set) = 86h on XT and newer 808x machines (if CF set) - transfers data blocks to and from extended memory on 80286 and 80386 machines by switching from real to protected mode for the duration of the transfer - all real mode interrupts are disabled - processor shuts down during the switch from protected mode to real mode on 286 processors :int 15,88 ^INT 15,88 - Extended Memory Size Determination AH = 88h on return: CF = 80h for PC, PCjr = 86h for XT and Model 30 = other machines, set for error, clear for success AX = number of contiguous 1k blocks of memory starting at address 1024k (100000h) - works only on 80286 and 80386 machines - retrieves bytes 30 and 31 from the ~CMOS~ RAM (this data is set by the boot memory scan :int 15,89 ^INT 15,89 - Switch Processor to Protected Mode AH = 89h BH = IRQ8 interrupt vector offset BL = IRQ0 interrupt vector offset CX = offset into protected mode CS to jump ES:SI = pointer to Global Descriptor Table (~GDT~) on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - switches 286 and 386 machines into protected mode to take advantage of advanced feature and extended memory - Global descriptor table must be setup before interrupt - normal BIOS functions are not available after the switch :int 15,90 ^INT 15,90 - Device Busy AH = 90h AL = type code: = 00 disk = 01 diskette = 02 keyboard = 03 pointing device = 80 network (ES:BX = NCB) = FC fixed disk reset (PS/2) = FD diskette motor start = FE printer ES:BX = pointer to network control block if waiting for network on return: CF = 0 if wait not satisfied = 1 if wait time satisfied AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT (BIOS 11/8/82) - tells the OS a a program is about to wait for a device - used for multitasking OS development :int 15,91 ^INT 15,91 - Interrupt Complete AH = 91h on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT (BIOS 11/8/82) AL = type code: = 00 disk = 01 diskette = 02 keyboard = 03 pointing device = 80 network (ES:BX = NCB) = FC fixed disk reset (PS/2) = FD diskette motor start = FE printer - should not be used by applications software - used by the BIOS to indicate device interrupt is complete - used for multitasking OS development :int 15,c0 ^INT 15,C0 - Return System Configuration Parameters (PS/2 only) AH = C0 on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT (BIOS after 11/8/82) and AT (BIOS after 1/10/84) ES:BX = pointer to system descriptor table in ROM of the format: % Offset Size Description 00 word length of descriptor (8 minimum) 02 byte model byte (same as F000:FFFE, not reliable) 03 byte secondary model byte 04 byte BIOS revision level (zero based) 05 byte feature information, see below 06 dword reserved % Feature Information ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Feature Byte ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 0=PC bus, 1=Micro Channel ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extended BIOS Data Area (~EBDA~)allocated ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ wait for external event supported ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ~INT 15,4F~ used (kbd intercept) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ~RTC~ present ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2nd ~8259~ present ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DMA channel 3 used by fixed disk BIOS - see ~MACHINE ID~ :int 15,c1 ^INT 15,C1 - Return Extended BIOS Data Area Segment (PS/2 only) AH = C1 on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT (BIOS 11/8/82) ES = ~EBDA~ segment address if PS/2 - the EBDA is used internally by the PS/2 BIOS routines - the EBDA is allocated at the top of user memory by the ~POST~ routine :int 15,c2 ^INT 15,C2 - Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS/2 only) AH = C2 AL = 0 enable/disable pointing device (BH contains flag) = 1 reset pointing device = 2 set sample rate = 3 set resolution = 4 read device type = 5 pointing device initialization = 6 extended commands = 7 pointing device far call initialization BH = 0 indicates enable for AL = 0 = 1 indicates disable for AL = 0 on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT, AT = 01 invalid function call = 02 invalid input = 03 interface error = 04 resend = 05 no far call installed :int 15,c3 ^INT 15,C3 - Enable/Disable Watchdog Timer (PS/2) AH = C3 AL = 0 disable watchdog time-out = 1 enable watchdog time-out BX = watchdog timer count (1-255) on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT, AT & Model 30 - the watchdog timer is available only on PS/2 with 80286 and 80386 processors. - the ~timer~ uses channel timer channel 3 and IRQ0. Activated when IRQ0 is active for more than one channel 0 timer cycle, which causes the timer to be decremented. When the watch- dog timer reaches 0, and NMI is generated. :int 15,c4 ^INT 15,C4 - Programmable Option Select (PS/2) AH = C4 AL = 0 get Programmable Option Select adapter register address = 1 enable slot for setup = 2 adapter enable on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AH = when CF set, 80h for PC & PCjr, 86h for XT, AT & 30 BL = slot number (function AL=1) DL = POS adapter register address (function AL=0) - allows access to PS/2 Programmable Option Select registers - available on 80286 and 80386 PS/2's :int 16:BIOS keyboard services ^INT 16 - Keyboard BIOS Services ^For more information, see the following topics: ~INT 16,0~ Wait for keystroke and read ~INT 16,1~ Get keystroke status ~INT 16,2~ Get shift status ~INT 16,3~ Set keyboard typematic rate (AT+) ~INT 16,4~ Keyboard click adjustment (AT+) ~INT 16,5~ Keyboard buffer write (AT,PS/2 enhanced keyboards) ~INT 16,10~ Wait for keystroke and read (AT,PS/2 enhanced keyboards) ~INT 16,11~ Get keystroke status (AT,PS/2 enhanced keyboards) ~INT 16,12~ Get shift status (AT,PS/2 enhanced keyboards) - with IBM BIOS's, INT 16 functions do not restore the flags to the pre-interrupt state to allow returning of information via the flags register - functions 3 through 12h are not available on all AT machines unless the extended keyboard BIOS is present - all registers are preserved except AX and FLAGS - see ~SCAN CODES~ :int 16,0 ^INT 16,0 - Wait for Keypress and Read Character AH = 00 on return: AH = keyboard scan code AL = ASCII character or zero if special function key - halts program until key with a scancode is pressed - see ~SCAN CODES~ :int 16,1 ^INT 16,1 - Get Keyboard Status AH = 01 on return: ZF = 0 if a key pressed (even Ctrl-Break) AX = 0 if no scan code is available AH = ~scan code~ AL = ASCII character or zero if special function key - data code is not removed from buffer - ~Ctrl-Break~ places a zero word in the keyboard buffer but does register a keypress. :int 16,2 ^INT 16,2 - Read Keyboard Flags AH = 02 on return: AL = BIOS keyboard flags (located in ~BIOS Data Area~ 40:17) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL or BIOS Data Area 40:17 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ right shift key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ left shift key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ CTRL key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ALT key depressed ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ scroll-lock is active ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ num-lock is active ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ caps-lock is active ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ insert is active :int 16,3 ^INT 16,3 - Set Keyboard Typematic Rate (AT+) AH = 03 AL = 00 set typematic rate to default 01 increase initial delay 02 slow typematic rate by 1/2 04 turn off typematic chars 05 set typematic rate/delay BH = repeat delay (AL=5) 0 = 250ms 2 = 750ms 1 = 500ms 3 = 1000ms BL = typematic rate, one of the following (AL=5) 00 - 30.0 01 - 26.7 02 - 24.0 03 - 21.8 04 - 20.0 05 - 18.5 06 - 17.1 07 - 16.0 08 - 15.0 09 - 13.3 0A - 12.0 0B - 10.9 0C - 10.0 0D - 9.2 0E - 8.6 0F - 8.0 10 - 7.5 11 - 6.7 12 - 6.0 13 - 5.5 14 - 5.0 15 - 4.6 16 - 4.3 17 - 4.0 18 - 3.7 19 - 3.3 1A - 3.0 1B - 2.7 1C - 2.5 1D - 2.3 1E - 2.1 1F - 2.0 returns nothing - if the typematic rate is not within range,no action is taken - available on AT and PS/2 machines with extended keyboard support - see ~KEYBOARD COMMANDS~ :int 16,4 ^INT 16,4 - Keyboard Click Adjustment (AT+) AH = 04 AL = 1 for click on = 0 for click off - available only on AT and later machines that support the extended keyboard BIOS :int 16,5 ^INT 16,5 - Keyboard Buffer Write (AT+) AH = 05 CH = ~scan code~ CL = ASCII character on return: AL = 00 if success 01 if buffer full - available on AT and PS/2 machines with extended keyboard support - stores normal keystroke into keyboard buffer - will not store attribute keys like Shift, Alt, Ctrl, etc... :int 16,10 ^INT 16,10 - Extended Wait for Keypress and Read Character (AT+) AH = 10h on return: AH = ~scan code~ AL = ASCII character or zero if special function key - available on AT and PS/2 machines with extended keyboard support - similar to ~INT 16,0~ :int 16,11 ^INT 16,11 - Extended Get Keyboard Status (AT+) AH = 11h on return: ZF = 0 if key pressed (data waiting) AX = 0 if no scan code is available AH = ~scan code~ AL = ASCII character or zero if special function key - available on AT and PS/2 machines with extended keyboard support - data is not removed from buffer - similar to ~INT 16,1~ :int 16,12 ^INT 16,12 - Extended Get Keyboard Status (AT+) AH = 12h on return: AH = BIOS keyboard flags (~BIOS Data Area~ location 40:18) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AH ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ left CTRL key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ left ALT key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ right CTRL key pressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ right ALT key depressed ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ scroll-lock depressed ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ num-lock key depressed ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ caps-lock key depressed ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ system request key depressed AL = BIOS keyboard flags (BIOS Data Area location 40:17) ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ right shift key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ left shift key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ CTRL key depressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ALT key depressed ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ scroll-lock is active ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ num-lock is active ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ caps-lock is active ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ insert is active - available on AT and PS/2 machines with extended keyboard support - similar to ~INT 16,2~ - see ~KB FLAGS~ :int 17:BIOS printer services:int 17,status:printer status ^INT 17 - Printer BIOS Services % For more information, see the following topics: ~INT 17,0~ Print character ~INT 17,1~ Initialize printer port ~INT 17,2~ Read printer port status Status flags returned in register AH ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AH (status) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ time-out ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = I/O error (~parallel~ pin 15) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = printer selected/on-line (parallel pin 13) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = out of paper (parallel pin 12) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = printer acknowledgment (parallel pin 10) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = printer not busy (parallel pin 11) - on the AT, XT 286, and PS/2 when the BIOS determines the printer is busy, ~INT 15,90~ is executed - all printers do not return reliable status information; bit 3 and bit 7 are usually reliable. - all registers are preserved except AH :int 17,0 ^INT 17,0 - Print Character AH = 00 AL = character to print DX = printer to be used (0-2) on return: AH = printer status, see ~INT 17,STATUS~ - writes character and returns status :int 17,1 ^INT 17,1 - Initialize Printer Port AH = 01 DX = printer port to initialize (0-2) on return: AH = status, see ~INT 17,STATUS~ - initializes printer port and returns status - outputs characters 0x08 and 0x0C to printer port which reset ~Epson~ and IBM printers, but may produce undesirable effects on other printers :int 17,2 ^INT 17,2 - Read Printer Port Status AH = 02 DX = printer port to be used (0-2) on return: AH = status: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Printer status bits ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ time out ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ unused ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I/O error ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ selected ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ out of paper ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ acknowledge ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ not busy - returns status of specified printer port :int 19 ^INT 19 - Bootstrap Loader DL = physical drive where boot sector is located no output - track 0, sector 1 is loaded into address 0:7C00 and control is transferred there - not a preferred method for rebooting by applications. A better method is to set the word at location 40:72 to 1234h and jump to location FFFF:0 in ROM - memory is not cleared when rebooted through this interrupt - see ~WARM BOOT~ :int 1a:BIOS clock services ^INT 1A - System and Real Time Clock BIOS Services % For more informations, see the following topics: ~INT 1A,0~ Read system clock counter ~INT 1A,1~ Set system clock counter ~INT 1A,2~ Read real time clock time (AT,PS/2) ~INT 1A,3~ Set real time clock time (AT,PS/2) ~INT 1A,4~ Read real time clock date (AT,PS/2) ~INT 1A,5~ Set real time clock date (AT,PS/2) ~INT 1A,6~ Set real time clock alarm (AT,PS/2) ~INT 1A,7~ Reset real time clock alarm (PS/2) ~INT 1A,8~ Set RTC activated power on mode (convertible,PS/2) ~INT 1A,9~ Read RTC alarm time and status (convertible,PS/2) ~INT 1A,A~ Read system day counter (PS/2) ~INT 1A,B~ Set system day counter (PS/2) ~INT 1A,80~ Set up sound multiplexer (PCjr only) - function is specified in register AH - see ~RTC~ :int 1a,0 ^INT 1A,0 - Read System Clock Counter AH = 00 on return: AL = midnight flag, 1 if 24 hours passed since reset CX = high order word of tick count DX = low order word of tick count - incremented approximately 18.206 times per second - at midnight CX:DX is zero - this function can be called in a program to assure the date is updated after midnight; this will avoid the passing two midnights date problem :int 1a,1 ^INT 1A,1 - Set System Clock Counter AH = 01 CX = high order word of tick count DX = low order word of tick count returns nothing - CX:DX should be set to the number of seconds past midnight multiplied by approximately 18.206 :int 1a,2 ^INT 1A,2 - Read Time From Real Time Clock (XT 286,AT,PS/2) AH = 02 on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error, ~RTC~ not operating CH = hours in BCD CL = minutes in BCD DH = seconds in BCD DL = 1 if daylight savings time option - on AT with BIOS before 6/10/85, DL is not returned :int 1a,3 ^INT 1A,3 - Set Time on Real Time Clock (XT 286,AT,PS/2) AH = 03 CH = hours in BCD CL = minutes in BCD DH = seconds in BCD DL = 1 if daylight savings time option = 0 if standard time returns nothing - clock values must be in BCD - see ~RTC~ :int 1a,4 ^INT 1A,4 - Read Real Time Clock Date (XT 286,AT,PS/2) AH = 04 on return: CH = century in BCD (decimal 19 or 20) CL = year in BCD DH = month in BCD DL = day in BCD CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error or clock not operating - calling this interrupt will update the DOS maintained date and reset the ~BIOS Data Area~ date rollover flag at 40:70 - see ~RTC~ :int 1a,5 ^INT 1A,5 - Set Real Time Clock Date (XT 286,AT,PS/2) AH = 05 CH = century in BCD (decimal 19 or 20) CL = year in BCD DH = month in BCD DL = day in BCD returns nothing - all values must be in BCD - see ~RTC~ :int 1a,6 ^INT 1A,6 - Set Real Time Clock Alarm (XT 286,AT,PS/2) AH = 06 CH = hours in BCD CL = minutes in BCD DH = seconds in BCD on return: CF = 1 if alarm already set or clock inoperable - alarm setting is not relative like some sources claim, but the actually clock time the interrupt should occur - settings values must be in BCD - when the alarm time is reached ~INT 4A~ is executed - INT 4A vector should be replaced with address of the alarm handling interrupt routine before setting the alarm - ~INT 1A,7~ should be called to disable the ~RTC~ alarm :int 1a,7 ^INT 1A,7 - Disable Real Time Clock Alarm (XT,AT,PS/2) AH = 07 returns nothing - should be called previous to setting or resetting the ~RTC~ alarm with ~INT 1A,6~ :int 1a,8 ^INT 1A,8 - Set RTC Activated Power On Mode (convertible) AH = 08 CH = hours in BCD CL = minutes in BCD DH = seconds in BCD - see ~RTC~ :int 1a,9 ^INT 1A,9 - Read RTC Alarm Time and Status (convertible,PS/2) AH = 09 on return: CH = hours in BCD CL = minutes in BCD DH = seconds in BCD DL = alarm status: = 00 if alarm not enabled (AIE=0) = 01 if alarm enabled but will not power up system (AIE=1) = 02 if alarm will power up system (AIE=1) - see ~RTC~ :int 1a,a ^INT 1A,A - Read System Day Counter (PS/2) AH = 0Ah on return: CX = count of days since 1-1-1980 :int 1a,b ^INT 1A,B - Set System Day Counter (PS/2) AH = 0Bh CX = count of days since 1-1-1980 :int 1a,80 ^INT 1A,80 - Setup Sound Multiplexer (PCjr only) AL = 00 - source is ~8253~ channel 2 = 01 - source is cassette input = 02 - source is I/O channel "AUDIO IN" = 03 - source is sound generator chip :int 1b:Ctrl-Break:BIOS break interrupt ^INT 1B - BIOS Ctrl-Break Handler Address - holds address of the BIOS Ctrl-Break interrupt handler - called by ~INT 9~ after Ctrl-Break key is pressed; INT 9 sets the BIOS keyboard head and tail pointers to the buffer start and places a zero word in the buffer - the BIOS initially sets this value to point to a simple ~IRET~ but DOS re-vectors this to its own code, usually 2 lines of code that sets an internal flag (to 3) and then returns via IRET. - DOS checks this flag on entry to many of its subfunctions. If the flag is set, it invokes ~INT 23~. - pointing this address to a null function with and IRET disables Ctrl-Break aborts - if the INT 1B code chooses to retain control of the system, it must issue an EOI for any interrupt pending on the ~8259~ and reset all I/O devices - should be terminated via an IRET - should not be called directly by user application :int 1c:user timer routine ^INT 1C - System Timer Tick (User Routine) - called by ~INT 8~, approximately 18.206 times per second (unless the program modifies the ~8253~ PIT - this is a user routine which the BIOS defaults to a simple ~IRET~ - this interrupt vector can be used for TSR popup utilities, animated graphics updates and event polling - since many TSR's don't maintain the integrity of the interrupt call chain, relying on this for TSR popup isn't recommended :int 1d ^INT 1D - Video Initialization Parameter Table Vector - not a true interrupt, but a far pointer to a video initialization parameter table for video controllers :int 1e ^INT 1E - Disk Initialization Parameter Table Vector - not an interrupt, but a far pointer to the diskette base table - this table contains initialization parameters for the disk controller used during formatting, reading, and writing to a disk % Disk Initialization Parameter Table Vector Definition: % Offset Description 00 ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Disk Controller Mode byte 1 ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ head step rate in milliseconds (0-F) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ head unload time in milliseconds (0-F) 01 ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Disk Controller Mode byte 2 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ DMA flag (0 = use