Necklace of the Eye 5.9 ======================= Necklace of the Eye (NotEye in short) is a roguelike frontend. It can modify the output of console and libtcod roguelikes, and it also works as a library which allows to easily port old ASCII roguelikes like ADOM into 21th century. NotEye is a complicated piece of software, and it is constantly in development, and poorly documented. This README contains just the basic information; see for many more details. Under Windows, simply run "noteye.exe". Hydra Slayer 13.9 ================= Hydra Slayer is a Roguelike game focused on one thing: slaying Hydras. It is inspired by Greek mythology, Dungeon Crawl, MathRL seven day roguelike, and some mathematical puzzles about brave heroes slaying many headed beasts. Hydra Slayer features an original combat system, based on mathematical puzzles. Again, this README contains just the basic information; see for more information about Hydra Slayer. You can also start the game and press '?' to get Help, or press 'T' to start the Tutorial. Since Hydra Slayer is a flagship roguelike for NotEye, the two are distributed together. Under Windows, simply run "hydra.exe". You can also choose Hydra Slayer from NotEye. Credits ======= Necklace of the Eye 5.9 + Hydra Slayer version 13.9 (C) Zeno Rogue 2010-2012 Part of the graphic tiles used in NotEye is the public domain roguelike tileset "RLTiles". You can find the original tileset at: (rltiles.png, used by nLarn and Rogue) The following music from Rogue Bard is included: * "The naive Bard" by Bushy (a cover by Mingos) (music1.ogg) * "Azog's March" by jice (music2.ogg) See RogueBard: See COPYING for license Compilation instructions for Linux ================================== Enter the src subdirectory and run "make". This will create the "noteye" executable. The "hydraslayer" script in the main directory runs NotEye with options which tell it to run Hydra Slayer immediately (instead of selecting it from the menu). You can run "make install" to install both NotEye and Hydra Slayer on your system (users will share the highscore file for Hydra Slayer). Alternatively, you can enter the hydra subdirectory and run "make" to compile the console version of Hydra Slayer. It is also possible to launch the console version with NotEye's ASCII option, like this: "./hydraslayer -N --ascii". Compilation instructions for MinGW ================================== Execute "make -f Makefile.mgw" in the "src" subdirectory to compile NotEye and Hydra Slayer. You can also execute the same command in the "hydra" subdirectory to compile the console only version of Hydra Slayer.