The Orc army is approching, the citizen of a small community populated
entirely by cleric are alarmed. They builded a giant wall around
the village and they elected the strongest and dumbest cleric as protector
of the wall.
Cleric Simon, locked away from he's patry, protect the wall with a warhammer
against the Evil King army of darkness
having received the help request lately, the most courageous and valorous paladin, Roger, rided his horse night and day to rescue the village. He got in front of the wall with nobody than Simon the Warpriest to welcome him. they fighted the army all by them self until the Evil King take it as personnal. In desperate mesure to protect the fortress, Simon and Roger fled far away from the wall bringing the entire army out the forest that surround the village. The entire army followed left the village and it's wall alone. The village vanish in an illusion, now nobody can find it ever. Seriously, no player will find the village, it is simply not in the database .