DMA) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ (head load time/2)-1 in milliseconds 02 clock ticks until motor off 03 FM or MFM Mode: Log2 (Bytes per Sector/128) FM=Frequency Modulation used on single-density disks MFM=Modified Frequency Modulation used on double-sided disks 04 last sector on track 05 gap length in bytes: Bytes Per Sectors Write Format MFM Sector Per Track Gap Gap 1 256 18 0Ah 0Ch 1 256 16 20h 32h 2 512 8 2Ah 50h 2 512 9 1Bh 6Ch 3 1024 4 80h F0h 4 2048 2 C8h FFh 5 4096 1 C8h FFh 06 disk data length 80h for 128 bytes/sector FFh otherwise 07 gap length when formatting 08 data pattern used during formatting 09 floppy head bounce delay (in milliseconds) 0A floppy motor start delay (in 0.125 second intervals) 0B floppy motor stop delay (in 0.25 second intervals) - see ~INT 13,18~ :int 1f ^INT 1F - Graphics Display Character Bit Map Table - not a true interrupt, but a far pointer to a table of character bit maps for the graphics mode representation of ASCII characters 128 through 255 - can be used to change character fonts in CGA graphics mode :DOS interrupts ^DOS Interrupt Summary % See the following topics for more information: ~INT 20~ Program terminate ~INT 21~ DOS Function Dispatcher ~INT 22~ Program Terminate ~INT 23~ Ctl-break exit address ~INT 24~ Critical error handler address ~INT 25~ Absolute disk read ~INT 26~ Absolute disk write ~INT 27~ Terminate but stay resident ~INT 28~ DOS idle loop/scheduler (undocumented) ~INT 29~ Fast character output (undocumented) ~INT 2E~ Execute command using base level COMMAND.COM (undoc.) ~INT 2F~ Multiplex interrupt (DOS 3.x+) :int 20 ^INT 20 - Program Terminate CS = address of ~PSP~ returns nothing - INT 20 restores the terminate, ~Ctrl-Break~, and critical error exit addresses from values in the PSP, flushes all buffers, frees memory and returns to DOS via the termination handler address - does not close ~FCB~s - this function is no longer recommended, but can be used by version of DOS before 2.0, see ~INT 21,4C~ and ~INT 21,0~ :int 21:DOS services:DOS functions ^INT 21 - DOS Function Dispatcher ^For more information, see the following topics: ~INT 21,0~ Program terminate ~INT 21,1~ Keyboard input with echo ~INT 21,2~ Display output ~INT 21,3~ Wait for auxiliary device input ~INT 21,4~ Auxiliary output ~INT 21,5~ Printer output ~INT 21,6~ Direct console I/O ~INT 21,7~ Wait for direct console input without echo ~INT 21,8~ Wait for console input without echo ~INT 21,9~ Print string ~INT 21,A~ Buffered keyboard input ~INT 21,B~ Check standard input status ~INT 21,C~ Clear keyboard buffer, invoke keyboard function ~INT 21,D~ Disk reset ~INT 21,E~ Select disk ~INT 21,F~ Open file using ~FCB~ ~INT 21,10~ Close file using FCB ~INT 21,11~ Search for first entry using FCB ~INT 21,12~ Search for next entry using FCB ~INT 21,13~ Delete file using FCB ~INT 21,14~ Sequential read using FCB ~INT 21,15~ Sequential write using FCB ~INT 21,16~ Create a file using FCB ~INT 21,17~ Rename file using FCB ~INT 21,18~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed) ~INT 21,19~ Get current default drive ~INT 21,1A~ Set disk transfer address ~INT 21,1B~ Get allocation table information ~INT 21,1C~ Get allocation table info for specific device ~INT 21,1D~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed) ~INT 21,1E~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed) ~INT 21,1F~ Get pointer to default drive parameter table (undocumented) ~INT 21,20~ DOS dummy function (CP/M) (not used/listed) ~INT 21,21~ Random read using ~FCB~ ~INT 21,22~ Random write using FCB ~INT 21,23~ Get file size using FCB ~INT 21,24~ Set relative record field for FCB ~INT 21,25~ Set interrupt vector ~INT 21,26~ Create new program segment ~INT 21,27~ Random block read using FCB ~INT 21,28~ Random block write using FCB ~INT 21,29~ Parse filename for FCB ~INT 21,2A~ Get date ~INT 21,2B~ Set date ~INT 21,2C~ Get time ~INT 21,2D~ Set time ~INT 21,2E~ Set/reset verify switch ~INT 21,2F~ Get disk transfer address ~INT 21,30~ Get DOS version number ~INT 21,31~ Terminate process and remain resident ~INT 21,32~ Get pointer to drive parameter table (undocumented) ~INT 21,33~ Get/set ~Ctrl-Break~ check state & get boot drive ~INT 21,34~ Get address to DOS critical flag (undocumented) ~INT 21,35~ Get vector ~INT 21,36~ Get disk free space ~INT 21,37~ Get/set switch character (undocumented) ~INT 21,38~ Get/set country dependent information ~INT 21,39~ Create subdirectory (mkdir) ~INT 21,3A~ Remove subdirectory (rmdir) ~INT 21,3B~ Change current subdirectory (chdir) ~INT 21,3C~ Create file using handle ~INT 21,3D~ Open file using handle ~INT 21,3E~ Close file using handle ~INT 21,3F~ Read file or device using handle ~INT 21,40~ Write file or device using handle ~INT 21,41~ Delete file ~INT 21,42~ Move file pointer using handle ~INT 21,43~ Change file mode ~INT 21,44~ I/O control for devices (~IOCTL~) ~INT 21,45~ Duplicate file handle ~INT 21,46~ Force duplicate file handle ~INT 21,47~ Get current directory ~INT 21,48~ Allocate memory blocks ~INT 21,49~ Free allocated memory blocks ~INT 21,4A~ Modify allocated memory blocks ~INT 21,4B~ EXEC load and execute program (func 1 undocumented) ~INT 21,4C~ Terminate process with return code ~INT 21,4D~ Get return code of a sub-process ~INT 21,4E~ Find first matching file ~INT 21,4F~ Find next matching file ~INT 21,50~ Set current process id (undocumented) ~INT 21,51~ Get current process id (undocumented) ~INT 21,52~ Get pointer to DOS "INVARS" (undocumented) ~INT 21,53~ Generate drive parameter table (undocumented) ~INT 21,54~ Get verify setting ~INT 21,55~ Create ~PSP~ (undocumented) ~INT 21,56~ Rename file ~INT 21,57~ Get/set file date and time using handle ~INT 21,58~ Get/set memory allocation strategy (3.x+, undocumented) ~INT 21,59~ Get extended error information (3.x+) ~INT 21,5A~ Create temporary file (3.x+) ~INT 21,5B~ Create new file (3.x+) ~INT 21,5C~ Lock/unlock file access (3.x+) ~INT 21,5D~ Critical error information (undocumented 3.x+) ~INT 21,5E~ Network services (3.1+) ~INT 21,5F~ Network redirection (3.1+) ~INT 21,60~ Get fully qualified file name (undocumented 3.x+) ~INT 21,62~ Get address of program segment prefix (3.x+) ~INT 21,63~ Get system lead byte table (MSDOS 2.25 only) ~INT 21,64~ Set device driver look ahead (undocumented 3.3+) ~INT 21,65~ Get extended country information (3.3+) ~INT 21,66~ Get/set global code page (3.3+) ~INT 21,67~ Set handle count (3.3+) ~INT 21,68~ Flush buffer (3.3+) ~INT 21,69~ Get/set disk serial number (undocumented DOS 4.0+) ~INT 21,6A~ DOS reserved (DOS 4.0+) ~INT 21,6B~ DOS reserved ~INT 21,6C~ Extended open/create (4.x+) ~INT 21,F8~ Set OEM INT 21 handler (functions F9-FF) (undocumented) - int 21 functions are called with the function number in AH - register AX may be altered, its contents are not guaranteed - if an error occurs, CF is set to 1 and AX contains a simple error code; ~INT 21,59~ can be used to determine cause. - most INT 21 functions do not restore the flags to pre-interrupt state to allow returning of information via the flags register :int 21,0 ^INT 21,0 - Program Terminate AH = 00 CS = ~PSP~ segment address returns nothing - restores the terminate, ~Ctrl-Break~, and critical error exit addresses, flushes all buffers, frees memory and returns to DOS via the termination handler address - does not close ~FCB~s - this function is no longer recommended, but can be used by version of DOS before 2.0, see ~INT 21,4C~ and ~INT 20~ :int 21,1 ^INT 21,1 - Keyboard Input with Echo AH = 01 on return: AL = character from standard input device - waits for keyboard input from STDIN and echoes to STDOUT - returns 0 for extended keystroke, then function must be called again to return scan code - if ~Ctrl-Break~ is detected, ~INT 23~ is executed :int 21,2 ^INT 21,2 - Display Output AH = 02 DL = character to output returns nothing - outputs character to STDOUT - backspace is treated as non-destructive cursor left - if ~Ctrl-Break~ is detected, ~INT 23~ is executed :int 21,3 ^INT 21,3 - Wait for Auxiliary Device Input AH = 03 on return: AL = character from the auxiliary device - does not supply error returns - waits for character and reads from STDAUX - default DOS AUX parameters are 2400,N,8,1 :int 21,4 ^INT 21,4 - Auxiliary Output AH = 04 DL = character to output returns nothing - sends character in DL to STDAUX - does not supply error returns - waits until STDAUX is available - default DOS AUX parameters are 2400,N,8,1 :int 21,5 ^INT 21,5 - Printer Output AH = 05 DL = character to output returns nothing - sends character in DL to STDPRN - waits until STDPRN device is ready before output :int 21,6 ^INT 21,6 - Direct Console I/O AH = 06 DL = (0-FE) character to output = FF if console input request on return: AL = input character if console input request (DL=FF) ZF = 0 if console request character available (in AL) = 1 if no character is ready, and function request was console input - reads from or writes to the console device depending on the value of DL - cannot output character FF (DL=FF indicates read function) - for console read, no echo is produced - returns 0 for extended keystroke, then function must be called again to return scan code - ignores Ctrl-Break and Ctrl-PrtSc :int 21,7 ^INT 21,7 - Direct Console Input Without Echo AH = 07 on return: AL = character from STDIN - waits for keyboard input until keystroke is ready - character is not echoed to STDOUT - returns 0 for extended keystroke, then function must be called again to return scan code - ignores Ctrl-Break and Ctrl-PrtSc - see ~INT 21,1~ :int 21,8 ^INT 21,8 - Console Input Without Echo AH = 08 on return: AL = character from STDIN - returns 0 for extended keystroke, then function must be called again to return scan code - waits for character from STDIN and returns data in AL - if ~Ctrl-Break~ is detected, ~INT 23~ is executed :int 21,9 ^INT 21,9 - Print String AH = 09 DS:DX = pointer to string ending in "$" returns nothing - outputs character string to STDOUT up to "$" - backspace is treated as non-destructive - if ~Ctrl-Break~ is detected, ~INT 23~ is executed :int 21,a ^INT 21,A - Buffered Keyboard Input AH = 0A DS:DX = pointer to input buffer of the format: ³ max ³ count ³ BUFFER (N bytes) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ input buffer ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ number of characters returned (byte) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ maximum number of characters to read (byte) returns nothing - since strings can be pre-loaded, it is recommended that the default string be terminated with a CR - N bytes of data are read from STDIN into buffer+2 - max buffer size is 255, minimum buffer size is 1 byte - chars up to and including a CR are placed into the buffer beginning at byte 2; Byte 1 returns the number of chars placed into the buffer (extended codes take 2 characters) - DOS editing keys are active during this call - ~INT 23~ is called if Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C detected :int 21,b ^INT 21,B - Check Standard Input Status AH = 0B on return: AL = 00 if no character available = FF if character available - checks STDIN for available characters - character is not returned - if Ctrl-Break is detected ~INT 23~ is executed :int 21,c ^INT 21,C - Clear Keyboard Buffer and Invoke Keyboard Function AH = 0C AL = 01, 06, 07, 08 or 0A (INT 21 input functions) on return: see return values from INT 21,AL where AL is 1, 6, 7, 8 or A - main function is to clear the input buffer and call INT 21h with the specified function (in AL) - see ~INT 21,1~, ~INT 21,6~, ~INT 21,7~, ~INT 21,8~ & ~INT 21,A~ :int 21,d ^INT 21,D - Disk Reset AH = 0D returns nothing - all file buffers are flushed to disk - does NOT update directory entry :int 21,e ^INT 21,E - Select Disk AH = 0E DL = zero based, drive number (0-25, A: - Z:) on return: AL = one based, total number of logical drives including hardfiles (1-26) - for DOS 3.x+, this function returns the number of logical drives or the value of LASTDRIVE (default of 5) in the CONFIG.SYS file :int 21,f ^INT 21,F - Open a File Using FCB AH = 0F DS:DX = pointer to unopened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if file opened = FF if unable to open - opens an existing file using a previously setup FCB - the FCB fields drive identifier, filename and extension must be filled in before call - sets default FCB fields; current block number is set to 0; record size is set to 80h; file size, date and time are set to the values from the directory - does not create file, see ~INT 21,16~ - DOS 2.x allows opening of subdirectories, DOS 3.x does not :int 21,10 ^INT 21,10 - Close a File Using FCB AH = 10h DS:DX = pointer to opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if file closed = FF if file not closed - closes a previously opened file opened with an FCB - FCB must be setup with drive id, filename, and extension before call :int 21,11 ^INT 21,11 - Search for First Entry Using FCB AH = 11h DS:DX = pointer to unopened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if matching file found = FF if file not found - searches for first occurrence of filename specified in FCB - FCB must have drive id, filename, and extension before call - extended FCB can be used to specify a search criteria based on attributes; hidden, system, label, and directory attributes can be used to narrow the search (see ~FILE ATTRIBUTES~) - after successful call DTA holds an unopened ~FCB~/~XFCB~ for the requested file. Using any of the other FCB functions destroys this ~DTA~ copy of the FCB/XFCB - searching can be continued with the FCB find-next function - "?" wildcard supported after DOS 2.1, "*" supported in DOS 3.x - DOS 2.x can't find . and .. entries, DOS 3.x can (unless in root) - see ~INT 21,12~ :int 21,12 ^INT 21,12 - Search for Next Entry Using FCB AH = 12h DS:DX = pointer to unopened ~FCB~ returned from ~INT 21,11~ or ~INT 21,12~ on return: AL = 00 if file found = FF if file not found - finds next matching file after calls to ~INT 21,11~ and ~INT 21,12~ - FCB should be the same across calls to INT 21,11 and 12 - after successful call ~DTA~ holds an unopened ~FCB~/~XFCB~ for the requested file. Using any of the other FCB functions destroys this DTA copy of the FCB/XFCB :int 21,13 ^INT 21,13 - Delete File Using FCB AH = 13h DS:DX = pointer to an unopened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if file deleted = FF if file not found - deletes unopened file with normal attributes - FCB must contain drive id, filename, and extension before call - "?" wildcard supported after DOS 2.1, "*" supported by DOS 3.x+ - DOS 2.x allowed deletion of a subdirectory if ~XFCB~ was provided, even if files existed, causing lost clusters. DOS 3.x does not :int 21,14 ^INT 21,14 - Sequential Read Using FCB AH = 14h DS:DX = pointer to an opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if successful read = 01 if end of file (no data read) = 02 if ~DTA~ is too small = 03 if end of file or partial record read - reads a record from file pointed to by FCB at the location specified in current block and current record number - data record is read into the DTA - FCB record number is updated :int 21,15 ^INT 21,15 - Sequential Write Using FCB AH = 15h DS:DX = pointer to an opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if write was successful = 01 if diskette is full or read only = 02 if ~DTA~ is too small - writes a record from the DTA to the current record position in file specified by the opened FCB - record size and output location are maintained in the FCB :int 21,16 ^INT 21,16 - Create a File Using FCB AH = 16h DS:DX = pointer to an unopened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if file created = FF if file creation failed - creates file using FCB and leaves open for later output - FCB must be setup with drive id, filename, and extension before call - an extended FCB can be used to also set ~file attributes~ :int 21,17 ^INT 21,17 - Rename a File Using FCB AH = 17h DS:DX = pointer to a modified ~FCB~ of the format: Offset Description 00 drive designator 01 original file name 09 original file extension 11 new file name 19 new extension on return: AL = 00 if file renamed = FF if file not renamed - allows renaming of files with normal attributes - "?" wildcard supported after DOS 2.1, "*" supported by DOS 3.x+ :int 21,19 ^INT 21,19 - Get Current Default Drive AH = 19h on return: AL = current default drive (0=A,1=B,etc) - determines the current default drive :int 21,1a ^INT 21,1A - Set Disk Transfer Address (DTA) AH = 1A DS:DX = pointer to disk transfer address (~DTA~) returns nothing - specifies the disk transfer address to DOS - DTA cannot overlap 64K segment boundary - offset 80h in the ~PSP~ is a 128 byte default DTA supplied by DOS upon program load - use of the DTA provided by DOS will result in the loss of the program command tail which also occupies the 128 bytes starting at offset 80h of the PSP - see ~INT 21,2F~ :int 21,1b ^INT 21,1B - Get Allocation Table Information AH = 1B on return: AL = sectors per cluster CX = bytes per sector DX = clusters on disk DS:BX = pointer to ~Media Descriptor Byte~ found in ~FAT~ - retrieves information on capacity and format of default drive - DS:BX can be used to determine if drive is RAMDISK or removable - see ~INT 21,1C~ :int 21,1c ^INT 21,1C - Get Allocation Table Info for Specified Drive AH = 1C DL = drive number (0 for default, 1 = A:, Z: = 26) on return: AL = sectors per cluster CX = bytes per sector DX = clusters on disk DS:BX = pointer to ~Media Descriptor Byte~ found in ~FAT~ - retrieves information on capacity and format of specified drive - DS:BX can be used to determine if drive is RAMDISK or removable - see ~INT 21,1B~ :int 21,1f ^INT 21,1F - Get Pointer to Current Drive Parameter Table ^(Undocumented) AH = 1F DL = drive number (0=default, 1=A, ...) on return: AL = 00 DS:BX is pointer to drive parameter table (~DPT~) FF drive does not exist DS:BX = pointer to drive parameter table (DPT) if AL=0 - the format of the DPT varies between DOS versions - calls ~INT 21,32~ with DL=00 for DOS version 2.x+ :int 21,21 ^INT 21,21 - Random Read Using FCB AH = 21h DS:DX = pointer to an opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if read successful = 01 if EOF (no data read) = 02 if ~DTA~ is too small = 03 if EOF (partial record read) - reads random records from a file opened with an FCB to the DTA - FCB must be setup with drive id, filename, extension, record position and record length before call - current record position field in FCB is not updated :int 21,22 ^INT 21,22 - Random Write Using FCB AH = 22h DS:DX = far pointer to an opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if write successful = 01 if diskette full or read only = 02 if ~DTA~ is too small - write records to random location in file opened with FCB - FCB must be setup with drive id, filename, extension, record position and record length before call - current record position field in FCB is not updated :int 21,23 ^INT 21,23 - Get File Size Using FCB AH = 23h DS:DX = pointer to an unopened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if successful = FF if file not found - determines the number of records in a file - FCB must be setup with drive id, complete filename and extension plus record length before call - updates random record position in FCB located at DS:DX with file record count :int 21,24 ^INT 21,24 - Set Relative Record Field in FCB AH = 24h DS:DX = pointer to an opened ~FCB~ returns nothing - modifies opened FCB for random operation - sets FCB random record field to current sequential block and record fields :int 21,25 ^INT 21,25 - Set Interrupt Vector AH = 25h AL = interrupt number DS:DX = pointer to interrupt handler returns nothing - provides a safe method for changing interrupt vectors - see ~INT 21,35~ :int 21,26 ^INT 21,26 - Create New Program Segment Prefix AH = 26h DX = segment address of new ~PSP~ returns nothing - allocates memory for a PSP and copies current PSP there - used before DOS 2.x to spawn a child process - the application