******************************************************************************* PROGRESS QUEST for PC ******************************************************************************* FAQ (v1.0) ******************************************************************************* By DENOUEMENT (cgparham757@aol.com) ******************************************************************************* tLLLt. iDftjGf. .,itfj, ., ij; .LGt .LLt ,GGt. iDj: ,GDGGDf: ;GDjjjKEWiEfGWiEGtD;DGtD, iDG; .DGjij :; fGffDL; : iEEf ,KjWWDjWKDGWjfWGKKGt;EWGt: iDG; LGLEW;GK: ,, EG: LGijDLjDLDjKjDWtDEiEEjiWG;GWEDGjfKWW;tEWWi ,GGi LDffWjjWf:fKKG..j;. EE; GGiLGLWWWDWGijWfKKtWfi;Wf:LWf;:.L,jWfD,tWf: tDj. LGftWf;WLtKGjWjDKKK:GK; DLtGfiDWffWL,jWffWEj;:iWL:;WWKE,EDELtGEEDt. .fGi ,DGt;WL,WGjWKfWDKGtDiWWD. .DGGfi:DEijWf:fWtGEDEDtDKE,.iGGj;,it;::;ti: :fGLGGj;:WE;WDtKWEKDEWjt,GWWi ,DLt,. KD;jWf;EDiKWWWWDi;;: .. fGDGi: fWWWE;GWt;;iWWK;tWf,: ;Df: WG,;WEEEt;DftfWL, :;jGGj; .ijLEjiWD: ,iEWDtWj. tDj: .WD,.jDft:fD;.Dfi. :tft: .:,:tWKDtt,LWtWf: tDt. .fWEi..::. fWGDfi, .. .iGLjK;jWtWG: fDj. :tii: .jLt;. ...jKWEiKD, LDL, :,: .. .:,. ,ii:LWL. .tLft: ,:,,;,,. .,;;,:;: .GGi :;: :,,,,,,;;,,: :,;;,,,,,:i, :,i .iti;,,,,,,;;,:. .,,;,,,,,,,ijLji. .:;tti,,,,,,,;,,.. .:,;;,,,,,,;tfLj;: .,tti;,,,,,LGf;,. .,tGGi,,,:,ifLft,. .,ijt;,tKKGfDf;,..,iLGjKKL,,ifLfi,. :;ttii;GKLGEfii;LDf;ijLLj;: .,iiitiLGfKKGjt;tji,. .,jLjDKEi,ijLjKKLfj;,. :i;:.,tLtKKEtLtijLjtitffKKfjfi:.;ii. .itijGjDKDitttLLj;:.:;ttittLKKLLGjjit: ,, ,;t;iitGKG;ttfLft,. .,ijiittEKjit;ii,: ;: :ftti,ii;;i;,titjLft,. :,jjtit,,;i;;t;i;ttL; jjtjittt,;,;ttLLf;. :tGfti,,,;titijiLL; :;ittftiiijfLfjiiii: :iiiijjjt;;tff;jj;. ,i;;it;iitfjtfLLfi,. .,ijfjtffi;iiti;;t:. tLLttijjLLfjjLjf;. :jfGLjjffftittGft. .ftjfiGGLt,...;tj; ;jt:...,tfjjLifj;. ;jjDLfi. :tGLfGf, :ijj;, .;ijj;. ******************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER: This file is copyright by Denouement (Chris Parham). You may NOT reproduce or distribute this guide in any manner, electronically or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author. You may not display this guide on any page in which there are advertisment banners. Below can be found the list of sites that are permitted to host this guide. This list can be changed at any time. List of acceptable sites: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com). List of sites which do NOT have permission: www.cheats.de Remember, plagiarism is a crime and is punishable under the law. Note: You can always find the latest version at GameFAQs, at www.gamefaqs.com Thanks CJayC! ******************************************************************************* E-MAIL POLICY: I welcome e-mails at cgparham757@aol.com but here are the Do's and the Dont's: DO send questions not in the FAQ. DO send questions in text or HTML format. DO send e-mails with "GameFAQs" in the subject line. DO send suggestions and corrections, this is not a final guide. DO tell me if you find this guide on a site where it is not permitted (see above). DON'T send executables. DON'T send vulgar or inappropriate mail. DON'T send mail over and over again, I only check it once every day, at most. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible...unless you did one of the "DONTS", in which case your mail will be summarily ignored and ruthlessly deleted. ******************************************************************************* CONTENTS 1. Disclaimer 2. E-Mail Policy 3. Contents 4. Introduction 5. Walkthrough 6. Guide 7. Information -- Races and Classes -- Weapons -- Shields and Armor -- Spells -- Enemies -- Unique Items 8. Acknowledgements 9. Document Footer ******************************************************************************* Progress Quest is a simple and pointless--but addictive--little program that has been termed a "role-playing game" by its creators. Beware, however, because the typical elements found in any time of game are not found in Progress Quest. Specifically, once the game is begun you will have no interaction with it at all, besides viewing your character's progress. Nevertheless, it is quite entertaining to check up on the new stats and equipment you have achieved, and the game is an amusing satire of the repetitive nature inherant in the random- encounter battles of most role-playing games. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* W A L K T H R O U G H ******************************************************************************* Download Progress Quest as a zipped volume from www.progressquest.com. The specific URL from which you can access the download is: < http://users.ipa.net/~wright/pq/pq6-1.zip > but be sure to check out the rest of the website to learn more about the game. Extract the zip file and open the Progress Quest application. Choose to begin a New Game, either Single Player (offline) or Multi-Player (online). You must be connected to the Internet to begin a Multi-Player Game. Complete the required fields on this screen, including the name of your character, his race, and his class. A full list of races and classes can be found in the appendices. The name, race, and class you choose do not appear to have any bearing on the game. Next, proceed to the most vital