is responsible for allocating any memory necessary for the child process - ~INT 21,4B~ (EXEC) is now the recommended method for starting a child process, so this function should be avoided - see also ~INT 21,55~ :int 21,27 ^INT 21,27 - Random Block Read Using FCB AH = 27h CX = number of records to read DS:DX = pointer to an opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if read was successful = 01 if EOF (no data read) = 02 if ~DTA~ is too small = 03 if EOF (partial record read) CX = actual number of records read - allows random access and sequential reading of a group of records from a file opened with an FCB into the DTA - FCB must be setup with drive id, filename, extension record length and random record number before call :int 21,28 ^INT 21,28 - Random Block Write Using FCB AH = 28h CX = number of records to write DS:DX = pointer to an opened ~FCB~ on return: AL = 00 if write successful = 01 if diskette full or read only = 02 if ~DTA~ is too small CX = number of records written - allows random access and sequential writing of a group of records from a file opened with an FCB into the DTA - FCB must be setup with random record number and record size - updates random record number, current block and current record fields :int 21,29 ^INT 21,29 - Parse a Filename for FCB AH = 29h AL = bit pattern to control parsing (see bit meanings below) DS:SI = pointer to a filespec to parse ES:DI = pointer to a buffer for unopened ~FCB~ Bit patterns for parsing control found in AL: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = ignore leading separators ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 0 = don't ignore leading separators ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = modify drive ID if specified ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 0 = modify drive ID regardless ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = modify filename if specified ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 0 = modify filename regardless ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = modify extension if specified ³ ³ ³ ³ 0 = modify extension regardless ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused on return: AL = 00 if no wildcard characters present = 01 if wildcards present in string = FF if drive specifier is invalid DS:SI = pointer to the first character after parsed filename ES:DI = pointer to the updated unopened FCB - retrieves filename from the command line string and places the filename components into an unopened FCB for later use - if no filename is found a pointer is returned in ES:DI that has a blank at ES:DI+1 - this function can be used to detect the existence of logical DOS drives by creating a dummy filespec with a drive letter and colon prepended. If the drive is invalid, this function will return FF in AL :int 21,2a ^INT 21,2A - Get Date AH = 2A on return: AL = day of the week (0=Sunday) CX = year (1980-2099) DH = month (1-12) DL = day (1-31) - retrieves system date based on the DOS maintained clock - updates ~BIOS Data Area~ current date and date rollover flag at location 40:70 :int 21,2b ^INT 21,2B - Set Date AH = 2B CX = year (1980-2099) DH = month (1-12) DL = day (1-31) on return: AL = 00 if date change successful = FF if invalid date - sets DOS maintained clock - DOS versions 3.3+ also update the ~CMOS~ date where applicable :int 21,2c ^INT 21,2C - Get Time AH = 2C on return: CH = hour (0-23) CL = minutes (0-59) DH = seconds (0-59) DL = hundredths (0-99) - retrieves DOS maintained clock time :int 21,2d ^INT 21,2D - Set Time AH = 2D CH = hour (0-23) CL = minutes (0-59) DH = seconds (0-59) DL = hundredths (0-99) on return: AL = 00 if time change successful = FF if time invalid - changes DOS maintained clock - DOS version 3.3+ also update CMOS clock where applicable :int 21,2e ^INT 21,2E - Set/Reset Verify Switch AH = 2E AL = 00 to set off = 01 to set verify on DH = 00 for DOS versions before 3.0 returns nothing - with the verify setting on, disk I/O is more secure but takes longer to complete - see ~INT 21,54~ :int 21,2f ^INT 21,2F - Get Disk Transfer Address (DTA) AH = 2F on return: ES:BX = pointer to current ~DTA~ - returns the DTA address - the default DTA is a 128 byte block at address 80h in the Program Segment Prefix (~PSP~). This area also contains the command tail at program startup it must be saved or the DTA must be relocated before use to preserve the command tail - see ~INT 21,1A~ :int 21,30 ^INT 21,30 - Get DOS Version Number AH = 30h on return: AL = major version number (2-5) AH = minor version number (in hundredths decimal) BH = FF indicates MS-DOS, only if OEM vendor chooses to identify = 00 indicates PC-DOS BL:CX = 24 bit OEM serial number if BH is FF - for an example DOS version 2.1 returns AL=2 and AH=10 - DOS versions prior to DOS 2.0 return zero in AH and AL - DOS version 4.0 and 4.1 usually return the same value of 4.00 - the OEM serial number is a rarity, though some older OEM DOS versions implemented this feature - the OS/2 compatibility box returns 10.10 for OS/2 1.1, 10.20 for OS/2 1.2, etc... - when testing for version, a specific test can often cause your code to not work in following versions of DOS. It is often better to test for a version number greater or equal to the minimum rather than a specific version number where possible - see ~DOS Versions~ :int 21,31 ^INT 21,31 - Terminate Process and Remain Resident AH = 31h AL = exit code (returned to batch files) DX = memory size in paragraphs to reserve returns nothing - preferred method for Terminate and Stay Resident programs - terminates process without releasing allocated memory and without closing open files - attempts allocation of memory specified in DX from memory allocated by DOS at startup. ~INT 21,48~ memory allocation is not affected - see ~INT 27~ :int 21,32 ^INT 21,32 - Get Pointer to Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented) AH = 32h DL = drive (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) on return: AL = FF if the drive number in DL was invalid DS:BX = address of drive parameter table (~DPT~) - available since DOS 2.0 - used by DOS commands CHKDSK and RECOVER - forces a media check, which clears byte DS:[BX+17h] or DS:[BX+18h] in the Drive Parameter Table - actually accesses the disk, causing a critical error if a disk error occurs - can be used to determine if a drive is SUBST'ed by comparing DS:[BX+1] and DS:[BX] for a match. If not equal, then the drive is possibly SUBST'ed (though not guaranteed, this may also indicate a Bernoulli box) - can be used to determine if a drive is a RAM disk; if the disk is NOT removable and (DS:[BX+1] == 0), then the disk is a RAM disk (see ~IOCTL,0~ bit number 0Bh to determine if the disk is removable) :int 21,33 ^INT 21,33 - Get/Set System Values (Ctl-Break/Boot Drive) AH = 33h AL = 00 to get Ctrl-Break checking flag = 01 to set Ctrl-Break checking flag = 02 to set extended Ctrl-Break checking = 05 get boot drive (DOS 4.x) DL = 00 to set Ctrl-Break checking off = 01 to set Ctrl-Break checking on = boot drive for subfunction 5; (1=A:, 2=B:, ...) on return: DL = 00 Ctrl-Break checking OFF (AL=0 or AL=2) = 01 Ctrl-Break checking ON (AL=0 or AL=2) = boot drive number (1-26, A: - Z:) (function 05) - retrieves DOS Ctrl-Break or extended Ctrl-Break setting which determines if DOS will check for Ctrl-Break during INT 21 calls :int 21,34:INDOS ^INT 21,34 - Get Address to DOS Critical Flag ^INDOS (Undocumented DOS 2.0+) AH = 34h on return: ES:BX = address of a byte indicating whether a DOS call is in progress. No DOS calls should be made if set. - AKA the INDOS flag, this critical section flag may be checked from within an interrupt handler before requesting a DOS service. It is a semaphore that is non-zero when DOS is busy, and zero otherwise. - though this flag indicates whether a DOS interrupt is active, it should not be used alone to determine DOS is safe for re-entry; Here's the standard rule for safe DOS entry: if ~INT 28~ is active or this flag and the critical error flag are clear then it is safe to call DOS - this interrupt should be used only during TSR initialization; the returned pointer should be used thereafter - this flag is cleared after a critical error (~INT 24~) - ES:BX-1 points to the critical error flag for DOS 3.x+ ES:BX+1 points to the critical error flag for DOS 2.x ES:BX-1AA points to the critical error flag for COMPAQ DOS 3.0 ~INT 21,5D~ in DOS 3.x+ can be used to locate the critical error flag :int 21,35 ^INT 21,35 - Get Interrupt Vector AH = 35h AL = interrupt vector number on return: ES:BX = pointer to interrupt handler - standard method for retrieving interrupt vectors - see ~INT 21,25~ :int 21,36 ^INT 21,36 - Get Disk Free Space AH = 36h DL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:) on return: AX = sectors per cluster = FFFF if drive is invalid BX = number of available clusters CX = number of bytes per sector DX = number of clusters per drive - used to determine available space on specified disk - see ~INT 21,1B~ ~INT 21,1C~ :int 21,37 ^INT 21,37 - Get/Set Switch Character (Undocumented, DOS 2.0+) AH = 37h AL = 0 get switch character into DL; some systems return "-" = 1 set switch character to value in DL = 2 read device prefix flag into DL; returns DL = 0 indicating devices must be accessed using /DEV/device. A non-zero value indicates devices may be accessed without prefix = 3 set device prefix flag, device names must begin with \DEV\. DL = new switch character (AL=1) = 00 \DEV\ must preceed device names (AL=3) = 01 \DEV\ is not neccesary in device names (AL=3) on return: AL = FF illegal subfunction code specified DL = current switch character (AL=0) = device availability (AL=2, always FF with DOS 4.x+) - subfunctions 0 and 1 were formerly available as a CONFIG.SYS command in DOS versions before 3.x; also supportedin the OS/2 compatibility box - subfunctions 2 and 3 were available in DOS 2.x only; they have no effect in DOS 4.x+ - /DEV/ prefix is valid in DOS 2.x by default, setting the flag makes it mandatory. DOS internal commands like DIR, TYPE and DEL do not recognize filenames the are identical to device names regardless of the setting of the AVAILDEV flag. :int 21,38 ^INT 21,38 - Get/Set Country Dependent Information AH = 38h AL = 00 to get current country information = 00-FE country codes (DOS 3.x+) = FF for country codes >= FF, country codes are in BX BX = country code if AL = FF (country code > 255) DX = FFFF to set country information DS:DX = pointer to buffer to contain country data (if get data) on return: AX = error code if CF set = 02 invalid country BX = country code (DOS 3.x+) DS:DX = pointer to returned country data (see ~COUNTRY CODES~) - returns a pointer to country specific data, for DOS 3.x+ this function can be used to also set this information :int 21,39 ^INT 21,39 - Create Subdirectory (mkdir) AH = 39h DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path name on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = error code (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - creates specified subdirectory - returns error if directory already exists, element of the path is not found, directory full or write protected disk :int 21,3a ^INT 21,3A - Remove Subdirectory (rmdir) AH = 3A DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path name on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = error code (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - allows deletion of a subdirectory as long as it exists, is empty and not the current directory :int 21,3b ^INT 21,3B - Change Current Directory (chdir) AH = 3B DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path name on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - changes the current directory to the directory specified by pointer DS:DX :int 21,3c ^INT 21,3C - Create File Using Handle AH = 3C CX = file attribute (see ~FILE ATTRIBUTES~) DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path name on return: CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = files handle if successful = error code if failure (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - if file already exists, it is truncated to zero bytes on opening :int 21,3d ^INT 21,3D - Open File Using Handle AH = 3D AL = open access mode 00 read only 01 write only 02 read/write DS:DX = pointer to an ASCIIZ file name on return: AX = file handle if CF not set = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) % Access modes in AL: ³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AL ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ read/write/update access mode ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved, always 0 ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ sharing mode (see below) (DOS 3.1+) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = private, 0 = inheritable (DOS 3.1+) % Sharing mode bits (DOS 3.1+): Access mode bits: % 654 210 000 compatibility mode (exclusive) 000 read access 001 deny others read/write access 001 write access 010 deny others write access 010 read/write access 011 deny others read access 100 full access permitted to all - will open normal, hidden and system files - file pointer is placed at beginning of file :int 21,3e ^INT 21,3E - Close File Using Handle AH = 3E BX = file handle to close on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - if file is opened for update, file time and date stamp as well as file size are updated in the directory - handle is freed :int 21,3f ^INT 21,3F - Read From File or Device Using Handle AH = 3F BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX = pointer to read buffer on return: AX = number of bytes read is CF not set = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - read specified number of bytes from file into buffer DS:DX - when AX is not equal to CX then a partial read occurred due to end of file - if AX is zero, no data was read, and EOF occurred before read :int 21,40 ^INT 21,40 - Write To File or Device Using Handle AH = 40h BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to write, a zero value truncates/extends the file to the current file position DS:DX = pointer to write buffer on return: AX = number of bytes written if CF not set = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - if AX is not equal to CX on return, a partial write occurred - this function can be used to truncate a file to the current file position by writing zero bytes :int 21,41 ^INT 21,41 - Delete File AH = 41h DS:DX = pointer to an ASCIIZ filename on return: AX = error code if CF set (see DOS ERROR CODES) - marks first byte of file directory entry with E5 to indicate the file has been deleted. The rest of the directory entry stays intact until reused. ~FAT~ pointers are returned to DOS - documented as not accepting wildcards in filename but actually does in several DOS versions :int 21,42 ^INT 21,42 - Move File Pointer Using Handle AH = 42h AL = origin of move: 00 = beginning of file plus offset (SEEK_SET) 01 = current location plus offset (SEEK_CUR) 02 = end of file plus offset (SEEK_END) BX = file handle CX = high order word of number of bytes to move DX = low order word of number of bytes to move on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) DX:AX = new pointer location if CF not set - seeks to specified location in file :int 21,43 ^INT 21,43 - Get/Set File Attributes AH = 43h AL = 00 to get attribute = 01 to set attribute DS:DX = pointer to an ASCIIZ path name CX = attribute to set ³5³4³3³2³1³0³ CX valid file attributes ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = read only ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = hidden ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = system ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ not used for this call ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = archive on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) CX = the attribute if AL was 00 - see ~DIRECTORY~ :int 21,44 ^INT 21,44 - I/O Control for Devices (IOCTL) % Standard Call Format AH = 44h AL = function value BX = file handle BL = logical device number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) CX = number of bytes to read or write DS:DX = data or buffer on return: AX = error code if CF set AX = # of bytes transferred if CF not set % For more information, see the following topics: ~IOCTL,0~ Get Device Information ~IOCTL,1~ Set Device Information ~IOCTL,2~ Read From Character Device ~IOCTL,3~ Write to Character Device ~IOCTL,4~ Read From Block Device ~IOCTL,5~ Write to Block Device ~IOCTL,6~ Get Input Status ~IOCTL,7~ Get Output Status ~IOCTL,8~ Device Removable Query ~IOCTL,9~ Device Local or Remote Query ~IOCTL,A~ Handle Local or Remote Query ~IOCTL,B~ Set Sharing Retry Count ~IOCTL,C~ Generic I/O for Handles ~IOCTL,D~ Generic I/O for Block Devices (3.2+) ~IOCTL,E~ Get Logical Drive (3.2+) ~IOCTL,F~ Set Logical Drive (3.2+) - see: ~DEVICE COMMAND CODES~ ~DEVICE REQUEST HEADER~ ~DEVICE STATUS~ ~DEVICE HEADER~ ~DEVICE ATTRIBUTES~ :int 21,44,0:IOCTL,0 ^INT 21,44,0 / IOCTL,0 - Get Device Information AH = 44h AL = 00 BX = handle (must be an opened device) on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) DX = device information (see tables below) ³F³E³D³C³B³A-8³7³6³5-0³ DX Block Device Information ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ drive number (0=A:,1=B:) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = file has been written ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = disk file; 1 = character device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved, must be zero ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = media not removable ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = network device (DOS 3.x+) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = reserved ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = don't update file time or date (DOS 4.x+) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = file is remote (DOS 3.x+) ³F³E³D³C³B³A-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ DX Character Device Information ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = standard input device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = standard output device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = NUL device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = clock device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ uses DOS ~INT 29~ for fast character output ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = binary mode, 0 = translated ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 0 = end of file on input ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = character device, 0 if disk file ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = media not removable ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = network device (DOS 3.x+) ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = supports IOCTL, via functions 2 & 3 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved - BIT 7 of register DX can be used to detect if STDIN/STDOUT is redirected to/from disk; if a call to this function has DX BIT 7 set it's not redirected from/to disk; if it's clear then it is redirected to/from disk - BIT B of register DX can be used to determine if a drive is removable. :int 21,44,1:IOCTL,1 ^INT 21,44,1 / IOCTL,1 - Set Device Information AH = 44h AL = 01 BX = handle DH = must be zero DL = device data low order byte (see below) on return AX = error code if CF set DX = device information (see below) - applicable to character devices only - allows setting of device data word for character devices - usually used to change from binary to translated I/O - handle in BX must be an opened file or device ^Device Data Word ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Device Data Word ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = standard input device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = standard output device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = NUL device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = clock device ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = binary mode, 0 = translated ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 0 = end of file on input ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ 1 = character device ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ reserved, must be zero :int 21,44,2:IOCTL,2 ^INT 21,44,2 / IOCTL,2 - Read From Character Device AH = 44h AL = 02 BX = handle CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX = pointer to data buffer on return AX = number of bytes read if CF clear = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - see bit 14 if IOCTL function 00h to determine if driver can support IOCTL control strings :int 21,44,3:IOCTL,3 ^INT 21,44,3 / IOCTL,3 - Write to Character Device AH = 44h AL = 03 BX = handle CX = number of bytes to send DS:DX = pointer to data buffer on return AX = number of bytes written if CF clear = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - see bit 14 if IOCTL function 00h to determine if driver can support IOCTL control strings :int 21,44,4:IOCTL,4 ^INT 21,44,4 / IOCTL,4 - Read from Block Device AH = 44h AL = 04 BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX = pointer to data buffer on return AX = number of bytes read if CF clear = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - block drivers are not required to support this function - returns AX = 01 (invalid function code) if not supported :int 21,44,5:IOCTL,5 ^INT 21,44,5 / IOCTL,5 - Write to Block Device AH = 44h AL = 05 BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) CX = number of bytes to send DS:DX = pointer to data buffer on return AX = number of bytes written if CF clear = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - block devices are not required to support this function - returns AX = 01 (invalid function code) if not supported :int 21,44,6:IOCTL,6 ^INT 21,44,6 / IOCTL,6 - Get Input Status AH = 44h AL = 06 BX = handle on return CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) AL = 00 if EOF (files), or not ready (char devices) = FF if not EOF (files), or ready (char devices) - used to determine if a file or device is ready for input - can be used to determine EOF unless EOF caused by ~INT 21,42~ :int 21,44,7:IOCTL,7 ^INT 21,44,7 / IOCTL,7 - Get Output Status AH = 44h AL = 07 BX = handle on return CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) AL = 00 if ready (files), or not ready (char devices) = FF ready (files or char device) - indicates if a device or file is ready for output - files always return ready, character devices don't :int 21,44,8:IOCTL,8 ^INT 21,44,8 / IOCTL,8 - Device Removable Query AH = 44h AL = 08 BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) on return CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = 00 removable media = 01 non-removable media = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - used to determine if a device supports removable media - RAM disks are not considered removable media - device drivers compatible with DOS 2.0 do not always respond correctly to this query - implemented from DOS 3.0; for earlier DOS versions drive A: and B: are removable media since DRIVER.SYS/SUBST are DOS 3.0+ only :int 21,44,9:IOCTL,9 ^INT 21,44,9 / IOCTL,9 - Device Local or Remote Query AH = 44h AL = 09 BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) DX = device attribute word bit 12 = 1 if drive is remote bit 12 = 0 if drive is local - used to determine if block device is local or remote - returns invalid function if networking not started - implemented from DOS 3.1 :int 21,44,a:IOCTL,a ^INT 21,44,A / IOCTL,A - Handle Local or Remote Query AH = 44h AL = 0A BX = handle on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) DX = device attribute word bit 15 = 1 if drive is remote bit 15 = 0 if drive is local - used to determine if block device is local or remote - returns invalid function if networking not started - implemented from DOS 3.1 :int 21,44,b:IOCTL,b ^INT 21,44,B / IOCTL,B - Set Sharing Retry Count AH = 44h AL = 0B CX = pause between retries (default 1) DX = number of retries (default 3) on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - retry parameters are associated with file locking - differences in CPU and clock speeds affect length of pauses - requires SHARE be loaded or invalid function is returned - implemented from DOS 3.0 :int 21,44,c:IOCTL,c ^INT 21,44,C / IOCTL,C - Generic I/O for Handles AH = 44h AL = 0C BX = handle CH = device type = 00 unknown device type (DOS 3.3+) = 01 COMx (DOS 3.3+) = 03 CON (DOS 3.3+) = 05 LPTx (DOS 3.3+), printer (DOS 3.2) CL = minor function code (when CH = 3 or CH = 5) = 45 set iteration count (DOS 3.2 only) = 4A select code page (DOS 3.3+); parameter format: 00 word length of data 02 word code page ID 04 nwords character set data array (see offset 00) = 4C code page prepare start (DOS 3.3+); parameter format: 00 word flags 02 word length of remainder of parameter block 04 word number of code pages following 06 nwords code page 1,...,N = 4D code page prepare end (DOS 3.3+); parameter format: 00 word length of data 02 word code page ID = 5F set display info (DOS 4.x, when CH=3); parameter format: 00 byte level (0 for DOS 4.0) 01 byte reserved 02 word length of following data 04 word control flags bit 0 set for blink, clear for intensity bits 1 to 15 reserved 06 byte mode type (1=text, 2=graphics) 07 byte reserved 08 word colors; 0=monochrome, n=bits per pixel 0A word pixel columns 0C word pixel rows 0E word character columns 10 word character rows = 65 get iteration count (DOS 3.2 only) = 6A query selected code page (DOS 3.3+); parameter format: 00 word length of data 02 word code page ID 04 nwords character set data array (see offset 00) = 6B query prepare list (DOS 3.3+); Parameter format: 00 word length of following data 02 word number of hardware code pages 04 nwords hardware code page array xx word number of prepared code pages xx nwords prepared code page array = 7F get display info (DOS 4.x, CH = 3) 00 byte level (0 for DOS 4.0) 01 byte reserved 02 word length of following data 04 word control flags bit 0 set for blink, clear for intensity bits 1 to 15 reserved 06 byte mode type (1=text, 2=graphics) 07 byte reserved 08 word colors; 0=monochrome, n=bits per pixel 0A word pixel columns 0C word pixel rows 0E word character columns 10 word character rows DS:DX = pointer to iteration count word (DOS 3.2) = pointer to parameter block (DOS 3.3) on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - iteration count word specifies the number of times to retry an operation before aborting - DOS 3.3 changed this function to handle code page switching - implemented from DOS 3.2 - DOS 4.x adds support for double byte characters - see IBM DOS Technical Reference Manual for more details :int 21,44,d:IOCTL,d ^INT 21,44,D / IOCTL,D - Generic I/O for Block Devices AH = 44h AL = 0D BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) CH = device type = 08 for disk drive (block device) CL = minor function code = 40 set device parameters = 41 write track on logical device = 42 format/verify track on logical drive = 47 set access flag (DOS 4.x) = 60 get device parameters = 61 read track on logical device = 62 verify track on logical drive = 67 get access flag (DOS 4.x) DS:DX = pointer to parameter block on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - provides device independent primitive control operations - implemented from DOS 3.2 - see IBM DOS Technical Reference Manual for more details :int 21,44,e:IOCTL,e ^INT 21,44,E / IOCTL,E - Get Logical Drive AH = 44h AL = 0E BL = physical drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) AL = logical drive number assigned to physical drive = 0 if drive accessed by only one drive specifier = 1 if drive A:, 2 if drive B:, etc - used to determine the last drive designator used to access a drive if more than one logical drive designation applies to a device - implemented from DOS 3.2 :int 21,44,f:IOCTL,f ^INT 21,44,F / IOCTL,F - Set Logical Drive AH = 44h AL = 0F BL = new drive number (0=default, 1=A:, 2=B:, 3=C:, ...) on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) AL = logical drive number (should be equal to BL input) = 0 if drive accessed by only one drive specifier = 1 if drive A:, 2 if drive B:, etc - changes the logical drive designator of the physical drive to be accessed next - implemented from DOS 3.2 :int 21,45 ^INT 21,45 - Duplicate File Handle AH = 45h BX = file handle on return: AX = new file handle if CF not set = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - gets another file handle for the same file - both file handles move in unison - often used to flush file data and update a file directory entry without closing the initial file :int 21,46 ^INT 21,46 - Force Duplicate File Handle AH = 46h BX = existing file handle CX = second file handle on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - if file handle in CX is currently open, current file identified by CX is closed and the handle in BX is dupped and placed in CX - after duping file handles move together through file - similar to ~INT 21,45~ :int 21,47 ^INT 21,47 - Get Current Directory AH = 47h DL = drive number (0 = default, 1 = A:) DS:SI = pointer to a 64 byte user buffer on return: DS:SI = pointer ASCIIZ directory path string AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - returns the current directory relative to the root directory - the leading slash "\" and drive designator are omitted :int 21,48 ^INT 21,48 - Allocate Memory AH = 48h BX = number of memory paragraphs requested on return: AX = segment address of allocated memory block (MCB + 1para) = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) BX = size in paras of the largest block of memory available if CF set, and AX = 08 (Not Enough Mem) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error - returns segment address of allocated memory block AX:0000 - each allocation requires a 16 byte overhead for the ~MCB~ - returns maximum block size available if error - see ~INT 21,49~, ~INT 21,4A~ :int 21,49 ^INT 21,49 - Free Allocated Memory AH = 49h ES = segment of the block to be returned (~MCB~ + 1para) on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - releases memory and MCB allocated by ~INT 21,48~ - may cause unpredictable results is memory wasn't allocated using INT 21,48 or if memory wasn't allocated by the current process - checks for valid MCB id, but does NOT check for process ownership - care must be taken when freeing the memory of another process, to assure the segment isn't in use by a TSR or ISR - this function is unreliable in a TSR once resident, since COMMAND.COM and many other .COM files take all available memory when they load - see INT 21,4A :int 21,4a ^INT 21,4A - Modify Allocated Memory Block (SETBLOCK) AH = 4A BX = new requested block size in paragraphs ES = segment of the block (~MCB~ + 1 para) on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) BX = maximum block size possible, if CF set and AX = 8 - modifies memory blocks allocated by ~INT 21,48~ - can be used by programs to shrink or increase the size of allocated memory - PC-DOS version 2.1 and DOS 3.x will actually allocate the largest available block if CF is set. BX will equal the size allocated. - see also ~INT 21,49~ :int 21,4b:exec function ^INT 21,4B - EXEC/Load and Execute Program AH = 4B AL = 00 to load and execute program = 01 (Undocumented) create program segment prefix and load program, but don't execute. The CS:IP and SS:SP of the program is placed in parameter block. Used by debuggers = 03 load program only = 04 called by MSC spawn() when P_NOWAIT is specified DS:DX = pointer to an ASCIIZ filename ES:BX = pointer to a parameter block on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) ES:BX = when AL=1, pointer to parameter block similar to: % Offset Size Description 00 word when AL=1, segment of env. or zero if using parents env. word when AL=3, segment of load point for overlay 02 dword when AL=1, pointer to cmd line at PSP 80h word when AL=3, relocation factor for EXE overlay 06 dword pointer to default ~FCB~ passed at ~PSP~ 5Ch 0A dword pointer to default FCB passes at PSP 6Ch 0E dword value of program SS:SP 12 dword value of program CS:IP - allows execution of an external program as well as overlay management from within an application - all registers except CS and IP are destroyed - SS and SP should be preserved in code segment before call since a bug in DOS version 2.x destroys these - return code can be retrieved if child process exits via ~INT 21,4C~ - calling process must assure presence of enough unallocated memory - subfunction 4 returns with an error under DOS 4.x+ - calls ~INT 21,55~ - see also ~INT 21,26~ :int 21,4c ^INT 21,4C - Terminate Process With Return Code AH = 4C AL = return code (for batch files) returns nothing - approved method of program termination - restores the terminate, ~Ctrl-Break~, and critical error exit addresses, flushes all buffers, frees memory and returns to DOS via the termination handler address - does not close FCBs - this function is not supported in versions of DOS before 2.x, so use ~INT 21,0~ or ~INT 20~ to exit. - see also ~INT 27~ ~INT 21,31~ :int 21,4d ^INT 21,4D - Get Return Code of Sub-process AH = 4D on return: AH = system exit code (indicates normal termination) = 00 for normal termination = 01 if terminated by ctl-break = 02 if critical device error = 03 if terminated by ~INT 21,31~ AL = child exit code - retrieve child process and system exit codes - this function can only be used to retrieve the exit code once multiple attempts to read exit codes will cause errors :int 21,4e ^INT 21,4E - Find First Matching File AH = 4E CX = attribute used during search (see ~FILE ATTRIBUTES~) DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ filespec, including wildcards on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODE~) ~DTA~ = data returned from call in the format: % Offset Size Description 00 byte attribute of search (undocumented) byte drive letter used in search (DOS 3.1-4.x, undocumented) 01 byte drive letter used in search (undocumented) 11bytes search name used (DOS 3.1-4.x, undocumented) 02 11bytes search name used (undocumented) 0C byte attribute of search (DOS 3.1-4.x, undocumented) 0D word directory entry number (0 based, undocumented) 0F word starting cluster number of current directory; zero for root directory (DOS 3.2+, undocumented) dword pointer to DTA (DOS 2.x-3.1, undocumented) 11 word reserved 13 word starting cluster number of current directory; zero for root directory (DOS 2.x+, undocumented) 15 byte attribute of matching file 16 word file time (see ~FILE ATTRIBUTES~) 18 word file date (see FILE ATTRIBUTES) 1A word file size 1E 13bytes ASCIIZ filename and extension in the form NAME.EXT with blanks stripped - returns information on first file matching specifications - use ~INT 21,4F~ to retrieve following file matches - DOS 2.x cannot find . and .. entries, while DOS 3.x can unless they represent the root directory - character devices return a zero for size, time and date in DOS 2.x, while DOS 3.0 returns a 40h attribute and current time and date. - multiple calls to this function with a character device will result in unpredictable results - normal files are always included along with files that match the requested attributes except when the LABEL attribute is requested. DOS 2.x returns all normal files when label is specified but 3.x doesn't. It's up to the programmer to determine which actually match the requested attributes. - bit 8 of CX (file attributes) indicates Novell Netware shareable - see INT 21,1A :int 21,4f ^INT 21,4F - Find Next Matching File AH = 4F DS:DX = unchanged from previous function 4E on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - ~INT 21,4E~ should be called to find the first file and this function should be called to find all other matching files - normal files are always included along with files that match the requested attributes except when the LABEL attribute is requested. It's up to the programmer to determine which actually match the requested attributes. - see ~INT 21,1A~ ~DTA~ ~FILE ATTRIBUTES~ :int 21,50 ^INT 21,50 - Set Current Process ID (Undocumented DOS 2.x) AH = 50h BX = process ID number (process ~PSP~ segment address) returns nothing - the process ID number is actually the segment address of a program's PSP. This is useful for TSR's to access their own file handle table inside their PSP. - this function cannot be called while in an ~INT 28~ handler in DOS 2.x unless the critical error flag is set or stack corruption will occur - safe in DOS 3.x INT 28 handlers since they use a different stack by default - available in OS/2 compatibility box - see ~INT 21,51~ ~INT 21,62~ :int 21,51 ^INT 21,51 - Get Current Process ID (Undocumented DOS 2.x) AH = 51h on return: BX = process ID - The process ID number is actually the segment address of program's PSP. This in conjunction with ~INT 21,50~ is useful for TSR's to access their own file handle table in their respective ~PSP~. - this function cannot be called while in an ~INT 28~ handler in DOS 2.x unless the critical error flag is set or stack corruption will occur - ~INT 21,62~ is highly recommended for DOS 3.x due to a possible bug when activated from a TSR. DOS may switch to the wrong internal stack which may cause a problems with TSR's if called during an INT 28. - see INT 21,62 (Get PSP segment) for DOS 3.x applications :int 21,52:INVARS ^INT 21,52 - Get Pointer to DOS "INVARS" (Undocumented) AH = 52h on return: ES:BX = pointer to DOS "invars", a table of pointers used by DOS. Known "invars" fields follow (varies with DOS version): % Offset Size Description -12 word sharing retry count (DOS 3.1-3.3) -10 word sharing retry delay (DOS 3.1-3.3) -8 dword pointer to current disk buffer (DOS 3.x) -4 word pointer in DOS code segment of unread CON input; 0 indicates no unread input (DOS 3.x) -2 word segment of first Memory Control Block (~MCB~) 00 dword pointer to first ~DRIVE PARAMETER TABLE~ (A:) in chain 04 dword pointer to DOS ~System File Table~ (SFT) 08 dword pointer to $CLOCK device driver 0C dword pointer to CON device driver 10 byte number of logical drives in system 11 word maximum bytes/block of any block device 13 dword pointer to DOS cache buffer header 17 18bytes NUL device header, first 4 bytes of device header point to the next device in device chain ^DOS 3.0 Specific Information % Offset Size Description 10 byte number of block devices 11 word max sector size used by DOS prior to loading block device drivers; limits allowable device sector size 13 dword pointer to DOS cache buffer header 17 dword pointer to drive information table 1B byte value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS 1C dword pointer to STRING= workspace area 20 word size of STRING area (CONFIG.SYS value of STRING=x) 22 dword ~FCB~ file table pointer 26 word number of protected FCBs 28 18bytes NUL device header, first 4 bytes of device header point to the next device in device chain ^DOS 3.1-3.3 Specific Information % Offset Size Description 10 word max sector size used by DOS prior to loading block device drivers; limits allowable device sector size 12 dword pointer to DOS cache buffer header 16 dword pointer to drive information table 1A dword ~FCB~ file table pointer 1E word number of protected FCBs 20 byte number of block devices 21 byte value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS 22 18bytes NUL device header, first 4 bytes of device header point to the next device in device chain 34 byte number of JOIN'ed drives ^DOS 4.x Specific Information % Offset Size Description 10 word max sector size used by DOS prior to loading block device drivers; limits allowable device sector size 12 dword pointer to DOS cache buffer header 16 dword pointer to drive information table 1A dword FCB file table pointer 1E word number of protected FCBs 20 byte number of block devices 21 byte value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS (default 5) 22 18bytes NUL device header, first 4 bytes of device header point to the next device in device chain 34 byte number of joined drives 35 word pointer within IBMDOS code segment to list of special program names 37 dword pointer to resident IFS utility function 3B dword pointer to chain of installable file system drivers 3F word the x in BUFFERS x,y (rounded up to multiple of 30 if EMS is used) 41 word the y in BUFFERS x,y 43 byte boot drive (1=A:) 44 byte ??? 45 byte extended memory size in K bytes - see ~Bibliography~ references for Bernd Schemmer & "Undocumented DOS" - see ~INDOS~ ~INT 21,5D~ :int 21,53 ^INT 21,53 - Generate Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented) AH = 53h DS:SI = address of BIOS Parameter Block (~BPB~) ES:BP = pointer to buffer to hold first Drive Parameter Table (~DPT~) returns: ES:BP = pointer to buffer containing the first Drive Parameter Table in chain - available since DOS 2.0+ - translates BPB into a DOS Disk Parameter Table - see ~INT 21,32~ ~INT 21,52~ :int 21,54 ^INT 21,54 - Get Verify Setting AH = 54h on return: AL = 00 verify off = 01 verify on - returns value of disk read after write verification flag - see ~INT 21,2E~ :int 21,55 ^INT 21,55 - Create New PSP (Undocumented) AH = 55h DX = New PSP segment address SI = memory size value to place in ~PSP~ offset 02h (DOS 3+) returns nothing - the following should be observed when using this function o Allocate memory for the PSP and program code (~INT 21,48~) o Duplicate the PSP (~INT 21,55~) o Load program code into allocated segment above the new PSP o Save Current PSP o Set PSP to the PSP just created (~INT 21,50~) o Jump to start of code if .COM otherwise handle relocation, setup stack and registers - similar to ~INT 21,26~ except the PSP is setup by DOS - increments reference count in ~SFT~ for all inherited files - files flagged as not inheritable are marked as closed in the new PSP - invoked by ~INT 21,4B~ - see ~UNDOC~ ~INT 21,4B~ ~INT 21,26~ :int 21,56 ^INT 21,56 - Rename File AH = 56h DS:DX = pointer to old ASCIIZ path/filename ES:DI = pointer to new ASCIIZ path/filename on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - supports full pathnames and allows renaming files across directories and in DOS 3.x allows renaming subdirectories - does not support use of wildcards unless invoked from via ~INT 21,5D~ in which case error code 12h is returned - unpredictable result may occur if an opened file is renamed - see ~Bibliography~ reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 21,57 ^INT 21,57 - Get/Set File Date and Time Using Handle AH = 57h AL = 00 get date and time = 01 set date and time = 02 ??? (DOS 4.0+ undocumented) = 03 ??? (DOS 4.0+ undocumented) = 04 ??? (DOS 4.0+ undocumented) BX = file handle CX = time to set (if setting) DX = date to set (if setting) ES:DI = pointer to buffer to contain results on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) CX = file time (if reading, see below) DX = file date (if reading, see below) % Time encoding: ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Time in CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ two second incr (0-29) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ minutes 0-59) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ hours (0-29) % Date Encoding ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Date in DX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ day (1-31) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ month (1-12) ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ year - 1980 :int 21,58 ^INT 21,58 - Get/Set Memory Allocation Strategy ^(Undocumented, DOS 3.x) AH = 58h AL = 00 get strategy code = 01 set strategy code BX = strategy code (when AL = 01) = 00 first fit (default) = 01 best fit = 02 last fit on return: AX = strategy code if CF clear = error if CF set, see ~DOS ERROR CODES~ - defaults to first fit, first block large enough is chosen - in first fit, DOS searches the ~MCB~ chain from low addresses to high for the first block large enough to fill the request. For best fit, DOS searches all memory blocks for the closest fit. In last fit, DOS starts at high addresses and works downward and uses the high part of the chosen block - any strategy value greater than 2 defaults to 2, but the last value set, even if incorrect, is the value returned by the get strategy :int 21,59 ^INT 21,59 - Get Extended Error Information (DOS 3.0+) AH = 59h BX = 00 for versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 on return: AX = extended error code (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) = 0 if no error BH = error class BL = suggested action CH = locus - may be called after any ~INT 21~ function or from ~INT 24~ when an error is returned - must be called immediately after the error occurs - registers CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, DS and ES are destroyed :int 21,5a ^INT 21,5A - Create Temporary File (DOS 3.0+) AH = 5A CX = attribute DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path ending in '\' on return: AX = handle if call CF clear = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) DS:DX = pointer to updated ASCIIZ filespec - creates files with random names with any combination of the following attributes: normal, system and hidden - ending backslash is required :int 21,5b ^INT 21,5B - Create File (DOS 3.0+) AH = 5B CX = attribute DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ path/filename on return: AX = handle if CF not set = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - standard method of opening files - returns a file handle of a file opened with specified attributes (combinations of normal, system and hidden) :int 21,5c ^INT 21,5C - Lock/Unlock File Access (DOS 3.0+) AH = 5C AL = 00 lock file = 01 unlock file BX = file handle CX = most significant word of region offset DX = least significant word of region offset SI = most significant word of region length DI = least significant word of region length on return: AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - used for networking and multi-tasking system to preserve data integrity - duplicated handles inherit access to locked regions - EXEC'd programs do not inherit access to locked regions :int 21,5d ^INT 21,5D - Critical Error Information (Undocumented, DOS 3.x+) % See second reference below for more information about this interrupt % information presented here is incomplete AH = 5D AL = 00 server function call (DOS 3.1+) = 01 commit all files (DOS 3.1+) = 02 SHARE: close file by name (DOS 3.1+) = 03 SHARE: close all files for given computer (DOS 3.1+) = 04 SHARE: close all files for given process (DOS 3.1+) = 05 SHARE: get open file list entry (DOS 3.1+) = 06 get address of DOS swappable area into DS:SI (DOS 3.0+) = 07 get network redirected printer mode (DOS 3.1+) = 08 set network redirected printer mode (DOS 3.1+) = 09 flush network redirected printer output (DOS 3.1+) = 0A set extended error information (DOS 3.1+) = 0B get DOS swappable data areas (DOS 4.x+) DS:DX = pointer to 18 byte DOS Parameter List (DPL, if AL=00) = pointer to 9 byte data block of the form (AL=0A): % Offset Size Description 00 word extended error code to set 02 dword pointer to driver address to set 06 byte action code to set 07 byte class code to set 08 byte locus code to set on return: DS:SI = (if AL was 6) address of critical flag of the form: % Offset Size Description 00 word extended error code 02 byte action code 03 byte class code 04 byte pointer to driver address - function 0 copies 18 bytes from DS:SI to the DOS internal register-save area; this data will be placed in the registers when DOS returns to the caller thereby circumventing the DOS register save logic - may be used by a TSR to prevent accidental changing of an error code and causing problems in the foreground process - see ~bibliography~ references for "Undocumented DOS" and "DOS Programmers Reference" - see ~INT 21,59~ :int 21,5e ^INT 21,5E AL=0 Get Machine Name (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5E AL = 00 get machine name DS:DX = far pointer to buffer receiving name string on return: AX = error code if CF set, (invalid function) CH = 0 if name not defined > 0 if name defined CL = NETBIOS name number, if CH not 0 DS:DX = far pointer to buffer containing string if CH not 0 - returns pointer to an ASCIIZ string identifying the computer on a Microsoft network - output string is a 15 bytes long, padded with blanks and null terminated - unpredictable if called without file sharing loaded ^INT 21,5E AL=01 Set Machine Name (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5E AL = 01 set machine name CH = 00 undefine name = any other value means to define name CL = name number DS:DX = pointer to 15 byte, blank padded ASCIIZ name string on return: AX = error code if CF set, (invalid function) - specifies the network machine name on a Microsoft network - unpredictable if called without file sharing loaded ^INT 21,5E AL=02 Set Printer Setup (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5E AL = 02 set printer setup BX = redirection list index (see ~INT 21,5F~ AL=2) CX = length of setup string DS:SI = far pointer to printer setup string on return: AX = error code if CF set, (invalid function) - see INT 21,5F subfunction 2 for information on obtaining the redirection list index - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5E AL=03 Get Printer Setup (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5E AL = 03 get printer setup BX = redirection list index (see ~INT 21,5F~ AL=2) ES:DI = far pointer to buffer to receive setup string on return: AX = error code if CF set - see INT 21,5F subfunction 2 for information on obtaining the redirection list index - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5E AL=04 Set Printer Mode (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5E AL = 04 set printer setup BX = redirection list index (see INT 21,5F AL=2) DX = printer mode to set (bit zero is set for binary mode and clear for translated/text mode) on return: AX = error code if CF set - see INT 21,5F subfunction 2 for information on obtaining the redirection list index - fails if file sharing is not loaded - issues ~INT 2F,11~ and ~INT 2F,1F~ ^INT 21,5E AL=05 Get Printer Mode (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5E AL = 05 set printer setup BX = redirection list index (see INT 21,5F AL=2) on return: AX = error code if CF set DX = printer mode where bit zero is set for binary mode and clear for translated mode - see ~INT 21,5F~ subfunction 2 for information on obtaining the redirection list index - fails if file sharing is not loaded - issues ~INT 2F,11~ and ~INT 2F,1F~ :int 21,5f ^INT 21,5F AL=00 Get Redirection Mode (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5F AL = 00 BL = redirection type = 03 printer = 04 disk drive on return: AX = error code if CF is set BH = device redirection state = 00 redirection off = 01 redirection on - determines if disk or printer redirection is enabled - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5F AL=01 Set Redirection Mode (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5F AL = 01 BH = device redirection state = 00 turn redirection off = 01 turn redirection on BL = redirection type = 03 printer = 04 disk drive on return: AX = error code if CF is set - enables or disables disk or printer redirection - local devices are used when redirection is off - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5F AL=02 Get Redirection List Entry (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5F AL = 02 BX = redirection list index DS:SI = far pointer to a 16 byte buffer to hold device name ES:DI = far pointer to a 128 byte buffer to hold network name on return: AX = error code if CF is set = 1 invalid function code = 12 no more files BH = device status flag, bit 0 = 0 device valid bit 0 = 1 device invalid BL = device type = 3 printer = 4 drive CX = stored parameter value DS:SI = far pointer to ASCIIZ local device name ES:DI = far pointer to ASCIIZ network name - value returned in CX is the value previously passed to INT 21,5F with subfunction 3 in register CX - registers DX and BP are destroyed - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5F AL=03 Redirect Device (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5F AL = 03 BL = device type = 3 if printer = 4 if drive CX = parameter to save for caller DS:SI = far pointer to ASCIIZ local device name ES:DI = far pointer to ASCIIZ network name followed by ASCIIZ password on return AX = error code if CF is set = 1 invalid function code or invalid source or destination string format or source device already redirected = 3 path not found = 5 access denied = 8 insufficient memory - parameter passed in CX can later be retrieved by calls to INT 21,5F subfunction 2 - local device name in DS:SI can be a drive designator (D:), a printer name (PRN or LPTx), or a null string - when a null string is followed by a password is used, DOS tries granting access to the network directory using the given password - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5F AL=04 Cancel Device Redirection (DOS 3.1+) AH = 5F AL = 04 DS:SI = far pointer to ASCIIZ local device name on return AX = error code if CF set = 01 function code invalid ASCIIZ string is not an existing source device = 0F redirection paused on server - local device name in DS:SI can be a drive designator (D:), a printer name (PRN or LPTx), or a string beginning with 2 backslashes "\\" - when two backslashes are used for the string the connection between the local machine and network directory terminates - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5F AL=05 Get Redirection List Extended Entry (DOS 4.0+) AH = 5F AL = 05 BX = redirection list index DS:SI = pointer to buffer to receive ASCIIZ source device name ES:DI = pointer to buffer to receive ASCIIZ network path on return AX = error code if CF set BH = device status flag (bit 0 clear if valid) BL = device type = 03 printer device = 04 disk device CX = stored user parameter value BP = NETBIOS local session number DS:SI = pointer to buffer containing ASCIIZ source device name ES:DI = pointer to buffer containing ASCIIZ network path - retrieves the status, type, source and target of a given redirection - fails if file sharing is not loaded ^INT 21,5F AL=06 Get Redirection List (DOS 4.0+) AH = 5F AL = 06 - no information is currently available for this subfunction :int 21,60 ^INT 21,60 - Get Fully Qualified File Name (Undocumented 3.x+) AH = 60h DS:SI = pointer to ASCIIZ string containing unqualified filename ES:DI = pointer to 128 byte buffer to contain fully qualified filename on return: ES:DI = address of fully qualified filename string AH = error code if CF set - undocumented, available in DOS 3.x+ - does not check for file existence, simple provides a fully qualified filename for the given filespec - this function ignores ASSIGN'ed, JOIN'ed, SUBST'ed and network redirections and returns the true path name - returned string is in upper case and has forward slashes replaced by back slashes; filename always begins with "d:" or "\\" format - AL register is destroyed - supported by OS/2 1.1 compatibility box :int 21,62 ^INT 21,62 - Get PSP address (DOS 3.x) AH = 62h on return: BX = segment address of current process - this is useful for TSR's to access their own file handles - for DOS 2.x use ~INT 21,51~ - see also ~INT 21,50~ :int 21,63 ^INT 21,63 - Get Lead Byte Table (MSDOS 2.25 only) % See below for information on the Asian INT 21,63 specifications AH = 63h AL = 00 get address of system lead byte table = 01 set or clear interim console flag = 02 get value of interim console flag DL = 00 clear interim console flag (when AL=01) = 01 set interim console flag (when AL=01) on return AX = error code if CF set DS:SI = far pointer to lead byte table (AL=00) DL = value of interim console flag (AL=02) - available only in MSDOS 2.25 - provides multiple byte character support - function 00, returns the address of system table containing legal lead byte ranges - function 01 & 02 set and get the interim console flag which determines whether interim bytes are returned on some console functions - all registers except CS:IP and SS:SP may be destroyed ^INT 21,63 - Get Lead Byte Table (Asian DOS 3.2+) AH = 63h AL = 00 get address of Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) lead table = 01 set Hongeul (Korean) input mode = 02 get Hongeul (Korean) input mode DL = new keyboard input mode = 00 return completely formed characters only = 01 return partially formed characters also on return AL = 00 on success = FF if function not supported DS:SI = pointer to DBCS table (function 00) DL = current keyboard input mode (function 02) = 00 only completely formed characters are accepted = 01 partially formed characters are accepted - available only in Asian MSDOS 3.2+ - provides Asian multiple byte character support - all registers except CS:IP and SS:SP may be destroyed - DOS 4.0 returns an empty list :int 21,64 ^INT 21,64 - Set Device Driver Look Ahead (Undocumented) AH = 64h AL = value for switch 00 causes DOS to perform look ahead to the device driver before execution of ~INT 21,1~, ~INT 21,8~ and ~INT 21,A~ other - no look ahead is performed returns ??? - DOS internal; should not be called by user program - switch defaults to zero - undocumented; since DOS 3.3 - some other subfunctions are know to have existed since DOS 3.2 but details on their functionality are incomplete :int 21,65 ^INT 21,65 - Get Extended Country Information (DOS 3.3+) AH = 65h AL = 01 get extended country information = 02 get pointer to character translation table = 04 get pointer to filename character translation table = 05 get pointer to filename terminator table = 06 get pointer to collating sequence = 07 get segment of DCBS vector (DOS 4.x) = 20 country dependant character capitalization (DOS 4+) = 21 country dependant string capitalization (DOS 4+) = 22 country dependant ASCIIZ string capitalization (DOS 4+) = 23 determine if character represents country relative Yes or No response (DOS 4+) = A0 country dependant filename character capitalization (DOS 4+) = A1 country dependant filename string capitalization (DOS 4+) = A2 country dependant ASCIIZ filename capitalization (DOS 4+) BX = code page (-1 = current global code page, AL < 20h) CX = amount of data to return = length of string (AL=21h, A1h) DX = country ID (-1 = current country, AL < 20h) DL = character to capitalize or test (AL=20h, 23h, A0h) DH = second character if double byte character (AL=23h) ES:DI = pointer to output buffer (AL < 20h, see tables below) DS:DX = pointer to string to capitalize (AL=21h, 22h, A1h, A2h) on return AX = error code if CF is set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) = 00 NO response if (AL was 23h) = 01 YES response if (AL was 23h) = 02 not a yes or no response (AL was 23h) CX = amount of data returned DL = capitalize character (AL=20) ES:DI pointer to returned table of the forms: % Offset Size Table for Function 01 00 byte country id = 01 01 word size (38 or less) 03 word country id 05 word code Page 07 word date Format 09 5bytes currency symbol string (ASCIIZ) 0E 2bytes thousands separator string (ASCIIZ) 10 2bytes decimal separator string (ASCIIZ) 12 2bytes date separator string (ASCIIZ) 14 2bytes time Separator string (ASCIIZ) 16 byte currency symbol location 17 byte currency decimal places 18 byte time format 19 dword extended ASCII map call address 1D 2bytes list separator string (ASCIIZ) 1F 10bytes reserved % Offset Size Table for Function 2 00 byte country Id = 02 01 dword pointer to uppercase table % Offset Size Table for Function 4 00 byte country Id = 04 01 dword pointer to filename character translation table % Offset Size Table for Function 5 00 byte country Id = 05 01 dword pointer to filename uppercase table % File Terminator Table for Function 5 00 word table size 02 7bytes unknown 09 byte length of following data 0A nbytes list of filename termination characters, ex: < > . " / \ [ ] : | + = ; , % Offset Size Table for Function 6 00 byte country Id = 06 01 dword pointer to collating table % Offset Size Table for Function 7 00 byte country Id = 07 01 dword pointer to byte pair table - functions A0, A1, A2 are implemented in DOS 4.x but don't work :int 21,66 ^INT 21,66 - Get/Set Global Code Page (DOS 3.3+) AH = 66h AL = 01 get global code page = 02 set global code page BX = active code page if setting DX = system code page if setting on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) BX = active code page (for AL=1 only) DX = system code page (for AL=1 only) - moves country data from COUNTRY.SYS to country memory table :int 21,67 ^INT 21,67 - Set Handle Count (DOS 3.3+) AH = 67h BX = new maximum open handles allowed on return CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error AX = error code if CF is set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - gives program control of the number of files simultaneously open - if CX is less than the current number of open files the change will take effect when the number of open handles falls below the new limit - this function allows the application to use more than 20 files, up to the FILES=N limit - earlier copies of IBM DOS 3.3 sometimes incorrectly allocates memory (up to 64K) if an even number of handles is requested - only the first 20 files handles are copied to a child process regardless of the max number of files - it is possible to allocate more than 255 file handles but it is difficult to use more than 255 - see ~SFT~ ~FILE HANDLES~ :int 21,68 ^INT 21,68 - Flush Buffer Using Handle (DOS 3.3+) AH = 68h BX = file handle on return AX = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) - flushes DOS buffers to disk, does not update directory entry :int 21,69 ^INT 21,69 - Get/Set Disk Serial Number (Undocumented DOS 4+) AH = 69h AL = 00 get serial number = 01 set serial number BL = drive (0 = default, 1=A:, 2 = B:, ... ) DS:DX = buffer to contain extended BIOS Parameter Block (~BPB~, AL=0) = disk information to set of the form: % Offset Size Description 00 word info level (zero) 02 dword disk serial number (binary) 06 11bytes volume label or "NO NAME " if not present 11 8bytes filesystem type string "FAT12 " or "FAT16 " returns: CF = set on error AX = error code if CF set = 01 network drive not supported = 05 no extended BPB found on disk CF = clear if successful and value in AX is destroyed AL = 00 buffer filled from Extended BPB on disk = 01 disk Extended BPB updated from buffer DS:DX = pointer to returned data, when AL = 0 - copies data from Extended BIOS Parameter Block to buffer - no critical error is generated on error - does not work on network drives (returns 01) - returned buffer (after offset 2) is similar to offsets 27 through 3D of the Extended BPB found in the boot record - see ~INT 21,59~ :int 21,6c ^INT 21,6C - Extended Open/Create (DOS 4.x+) AH = 6C AL = 00 BX = open mode (see below) CX = file attribute (see ~FILE ATTRIBUTES~, bits 15-8 are zero) DX = function control indicator (see below) DS:SI = ASCIIZ filespec returns: AX = handle if CF clear = error code if CF set (see ~DOS ERROR CODES~) CX = 01 file opened = 02 file created and opened = 03 file truncated and opened (replaced) CF = 0 if successful = 1 if error % Open Mode in BX: ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ BX (Open Mode) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ read/write access mode ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserve (must be 0) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ sharing mode ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1 = private, 0 = inheritable ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = call INT 24, 1 = ignore INT 24 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0 = normal write, 1 = flush each write ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved % Read/Write Access bits: Sharing Mode bits: % 210 654 000 read access 000 compatibility mode 001 write access 001 read/write access 010 read/write access 010 write access denied 011 read access denied 100 full access % Function Control Indicator in DX: ³F³E³D³C³B³A³9³8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ DX (Function Control) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄ file existence behavior ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ creation behavior ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ reserved % File Existence Behavior bits: % 3210 0000 if file exist, generate error, take no action 0001 if file exists, open file 0010 if file exists, truncate and open % Creation Behavior bits: % 7654 0000 if file does not exist, generate error, take no action 0001 if file does not exist, create :int 21,f8 ^INT 21,F8 - Set OEM Int 21 Handler (functions F9-FF, Undocumented) AH = F8 DS:DX = pointer to OEM handler for INT 21H calls F9 through FF = FFFF:FFFF to reset to original handlers - DOS is set up to allow ONE handler for all 7 function calls. Any call to these handlers will set the CF and AX will contain 1 if they are not initialized. The handling routine is passed all registers just as the user set them. The handler should exit with an ~IRET~. :int 22 ^INT 22 - Program Terminate no input data - not an interrupt, but a vector to the terminate address - copied to ~PSP~ offset 0Ah during program load - do not execute this interrupt directly :int 23:ctrl-c ^INT 23 - Control-Break Exit Address no input data - not an interrupt but a pointer to a routine that is called when a DOS function detects a ~Ctrl-Break~ or Ctrl-C has been pressed resulting in a "Break condition" - a Break condition is detected if DOS's internal Break flag is found set by ~INT 1B~ or the next word in the BIOS keyboard buffer is a scan code representing one of the Break key combinations. If a matching scan code is found, the keyboard buffer head pointer is incremented by 2 (which effectively removes the ^C keycode), the ^C is printed and then INT 23 is called. - disabling the abort is easy, but to disable the ^C from appearing you must either not use any of the DOS I/O functions that check for Break or you must trap the Ctrl-C keypress from within INT 9. Another method is to scan the BIOS keyboard buffer and delete any Break key combinations. - Ctrl-Break empties the keyboard buffer by resetting the keyboard head and tail pointers then places a 0000h at the queue head. It then sets an internal "Break" flag. DOS subfunctions that check for Break see this and then issue INT 23h. DOS does not detect INT 1B using the keyboard buffer, but uses it's own internal flag. - Alt-Keypad-3 and Ctrl-2 also result in this interrupt - Ctrl-C places 2E03h in the BIOS keyboard buffer while Ctrl-2 places 0300h and Alt-Keypad-3 places 0003h; none of these key combinations empty the keyboard like Ctrl-Break but all result in a ^C being displayed; note that all three produce scan codes containing '03' - since DOS checks only the first word of the keyboard buffer Ctrl-C, Ctrl-2 and Alt-Keypad-3 are only detected if they are the first word in the buffer while Ctrl-Break is detected via the internal flag and takes effect as soon as it's detected. - do not execute this interrupt directly - see also ~INT 9~ :int 24:critical error handler ^INT 24 - Critical Error Handler no input data on entry to INT 24: AH = bit 7 of register AH is set to one if other than disk error = bit 7 of register AH is set to zero if disk error AL = failing drive number AH = bits 0-2 indicate affected disk area and read/write status ³5³4³3³2³1³0³ AH ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ read = 0, write = 1 ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ 00=DOS, 01=FAT, 10=DIR, 11=data area ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0=FAIL not allowed, 1=FAIL allowed ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0=RETRY not allowed, 1=RETRY allowed ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 0=IGNORE not allowed, 1=IGNORE allowed DI = error code in lower byte BP:SI = pointer to device header control block where additional information about the error can be found on exit: AL = action code determining exit behavior = 00 ignore error = 01 retry = 02 terminate through ~INT 23~ = 03 fail system call (DOS 3.x+) % Error Codes in low order byte of DI: 00 write protect error 01 unknown unit 02 drive not ready 03 unknown command 04 data error (bad CRC) 05 bad request structure length 06 seek error 07 unknown media type 08 sector not found 09 printer out of paper 0A write fault 0B read fault 0C general failure % Users Stack at Entry to Error Handler: (top of stack) IP DOS code next instruction pointer CS FLAGS DOS's flags AX -\ BX \ CX \ DX \ SI |- User's registers at entry to INT 21 function DI / BP / DS / ES -/ IP User code next instruction pointer CS FLAGS - on entry registers are setup for a retry operation - user routine must issue an IRET or simulate an IRET - ~INT 21,0~ through ~INT 21,C~ and ~INT 21,59~ can safely be invoked from the handler. Other calls may destroy DOS's stack - handler must preserve register SS,SP,DS,ES,BX,CX,DX - choosing ignore can show side effects, since it causes DOS to continue as if it the call were successful - if an improper action code is specified in DOS 3.x it is changed: if IGNORE is invalidly specified, action is converted to FAIL if RETRY is invalidly specified, action is converted to FAIL if FAIL is invalidly specified, action is converted to ABORT - IGNORE requests are converted to FAIL for ~FAT~ and ~DIR~ disk errors and network critical errors - if the user routine wishes to handle the error instead of passing it to DOS, it must restore the user program registers from the stack and remove all but the last 3 words from the stack (FLAGS, CS, IP) and issue an ~IRET~ - do not execute this interrupt directly - ~INDOS~ flag is cleared on INT 24 (see ~INT 21,34~) :int 25 ^INT 25 - Absolute Disk Read AL = logical drive number (0=A:, 1=B:, 2=C:, ...) CX = number of sectors to read = -1 if DOS 4.x (control block pointer is in DS:BX) DX = starting logical sector number (see below for DOS 4.x+) DS:BX = pointer to data buffer = pointer to control block (DOS 4.x+, see below) on return: AH = error code if CF set: 01 bad command 02 bad address mark 03 write protect 04 sector not found 08 DMA failure 10 data error (bad CRC) 20 controller failed 40 seek failed 80 attachment failed to respond AL = BIOS error code if CF set 00 write protect error 01 unknown unit 02 drive not ready 03 unknown command 04 data error (bad CRC) 05 bad request structure length 06 seek error 07 unknown media type 08 sector not found 0A write fault 0B read fault 0C general failure ^Control Block Format (DOS 4.x): % Offset Size Description 00 dword starting sector 04 word number of sectors to read 06 dword pointer to buffer - reads disk sectors into buffer at DS:BX or DS:[BX+6] - after calling this interrupt the flags register remains on the stack and must be popped manually - sectors are logical sectors starting at the beginning of a logical disk; each DOS partition on a drive unit is considered one logical drive and has it's own logical sector numbers with track 0 starting at the first track in the partition - this function uses logical drives, and is susceptible to ASSIGN - physical sector numbers can be converted to and from DOS sector numbers with the following formulas: dos_sector = (sector - 1) + (head * sectors_per_track) + (track * sectors_per_track * num_heads) physical_sector = 1 + (dos_sector MOD sectors_per_track) physical_head = (dos_sector / sectors_per_track) MOD num_heads physical_track = dos_sector / (sectors_per_track * num_heads) - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ :int 26 ^INT 26 - Absolute Disk Write AL = logical drive number (0=A:, 1=B:, 2=C:, ...) CX = number of sectors to write = -1 if DOS 4.x (control block pointer is in DS:BX) DX = starting logical sector number (see below for DOS 4.x+) DS:BX = pointer to data buffer = pointer to control block (DOS 4.x+, see below) on return: AH = error code if CF set: 01 bad command 02 bad address mark 03 write protect 04 sector not found 08 DMA failure 10 data error (bad CRC) 20 controller failed 40 seek failed 80 attachment failed to respond AL = BIOS error code if CF set 00 write protect error 01 unknown unit 02 drive not ready 03 unknown command 04 data error (bad CRC) 05 bad request structure length 06 seek error 07 unknown media type 08 sector not found 0A write fault 0B read fault 0C general failure ^Control Block Format (DOS 4.x): % Offset Size Description 00 dword starting sector 04 word number of sectors to write 06 dword pointer to buffer - writes disk sectors from buffer at DS:BX or DS:[BX+6] - after calling this interrupt the flags register remains on the stack and must be popped manually - sectors are logical sectors starting at the beginning of a logical disk; each DOS partition on a drive unit is considered one logical drive and has it's own logical sector numbers with track 0 starting at the first track in the partition - this function uses logical drives, and is susceptible to ASSIGN - physical sector numbers can be converted to and from DOS sector numbers with the following formulas: dos_sector = (sector - 1) + (head * sectors_per_track) + (track * sectors_per_track * num_heads) physical_sector = 1 + (dos_sector MOD sectors_per_track) physical_head = (dos_sector / sectors_per_track) MOD num_heads physical_track = dos_sector / (sectors_per_track * num_heads) - see ~INT 13,STATUS~ :int 27 ^INT 27 - Terminate and Stay Resident DX = offset of last byte in program to remain resident plus 1 CS = segment of ~PSP~ returns nothing - terminates process without closing open files - memory beyond the offset in DX is freed - see ~INT 21,31~ :int 28:DOS scheduler ^INT 28 - DOS Idle Loop / Scheduler (Undocumented) - issued by DOS during keyboard poll loop - indicates DOS may be carefully re-entered by TSR - used by TSR programs to popup and make DOS disk I/O calls - supported by OS/2 compatibility box - default behavior is to simply perform an ~IRET~ - any DOS functions above 0Ch may be called while in this handler - ~INT 21,3F~ and ~INT 21,40~ may not use a handle that refers to CON while in this handler - see also ~INDOS~ :int 29 ^INT 29 - DOS Fast Character I/O (Undocumented 2.x+) AL = character to write returns nothing ??? - used by DOS device drivers to output data to the screen if bit 4 of the device attribute word is set - similar to ~INT 21,2~ and ~INT 21,9~ but much faster - simply calls the BIOS ~INT 10,E~ in DOS versions 2.x and 3.x - advances the cursor after character output :int 2a ^INT 2A - DOS Network Critical Section and NETBIOS % For more information see the following topics: ~INT 2A,0~ Network installation query ~INT 2A,1~ Execute NETBIOS request with no error retry INT 2A,2 Set network printer mode (not listed) ~INT 2A,3~ Check if direct I/O allowed ~INT 2A,4~ Execute NETBIOS request ~INT 2A,5~ Get network resource information ~INT 2A,6~ Network print stream control ~INT 2A,80~ Begin DOS critical section ~INT 2A,81~ End DOS critical section ~INT 2A,82~ End DOS critical sections 0 through 7 ~INT 2A,84~ Keyboard busy loop ~INT 2A,87~ Critical section - functions requests are supplied in AH :int 2a,0 ^INT 2A,0 - Network Installation Query AH = 00 on return: AH = zero if not installed = nonzero if installed - used to detemine if a Microsoft compatible network is present :int 2a,1 ^INT 2A,1 - Execute NETBIOS Request With No Error Retry AH = 01 ES:BX = pointer to Network Control Block on return: AL = NETBIOS error code AH = zero if success = nonzero if error - similar to INT 5C :int 2a,3 ^INT 2A,3 - Check if Direct I/O Allowed AH = 03 DS:SI = pointer to ASCIIZ disk device name or pathname (including ":") on return: CF = set if disk access is NOT allowed = clear if disk access is allowed - do not use ~INT 13~, ~INT 25~ or ~INT 26~ if this function returns with the CF set - see ~INT 5F,2~ :int 2a,4 ^INT 2A,4 - Execute NETBIOS Request AH = 04 AL = 00 allow retry = 01 no retry allowed ES:BX = pointer to Network Control Block (NCB) on return: AX = 00 if successful AH = 01 if error AL = error code if AH = 01 - invokes NETBIOS handler and allows retry of operation if specified :int 2a,5 ^INT 2A,5 - Get Network Resource Information AX = 0500 on return: AX = destroyed BX = number of available network names CX = number of available NCB commands DX = number of available sessions - returns information on the number of available network resources :int 2a,6 ^INT 2A,6 - Network Print Stream Control AH = 06 AL = 01 set concatenation mode where all printer output is placed in one job = 02 set truncation mode where each printer open and printer close starts a new job = 03 flush printer output then start a new print job (similar to pressing Ctrl-Alt-Kp-* ) on return: AX = error code if CF set - allows control of network printers :int 2a,80 ^INT 2A,80 - Begin DOS Critical Section AH = 80h AL = critical section identifier (00-0F) = 01 DOS kernel, SHARE.EXE and network data structure integrity = 02 DOS kernel, device driver exclusivity = 05 IFSFUNC (Installable File System, IFS, DOS 4.0+) = 06 IFSFUNC (Installable File System, IFS, DOS 4.0+) = 08 ASSIGN.COM returns nothing - indicates that the region of code being entered should not be interrupted and identifies the critical region - this function is not normally called by user applications but is often hooked to monitor if DOS is in a critical section - this information is necessary to reenter DOS using the swappable data area returned by ~INT 21,5D~ subfunction 0B - see ~Bibliography~ reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 2a,81 ^INT 2A,81 - End DOS Critical Section AH = 81h AL = critical section identifier (00-0F) = 01 DOS kernel, SHARE.EXE and network data structure integrity = 02 DOS kernel, device driver exclusivity = 05 IFSFUNC (Installable File System, IFS, DOS 4.0+) = 06 IFSFUNC (Installable File System, IFS, DOS 4.0+) = 08 ASSIGN.COM returns nothing - indicates that a critical code section is being exited - this function is usually hooked rather then called directly from a user application - see ~Bibliography~ reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 2a,82 ^INT 2A,82 - End DOS Critical Sections 0 thru 7 AH = 82h returns nothing - the DOS function dispatcher calls this function during DOS function 00, functions above 0C (excluding function 59h) and during process termination - this function is usually hooked rather then called directly from a user application - see ~Bibliography~ reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 2a,84 ^INT 2A,84 - Keyboard Busy Loop AH = 84h returns nothing - allows other processes to continue while waiting for keyboard input, similar to ~INT 28~ - see BIBLIO reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 2a,87 ^INT 2A,87 - Critical Section AH = 87h AL = 00 start critical section = 01 end critical section returns nothing - specifies the start or end of a critical section - called by PRINT.COM - see ~Bibliography~ reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 2e ^INT 2E - Execute Command Using Base Level Command Interpreter ^(Undocumented DOS 2.0+) DS:SI = pointer to command string to be executed returns nothing ??? - causes the base level COMMAND.COM to execute a command as if it were typed from the keyboard - the transient portion of COMMAND.COM must be loaded if not resident - first byte of the string contains the string length, inclusive - command string must be terminated with a CR - all registers including SS & SP are destroyed; SS & SP should be preserved in your own code segment - can be used to modify parents environment with SET command - incompatible under some software multitasking systems - before returning to the parent program this interrupt will attempt to execute the "current" batch file (if the parent or any ancestors were invoked from a batch file. This can cause remaining lines in a batch file to execute before the parent program finishes and fragment memory :int 2f:multiplex interrupt ^INT 2F - DOS Multiplex Interrupt % For more information see the following topics: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ ERROR CODES ÄÄÄÄ ~INT 2F,0~ Get installed state ³ 01 Invalid function ~INT 2F,1~ Submit file ³ 02 File not found ~INT 2F,2~ Cancel file ³ 03 Path not found ~INT 2F,3~ Cancel all files ³ 04 Too many files ~INT 2F,4~ Pause / return status ³ 05 Access denied ~INT 2F,5~ End of status ³ 08 Queue full ~INT 2F,8~ DRIVER.SYS support ³ 09 Busy ~INT 2F,2E~ Error Translation Tables ³ 0C Name too long ³ 0F Invalid drive - function request is specified in AL or AH - see ~INT 2F,0~ for installation checks - INT 2F uses AL to specify most documented functions but occasionally uses AH also. This can be quite confusing so INT 2F functions using AH are not currently listed if the conflict but will be added at a later time. :int 2f,0 ^INT 2F,0 - DOS Multiplex Interrupt - Get Installed State AL = 00 AH = 00 DOS 2.x PRINT.COM (undocumented, see note below) 01 PRINT (undocumented behavior also, see note below) 05 Critical error handler (undocumented DOS 3.0+) 06 ASSIGN (see note) 08 DRIVER.SYS (undocumented DOS 3.2+) 10 SHARE 11 Redirector/IFS is resident 12 MultiDOS is resident 13 Swap 13h and 19h 14 NLSFUNC 15 GRAPHICS.COM (see note below) MS CD-ROM extension (MSCDEX) (see note below) 16 Windows 386 17 DOS shell 19 SHELLB.COM (DOS 4.0 only) 1A ANSI.SYS (DOS 4.0+) 1B XMA2EMS.SYS 40 OS/2 compatibility box 43 Himem XMS driver 7A Novell Netware IPX AD DISPLAY.SYS internal (DOS 3.3+) AE DOS installable command extension (DOS 3.3+) B0 GRAFTABL.COM (DOS 3.3+) B4 IBM 3270 emulation B7 APPEND (DOS 3.3+) B8 LAN existence B9 LAN RECEIVER.COM BF LAN REDIRIFS.EXE C0-FF reserved for user applications on return: AL = 00 not installed, ok to install = 01 not installed, do NOT install = FF installed - the installed test for append returns non-zero if installed; zero if not installed - AH = 00 and 01 are used by DOS 2.x PRINT.COM and is not a check for installed state, see BIBLIO reference to "Undocumented DOS" - ASSIGN returns non-zero if installed - installation checks with AH=15 do not follow the standard format; - see ~Bibliography~ reference to "Undocumented DOS" :int 2f,1:DOS multiplex ^INT 2F,1 - Multiplex Interrupt - Submit file AL = 01 AH = 01 resident portion of PRINT 02 resident portion of ASSIGN 06 get pointer to ASSIGN drive translation table (undoc DOS 3+) 10 resident portion of SHARE B7 resident portion of APPEND C0-FF reserved for user applications DS:DX = pointer to a 5 byte packet containing an priority byte and a DWORD pointer to an ASCIIZ filename DS:DI on return: ES = segment of ASSIGN work area and assignment table (AH=6 only) :int 2f,2 ^INT 2F,2 - Multiplex Interrupt - Cancel file AL = 02 AH = 01 resident portion of PRINT 02 resident portion of ASSIGN 10 resident portion of SHARE B7 resident portion of APPEND C0-FF reserved for user applications DS:DX = pointer to ASCIIZ filename to cancel returns nothing - accepts wildcards :int 2f,3 ^INT 2F,3 - Multiplex Interrupt - Cancel all files AL = 03 AH = 01 resident portion of PRINT 02 resident portion of ASSIGN 10 resident portion of SHARE B7 resident portion of APPEND C0-FF reserved for user applications returns nothing :int 2f,4 ^INT 2F,4 - Multiplex Interrupt - Pause / return status AL = 04 AH = 01 resident portion of PRINT 02 resident portion of ASSIGN 10 resident portion of SHARE B7 resident portion of APPEND C0-FF reserved for user applications on return: DX = error count DS:SI = pointer to queue of files - each file in the queue is represented by 64 byte filename - the file currently being printed is the first entry in the queue - the last entry in the queue is a null string :int 2f,5 ^INT 2F,5 - Multiplex Interrupt - End of Status AL = 05 AH = 01 resident portion of PRINT 02 resident portion of ASSIGN 10 resident portion of SHARE B7 resident portion of APPEND C0-FF reserved for user applications on return: AH = error code (see ~INT 2F~) :int 2f,6 ^INT 2F,6 - PRINT.COM Check for Error on Output Device (Undocumented) AL = 06 AH = 01 on return: AX = error code if CF set = 00 on success DS:SI = device driver header if CF set - checks the output device for an error condition - undocumented, available since DOS 3.3+ :int 2f,8 ^INT 2F,8 - DRIVER.SYS Support (Undocumented DOS 3.2+) AH = 08 AL = 00 installation check = 01 add new block device = 02 execute device driver request = 03 get drive data table list (DOS 4.0+) DS:DI = pointer to drive data table (AL=01) ES:BX = pointer to device driver request header (AL=02) on return: AL = 00 not installed, ok to install (AL=00) = 01 not installed, do NOT install (AL=00) = FF installed (AL=00) ES:BX = updated device request header (AL=02) - function 01 scans DOS's drive data tables and appends the new data table to to the chain. All tables referencing the same physical drive are updated :int 2f,2e ^INT 2F,2E - Setup Error Code Translation Tables (undoc. DOS 4.x+) - discovered in DOS 4.x by Jim Kyle, this function provides more detailed information on the pending critical error. :int 2f,80 ^INT 2F,80 - PRINT.COM Time Slice Allotment (Undocumented DOS 3.1+) AL = 80h AH = 00 returns nothing - DOS PRINT.COM is given a time slice :int 33:mouse interrupt:mouse services ^INT 33 - Mouse Function Calls % For more information see the following topics: ~INT 33,0~ Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag ~INT 33,1~ Show Mouse Cursor ~INT 33,2~ Hide Mouse Cursor ~INT 33,3~ Get Mouse Position and Button Status ~INT 33,4~ Set Mouse Cursor Position ~INT 33,5~ Get Mouse Button Press Information ~INT 33,6~ Get Mouse Button Release Information ~INT 33,7~ Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position ~INT 33,8~ Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position ~INT 33,9~ Set Mouse Graphics Cursor ~INT 33,A~ Set Mouse Text Cursor ~INT 33,B~ Read Mouse Motion Counters ~INT 33,C~ Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask ~INT 33,D~ Mouse Light Pen Emulation On ~INT 33,E~ Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off ~INT 33,F~ Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio ~INT 33,10~ Mouse Conditional OFF ~INT 33,13~ Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold ~INT 33,14~ Swap interrupt subroutines ~INT 33,15~ Get mouse driver state and memory requirements ~INT 33,16~ Save mouse driver state ~INT 33,17~ Restore mouse driver state ~INT 33,18~ Set alternate subroutine call mask and address ~INT 33,19~ Get user alternate interrupt address ~INT 33,1A~ Set mouse sensitivity ~INT 33,1B~ Get mouse sensitivity ~INT 33,1C~ Set mouse interrupt rate (InPort only) ~INT 33,1D~ Set mouse CRT page ~INT 33,1E~ Get mouse CRT page ~INT 33,1F~ Disable mouse driver ~INT 33,20~ Enable mouse driver ~INT 33,21~ Reset mouse software ~INT 33,22~ Set language for messages ~INT 33,23~ Get language number ~INT 33,24~ Get driver version, mouse type & ~IRQ~ number - function is specified in AX - a mickey is 1/200 inches - for additional information see your vendor documentation - function number occupies all of AX rather than AH ^Mouse functions can be broken down into the following classes: % Mouse Driver Control / Feedback Functions ~INT 33,0~ Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag ~INT 33,15~ Get Mouse Driver State and Memory Requirements ~INT 33,16~ Save Mouse Driver State ~INT 33,17~ Restore Mouse Driver State ~INT 33,1C~ Set Mouse Interrupt Rate (InPort only) ~INT 33,1F~ Disable Mouse Driver ~INT 33,20~ Enable Mouse Driver ~INT 33,21~ Reset Mouse Software ~INT 33,24~ Get Driver Version, Mouse Type & IRQ Number % Mouse Cursor Control Functions ~INT 33,1~ Show Mouse Cursor ~INT 33,2~ Hide Mouse Cursor ~INT 33,4~ Set Mouse Cursor Position ~INT 33,7~ Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position ~INT 33,8~ Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position ~INT 33,9~ Set Mouse Graphics Cursor ~INT 33,A~ Set Mouse Text Cursor ~INT 33,F~ Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio ~INT 33,10~ Mouse Conditional OFF ~INT 33,13~ Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold ~INT 33,1A~ Set Mouse Sensitivity ~INT 33,1B~ Get Mouse Sensitivity % Mouse Button and Position Feedback Functions ~INT 33,3~ Get Mouse Position and Button Status ~INT 33,5~ Get Mouse Button Press Information ~INT 33,6~ Get Mouse Button Release Information ~INT 33,B~ Read Mouse Motion Counters % Video Control and Feedback Functions ~INT 33,1D~ Set Mouse CRT Page ~INT 33,1E~ Get Mouse CRT Page % Mouse Interrupt Setup Functions ~INT 33,C~ Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask ~INT 33,14~ Swap Interrupt Subroutines % Alternate Mouse Interrupt Setup Functions ~INT 33,18~ Set Alternate Subroutine Call Mask and Address ~INT 33,19~ Get User Alternate Interrupt Address % Light Pen Emulation Functions ~INT 33,D~ Mouse Light Pen Emulation On ~INT 33,E~ Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off % International Language Support Functions ~INT 33,22~ Set Language for Messages ~INT 33,23~ Get Language Number :int 33,0 ^INT 33,0 - Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag AX = 00 on return: AX = 0000 mouse driver not installed FFFF mouse driver installed BX = number of buttons - resets mouse to default driver values: . mouse is positioned to screen center . mouse cursor is reset and hidden . no interrupts are enabled (mask = 0) . double speed threshold set to 64 mickeys per second . horizontal mickey to pixel ratio (8 to 8) . vertical mickey to pixel ratio (16 to 8) . max width and height are set to maximum for video mode :int 33,1 ^INT 33,1 - Show Mouse Cursor AX = 01 returns nothing - increments the cursor flag; the cursor is displayed if flag is zero; default flag value is -1 :int 33,2 ^INT 33,2 - Hide Mouse Cursor AX = 02 returns nothing - decrements cursor flag; hides cursor if flag is not zero :int 33,3 ^INT 33,3 - Get Mouse Position and Button Status AX = 03 on return: CX = horizontal (X) position (0..639) DX = vertical (Y) position (0..199) BX = button status: ³F-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Button Status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ left button (1 = pressed) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ right button (1 = pressed) ÀÄÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused - values returned in CX, DX are the same regardless of video mode :int 33,4 ^INT 33,4 - Set Mouse Cursor Position AX = 4 CX = horizontal position DX = vertical position returns nothing - default cursor position is at the screen center - the position must be within the range of the current video mode - the position may be rounded to fit screen mode resolution :int 33,5 ^INT 33,5 - Get Mouse Button Press Information AX = 5 BX = 0 left button 1 right button on return: BX = count of button presses (0-32767), set to zero after call CX = horizontal position at last press DX = vertical position at last press AX = status: ³F-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Button Status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ left button (1 = pressed) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ right button (1 = pressed) ÀÄÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused :int 33,6 ^INT 33,6 - Get Mouse Button Release Information AX = 6 BX = 0 left button 1 right button on return: BX = count of button releases (0-32767), set to zero after call CX = horizontal position at last release DX = vertical position at last release AX = status ³F-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ Button status ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ left button (1 = pressed) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ right button (1 = pressed) ÀÄÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused :int 33,7 ^INT 33,7 - Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position AX = 7 CX = minimum horizontal position DX = maximum horizontal position returns nothing - restricts mouse horizontal movement to window - if min value is greater than max value they are swapped :int 33,8 ^INT 33,8 - Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position AX = 8 CX = minimum vertical position DX = maximum vertical position returns nothing - restricts mouse vertical movement to window - if min value is greater than max value they are swapped :int 33,9 ^INT 33,9 - Set Mouse Graphics Cursor AX = 9 BX = horizontal hot spot (-16 to 16) CX = vertical hot spot (-16 to 16) ES:DX = pointer to screen and cursor masks (16 byte bitmap) returns nothing - screen mask is AND'ed to screen Cursor Mask is XOR'ed - bytes 0-7 form the screen mask bitmap - bytes 8-F form the cursor mask bitmap :int 33,a ^INT 33,A - Set Mouse Text Cursor AX = 0A BX = 00 software cursor 01 hardware cursor CX = start of screen mask or hardware cursor scan line DX = end of screen mask or hardware cursor scan line returns nothing :int 33,b ^INT 33,B - Read Mouse Motion Counters AX = 0B on return: CX = horizontal mickey count (-32768 to 32767) DX = vertical mickey count (-32768 to 32767) - count values are 1/200 inch intervals (1/200 in. = 1 mickey) :int 33,c ^INT 33,C - Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask AX = 0C ES:DX = far pointer to user interrupt CX = user interrupt mask: ³F-5³4³3³2³1³0³ user interrupt mask in CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ cursor position changed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ left button pressed ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ left button released ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button pressed ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button released ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused returns nothing - routine at ES:DX is called if an event occurs and the corresponding bit specified in user mask is set - routine at ES:DX receives parameters in the following registers: AX = condition mask causing call CX = horizontal cursor position DX = vertical cursor position DI = horizontal counts SI = vertical counts DS = mouse driver data segment BX = button state: ³F-2³1³0³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ left button (1 = pressed) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ right button (1 = pressed) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused - initial call mask and user routine should be restore on exit from user program - user program may need to set DS to it's own segment - see ~INT 33,14~ :int 33,d ^INT 33,D - Mouse Light Pen Emulation On AX = 0D returns nothing - turns on light pen emulation; the light pen is considered down when both buttons are down; when both buttons are up the pen is considered off screen - see ~INT 33,E~ :int 33,e ^INT 33,E - Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off AX = 0E returns nothing - disables light pen emulation - see ~INT 33,D~ :int 33,f ^INT 33,F - Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio AX = 0F CX = horizontal ratio (1..32767, default 8) DX = vertical ratio (1..32767, default 16) returns nothing - sets the ratio between physical cursor movement (mickeys) and screen coordinate changes - CX and DX must be unsigned (high bit must be 0) :int 33,10 ^INT 33,10 - Mouse Conditional OFF AX = 10h CX = upper X screen coordinate DX = upper Y screen coordinate SI = lower X screen coordinate DI = lower Y screen coordinate returns nothing - defines screen region for updating in which the mouse is hidden if found these coordinates (INT 33,1 must be used to turn cursor on again) - see ~INT 33,1~ :int 33,13 ^INT 33,13 - Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold AX = 13h DX = threshold speed (mickeys per second, default 64) returns nothing - cursor speed is doubled when the cursor moves across the screen at the threshold speed :int 33,14 ^INT 33,14 - Swap Interrupt Subroutines AX = 14h ES:DX = far pointer to user routine CX = user interrupt mask: ³F-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ user interrupt mask in CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ cursor position changed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ left button pressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ left button released ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button pressed ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button released ÀÄÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused on return: CX = previous user interrupt mask ES:DX = far pointer to previous user interrupt - routine at ES:DX is called if an event occurs and the corresponding bit specified in user mask is set - routine at ES:DX receives parameters in the following registers: AX = condition mask causing call CX = horizontal cursor position DX = vertical cursor position DI = horizontal counts SI = vertical counts DS = mouse driver data segment BX = button state: ³F-2³1³0³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ left button (1 = pressed) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ right button (1 = pressed) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused - initial call mask and user routine should be restore on exit from user program - user program may need to set DS to it's own segment - see ~INT 33,C~ :int 33,15 ^INT 33,15 - Get Mouse Driver State and Memory Requirements AX = 15h on return BX = buffer size need to hold current mouse state - used before mouse functions 16h and 17h to determine memory needed to save mouse state before giving up control of mouse to another program :int 33,16 ^INT 33,16 - Save Mouse Driver State AX = 16h ES:DX = far pointer to mouse state save buffer returns nothing - used to save mouse information before relinquishing control to another programs mouse handler - see ~INT 33,15~ ~INT 33,17~ :int 33,17 ^INT 33,17 - Restore Mouse Driver State AX = 17h ES:DX = far pointer to mouse state save buffer returns nothing - used to restore mouse information after regaining control from another programs mouse handler - see ~INT 33,15~ ~INT 33,16~ :int 33,18 ^INT 33,18 - Set alternate subroutine call mask and address AX = 18h DX = offset to function CX = user interrupt mask: ³F-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ user interrupt mask in CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ alt key pressed during event ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ ctrl key pressed during event ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ shift key pressed during event ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button up event ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button down event ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ left button up event ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ left button down event ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ cursor moved ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused - entire mask is set to zero when ~INT 33,0~ is called - up to three handlers may be defined with this call - mask should be cleared before program exit - when handler is called it receives parameters in the following registers: AX = condition mask causing call CX = horizontal cursor position DX = vertical cursor position DI = horizontal counts SI = vertical counts DS = mouse driver data segment BX = button state: ³F-2³1³0³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ left button (1 = pressed) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ right button (1 = pressed) ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused :int 33,19 ^INT 33,19 - Get User Alternate Interrupt Address AX = 19h CX = user interrupt call mask (see below) on return: BX:DX = user interrupt vector CX = user interrupt call mask or zero if not found ³F-8³7³6³5³4³3³2³1³0³ user interrupt mask in CX ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ alt key pressed during event ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ ctrl key pressed during event ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ shift key pressed during event ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button up event ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ right button down event ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ left button up event ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ left button down event ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ cursor moved ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ unused - returns vector to function defined by ~INT 33,18~ - searches the event handlers defined by INT 33,18 for a routine with a call mask matching CX :int 33,1a ^INT 33,1A - Set Mouse Sensitivity AX = 1A BX = horizontal coordinates per pixel (ó 100) CX = vertical coordinates per pixel (ó 100) DX = double speed threshold returns nothing - sets mouse sensitivity by setting the ratio of the mouse coordinates per screen pixel - provides same results as calls to both ~INT 33,F~ and ~INT 33,13~ - these values are not reset by ~INT 33,0~ :int 33,1b ^INT 33,1B - Get Mouse Sensitivity AX = 1B on return: BX = horizontal coordinates per pixel (ó 100) CX = vertical coordinates per pixel (ó 100) DX = double speed threshold - returns mouse sensitivity information as the number of mouse coordinates per screen pixel :int 33,1c ^INT 33,1C - Set Mouse Interrupt Rate (InPort only) AX = 1C BX = rate code = 0 no interrupts = 1 30 interrupts per second = 2 50 interrupts per second = 3 100 interrupts per second = 4 200 interrupts per second - work with the InPort mouse only - sets the rate the mouse status is polled by the mouse driver - faster rates provide better resolution but take away CPU time - values in BX > 4 can cause unpredicatable results :int 33,1d ^INT 33,1D - Set Mouse CRT Page AX = 1D BX = CRT page number returns nothing - sets the CRT page which the mouse cursor is displayed - see ~VIDEO PAGES~ :int 33,1e ^INT 33,1E - Get Mouse CRT Page AX = 1E on return: BX = CRT page number cursor is displayed on - see ~VIDEO PAGES~ :int 33,1f ^INT 33,1F - Disable Mouse Driver AX = 1F on return: AX = 001F if successful FFFF if error ES:BX = previous ~INT 33~ vector - restores vectors for ~INT 10~ and INT 71 (8088/86) or INT 74 (286+) - ~INT 33~ interrupt vector (software) is not affected - use of the vector returned in ES:BX to restore the previous INT 33 vector can cause problems since it contains the value of INT 33 before the driver was installed; any other hooks into INT 33 set after driver installation will not receive service :int 33,20 ^INT 33,20 - Enable Mouse Driver AX = 20h returns nothing - reinstalls the mouse drivers interrupt vectors for INT 10 and INT 71 (8088/86) and INT 74 (286/386) - see ~INT 33,1F~ :int 33,21 ^INT 33,21 - Reset Mouse Software AX = 21h on return: AX = 0021 mouse driver not installed FFFF mouse driver installed BX = 2 mouse driver installed - similar to ~INT 33,0~ but does not reset the mouse hardware or display variables - both AX and BX must be correct for successful reset - interrupt routines set through ~INT 33,18~ are preserved - resets the mouse to the following defaults: . mouse is positioned to screen center . mouse cursor is reset and hidden . no interrupts are enabled (mask = 0) . double speed threshold set to 64 mickeys per second . horizontal mickey to pixel ratio (8 to 8) . vertical mickey to pixel ratio (16 to 8) . max width and height are set to maximum for video mode :int 33,22 ^INT 33,22 - Set Language for Messages AX = 22h BX = language number (with /L switch value): = 0 English n/a = 1 French F = 2 Dutch NL = 3 German D = 4 Swedish S = 5 Finnish SF = 6 Spanish E = 7 Portuguese P = 8 Italian I returns nothing - only works with international version of the mouse driver - see ~INT 33,23~ :int 33,23 ^INT 33,23 - Get Language Number AX = 23h on return: BX = language number (with /L switch value): = 0 English n/a = 1 French F = 2 Dutch NL = 3 German D = 4 Swedish S = 5 Finnish SF = 6 Spanish E = 7 Portuguese P = 8 Italian I - only works with international version of the mouse driver - returns English (0) if not international version - see ~INT 33,22~ :int 33,24 ^INT 33,24 - Get Driver Version, Mouse Type & IRQ Number AX = 24h on return: BH = major version (see below) BL = minor version (see below) CH = mouse type: = 1 bus mouse = 2 serial mouse = 3 InPort mouse = 4 PS/2 mouse = 5 Hewlett Packard mouse CL = IRQ number: = 0 PS/2 = 2 ~IRQ~ 2 = 5 IRQ 5 = 7 IRQ 7 - version 6.1 would be represented as BH = 06h, BL = 10h :int 4a ^INT 4A - RTC Alarm Handler Vector - not a true interrupt, but a pointer to an alarm handler routine - called by ~INT 70~ and enabled by ~INT 1A,6~ - routine must exit via IRET :int 67:EMS services ^INT 67 - Expanded Memory Specification % For more information, see the following topics: ~INT 67,40~ Get EMM Status ~INT 67,41~ Get Page Frame Base Address ~INT 67,42~ Get Page Counts ~INT 67,43~ Get Handle and Allocate Pages ~INT 67,44~ Map Logical Page Into Physical Page Window ~INT 67,45~ Release Handle and Memory Pages ~INT 67,46~ Get EMM Version ~INT 67,47~ Save Page Map Context ~INT 67,48~ Restore Page Map Context ~INT 67,49~ Get I/O Port Addresses ~INT 67,4A~ Get Logical to Physical Page Mapping ~INT 67,4B~ Get Handle Count ~INT 67,4C~ Get Page Count for Handle ~INT 67,4D~ Get Page Count for All Handles ~INT 67,4E~ Get/Set Page Map Context ~INT 67,4F~ Get/Set Partial Page Map ~INT 67,50~ Map/Unmap Multiple Handle Pages ~INT 67,51~ Reallocate Pages ~INT 67,52~ Get/Set Handle Attributes ~INT 67,53~ Get/Set Handle Name ~INT 67,54~ Get Handle Directory ~INT 67,55~ Alter Page Map and Jump ~INT 67,56~ Alter Page Map and Call ~INT 67,57~ Move/Exchange Memory Region ~INT 67,58~ Get Mappable Physical Address Array ~INT 67,59~ Get Expanded Memory Hardware Information ~INT 67,5A~ Allocate Standard/Raw Pages ~INT 67,5B~ Alternate Map Register Set DMA Registers ~INT 67,5C~ Prepare Expanded Memory for Warm Boot ~INT 67,5D~ Enable/Disable OS Functions ~INT 67,60~ Get Physical Window Array - function number is specified in AH - see ~EMS STATUS~ :int 67,40:EMS status ^INT 67,40 - Get EMM Status (LIM EMS 3.0+) AH = 40h on return: AH = status 00 success 80 internal software error 81 hardware malfunction 83 unallocated or invalid handle 84 undefined function requested 85 no handles available 86 error in save or restore of mapping context 87 more pages requested than physically exist 88 more pages requested than currently available 89 zero pages requested 8A invalid logical page number 8B illegal physical page number 8C context stack out of memory 8D context save failed, handle already has context stack 8E context restore failed, no context stack for handle 8F invalid subfunction 90 undefined attribute type 91 feature not supported 92 success, portion of the source region was overwritten 93 length of source or destination region exceeds length of region allocated to either source or destination handle 94 conventional and expanded memory regions overlap 95 offset within logical page exceeds size of logical page 96 region length exceeds 1M 97 source and destination regions have same handle and overlap 98 memory source or destination type undefined 9A specified DMA register set not supported ??? specified alternate map register set not supported 9B all DMA register sets currently allocated ??? all alternate map register sets currently allocated 9C alternate DMA sets not supported ??? alternate map register sets not supported 9D undefined or unallocated DMA register set ??? undefined or unallocated alternate map register set 9E dedicated DMA channels not supported 9F specified dedicated DMA channel not supported A1 duplicate handle name A2 attempted to wrap around 1Mb conventional address space A3 contents of partial page map corrupted or count of mappable segments exceeds total mappable segments A4 operating system denied access - registers not listed are preserved - should only be used after establishing that the EMS driver is present :int 67,41 ^INT 67,41 - Get Page Frame Base Address (LIM EMS 3.0+) AH = 41h on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = segment of page frame (PFBA) - use this to determine where in the 1Mb memory address the page frame will be mapped - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,42 ^INT 67,42 - Get Page Counts (LIM EMS 3.2+) AH = 42h on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = number of unallocated or available pages DX = total number of pages in EMM system - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,43 ^INT 67,43 - Get Handle and Allocate Pages (LIM EMS 3.2+) AH = 43h BX = number of logical pages to allocate on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) DX = EMM handle - handles not explicitly closed by the application are not recoverable on exit from the program - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,44 ^INT 67,44 - Map Logical Page Into Physical Page Window (LIM EMS) AH = 44h AL = physical page number (0-3) BX = logical page number (0 to total allocated minus 1) DX = EMM handle on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,45 ^INT 67,45 - Release Handle and Memory Pages (LIM EMS) AH = 45h DX = EMM handle on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) - handles must be explicitly freed by an application or the memory will not be available to the following applications - if unsuccessful, the operation should be retried - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,46 ^INT 67,46 - Get EMM Version (LIM EMS) AH = 46h on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) AL = EMM version number in BCD - upper four bits of AL contain the BCD major version - lower four bits of AL contain the BCD minor version - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,47 ^INT 67,47 - Save Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.0+) AH = 47h DX = EMM handle assigned to the interrupt service routine servicing the interrupt on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) - any TSR, ISR or device driver using EMS should save contexts before manipulating EMS memory and restore contexts afterwards - registers not listed are preserved - see ~INT 67,48~ :int 67,48 ^INT 67,48 - Restore Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.0+) AH = 48h DX = EMM handle assigned to the interrupt service routine servicing the interrupt on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) - any TSR, ISR or device driver using EMS should save contexts before manipulating EMS memory and restore contexts afterwards - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,49 ^INT 67,49 - Get I/O Port Addresses (LIM EMS ó 3.0) AH = 49h ES:DI = far pointer to storage array on return: AL = board count (0 < AL <= 4) AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) - defined in EMS 3.0, but undocumented in EMS 3.2; new software should not use this function, but old software still works - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,4a ^INT 67,4A - Get Logical to Physical Page Mapping (LIM EMS ó 3.0) AH = 4A DX = EMS handle ES:DI far pointer to storage array on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = contains count of entries placed in array at ES:DI - defined in EMS 3.0, but undocumented in EMS 3.2; new software should not use this function, but old software still works - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,4b ^INT 67,4B - Get Handle Count (LIM EMS) AH = 4Bh on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = number of currently active EMM handles (0-256) zero indicates EMS not in use - to determine the number of handles available subtract BX from 255 - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,4c ^INT 67,4C - Get Page Count for Handle (LIM EMS) AH = 4Ch DX = EMM handle on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = total allocated page count for handle (1-512) - a handle can refer to up to 512 logical pages - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,4d ^INT 67,4D - Get Page Count for All Handles (LIM EMS) AH = 4Dh ES:DI = pointer to handle array on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = number of active EMM handles (0..255) ES:DI = pointer to an array of entries of the format: Offset Size Description 00 word EMS handle number 02 word number of pages - buffer at ES:DI should be able to hold an array of at least 4*BX - an error will occur if ES:DI points to a buffer that will cause a segment swap - registers not listed are preserved :int 67,4e ^INT 67,4E - Get/Set Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.2+) AH = 4Eh AL = 00 get page mapping context into array ES:DI = pointer to destination array 01 set page mapping context from array DS:SI = pointer to context source array 02 get and set page mapping registers at once ES:DI = pointer to destination array DS:SI = pointer to context source array 03 get size of page mapping array 04-31 reserved on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) AL = bytes in pagemapping array (when AL=3) ES:DI = pointer to array with mapping info (AL=00/02) - an error will occur if ES:DI points to a buffer that will cause a segment swap - designed for use by multitasking operating systems only :int 67,4f ^INT 67,4F - Get/Set Partial Page Map (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 4Fh AL = 00 get partial page map DS:SI = pointer to structure containing list of segments whose mapping contexts are to be saved ES:DI = pointer to array to receive page map AL = 01 set partial page map DS:SI = pointer to structure containing saved partial page map AL = 02 get size of partial page map BX = number of mappable segments in the partial map to be saved on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) AL = size of partial page map (if AL=2) :int 67,50 ^INT 67,50 - Map/Unmap Multiple Handle Pages (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 50h AL = 00 Map/unmap pages = 01 map/unmap segments DX = EMM handle CX = number of entries in array DS:SI = pointer to mapping array on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,51 ^INT 67,51 - Reallocate Pages (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 51h DX = EMM handle BX = number of pages to be allocated to handle on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX = actual number of pages allocated to handle :int 67,52 ^INT 67,52 - Get/Set Handle Attributes (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 52h AL = 00 get handle attributes 01 set handle attributes 02 get attribute capability BL = new attribute (if AL=1) DX = EMM handle on return: AH = 00 success = error code (see ~EMS STATUS~) AL = attribute (input AL=0) 00 handle is volatile 01 handle is nonvolatile AL = attribute capability (input AL=2) 00 only volatile handles supported 01 both volatile and nonvolatile supported :int 67,53 ^INT 67,53 Get/Set Handle Name (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 53h AL = 00 get handle name ES:DI = pointer to 8byte handle name array 01 set handle name DS:SI = pointer to 8byte handle name DX = EMM handle on return: AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,54 ^INT 67,54 - Get Handle Directory (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 54h AL = 00 get handle directory ES:DI = pointer to buffer for handle directory 01 search for named handle DS:SI = pointer to 8byte name 02 get total number of handles on return: AL = number of entries in handle directory (AL = 00h) DX = value of named handle (if AH was 01) BX = total number of handles (if AH was 02) AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,55 ^INT 67,55 - Alter Page Map and Jump (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 55h AL = 00 physical page numbers provided by caller 01 segment addresses provided by caller DX = EMM handle DS:SI = pointer to structure with map and jump address on return: AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,56 ^INT 67,56 - Alter Page Map and Call (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 56h AL = 00 physical page numbers provided by caller DX = EMM handle DS:SI = pointer to structure with page map and call address 01 segment addresses provided by caller DX = EMM handle DS:SI = pointer to structure with page map and call address 02 get page map stack space required on return: BX = stack space required (AL = 02) AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) - if successful, the target address is called - use a RETF to return and restore mapping context :int 67,57 ^INT 67,57 - Move/Exchange Memory Region (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 57h AL = 00 move memory region 01 exchange memory region DS:SI = pointer to structure describing source and destination on return: AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,58 ^INT 67,58 - Get Mappable Physical Address Array (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 58h AL = 00 get mappable physical address array ES:DI = pointer to buffer to be filled with array 01 get number of entries in m.p.a. array on return: CX = number of entries in array AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,59 ^INT 67,59 - Get Expanded Memory Hardware Information (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 59h AL = 00 get hardware configuration array ES:DI = pointer to buffer to be filled with array 01 get unallocated raw page count on return: BX = unallocated raw pages (AL = 01) DX = total raw pages (AL = 01) AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) - subfunction 00 is for use by operating systems only; can be enabled or disabled at any time by the operating system :int 67,5a ^INT 67,5A - Allocate Standard/Raw Pages (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 5A AL = 00 allocate standard pages 01 allocate raw pages BX = number of pages to allocate on return: DX = EMM handle AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,5b ^INT 67,5B - Alternate Map Register Set (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 5B AL = 00 get alternate map register set 01 set alternate map register set BL = new alternate map register set number ES:DI = pointer to map register context save area if BL=0 02 get alternate map save array size 03 allocate alternate map register set 04 deallocate alternate map register set BL = number of alternate map register set 05 allocate DMA register set 06 enable DMA on alternate map register set BL = DMA register set number DL = DMA channel number 07 disable DMA on alternate map register set BL = DMA register set number 08 deallocate DMA register set BL = DMA register set number on return: AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) BL = active alternate map register set number if nonzero (AL=0) = number of alternate map register set; 0 if not supported (AL=3) = DMA register set number; zero if not supported (AL = 05) DX = array size in bytes (AL = 02) ES:DI = pointer to a map register context save area if BL=0 (AL=0) - for use by operating systems only; can be enabled or disabled at any time by the operating system :int 67,5c ^INT 67,5C - Prepare Expanded Memory for Warm Boot (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 5C on return: AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 67,5d ^INT 67,5D - Enable/Disable OS Functions (LIM EMS 4.0+) AH = 5D AL = 00 enable OS function Set 01 disable OS function Set 02 return access key BX,CX = access key returned by first invocation on return: AH = status (see ~EMS STATUS~) BX,CX = access key, returned only on first invocation of function - function 2 resets memory manager, returns access key at next invocation :int 67,60 ^INT 67,60 - LIM EMS Get Physical Window Array AH = 60h ES:DI = pointer to physical window array on return: AH = 00 success = error status (see ~EMS STATUS~) :int 70 ^INT 70 - Real Time Clock Interrupt (XT 286,AT,PS/2) - called 1024 times per second for periodic and alarm functions - decrements a DWORD counter by 976æ sec (1/1024) - when DWORD reaches zero, bit 7 of designated wait flag is set - if alarm was enabled by ~INT 1A,6~, ~INT 4A~ is called when counter reaches zero to activate alarm handler - not available in model 30 PS/2 - see ~INT 15,83~ ~INT 15,86~