portion of the game, determining your stats. In this phase, examine the six statistics you can see on the right of your screen. Press "Roll" to generate a new set of statistics, and click "Unroll" to scroll through previous sets of statistics. Continue until you discover a set of initial statistics which pleases you. You can quickly get a sense of good or bad statistics by checking the Total box. The color of the Total box reflects the quality of the total sum statistic: Red >80 Yellow 73-80 White 55-72 Gray 46-54 Dark Gray <46 Once you find a desirable set of statistics, click "Sold!" to begin the game with your new character. You have now completed the interactive portion of the game. Prepare to enjoy the ending! In the main game screen you see six areas. The top left area shows vital info such as character name, race, etc., as well as level and the character's stats. The experience bar is also here, and when it fills your character will gain a level. Gaining a level will result in a new spell or increased power for an old spell, as well as possible stat increases. The lower left area shows the characters Spell Book. As you progress through the game you will automatically acquire new spells and your old spells will increase in level. In the center area you can see your inventory. The top section shows your Equipment you have on. There are 11 components to your equipment: a weapon, a shield, and nine assorted pieces of armor: Helm, Hauberk, Brassairts, Vambraces, Gauntlets, Gambeson, Cuisses, Greaves, and Sollerets. The bottom half of the center column shows your items, which you acquire from slaughtered enemies. The amount of items you can hold at one time is equal to your Strength (STR) stat plus 10. Once your encumbrance is full, you will automatically head to the store to recieve cash for your items. Most items sell for an amount of gold equal to your level. Unique items sell for a random, but much larger amount of gold. The right side of your screen shows your Acts and Quests which trace the development of the story. The top block shows the Acts of the game, which represent major chapters in the story. The development of acts is based on elapsed time. Apparently, the first act takes 6 hours, the 2nd takes 10, then 15, 21, and so on, gaining 5 or 6 hours each time. The Quests are an important part of the game. Each time you are assigned a new quest, you complete it by killing various monsters. Once a Quest is completed, you will be assigned a new one, but one of four rewards will also occur: 1) You will acquire a unique item. 2) You will acquire a new piece of equipment under the same rules as buying equipment (see the appendices). 3) One of your stats will increase. 4) You will acquire a new spell, or an extant spell in your Spell Book will increase in level. The Quest list maintains a certain backlog of quest names. Once you have met the maximum number, the game will begin to delete memory of your first quests as it adds more to the bottom of the list. Congratulations, you have done all you need to do to beat Progress Quest. Now just sit back and watch the awesome ending to this great game. ******************************************************************************* G U I D E ******************************************************************************* ---> LEVELS AND STATISTICS The advancement of levels in Progress Quest is based upon your experience, as in many RPGs. You gain experience by killing enemies; at certain levels of experience gained, your character will increase one level. The amounts needed to gain a new level rise as the game continues; however, the amount of experience you gain for defeating enemies seems to remain constant. Each battle you win seems to net you about six to eight experience. Thus, at high levels gaining a level will take much longer than it does at lower levels. The statistics used in this game are: Strength (STR), Constitution (CON), Dexterity (DEX), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Charisma (CHA), HP Max, and MP Max. ---> EQUIPMENT AND PURCHASING NEW EQUIPMENT Your character carries eleven pieces of equipment, at most. Specifically, he wears one weapon, a shield, and a nine-piece suit of armor. At first, you will only have a weapon, the Sharp Stick. When you encumbrance (STR + 10) reaches a full load of collected dropped items you will proceed to the store and sell these items. Immediately after this, if you have enough available funds in Gold from the sale of equipment, you will buy a new piece of equipment. You will continue to buy new equipment until you do not have enough money remaining to make another purchase. The cost of equipment is dependent upon your level at the time of the purchase. If your level is "L", the amount of gold needed to purchase one new piece of equipment is 5(L^2)+10L+20. Exactly what equipment you recieve is also dependent upon your level. See the list below under Weapons; but to summarize, if you buy a weapon at level 30, the sum of its quality points will be 30. The Quality Points assigned to different weapon types and modifiers is listed in the Weapons appendice below. --->3D MODE This graphics mode is just a joke started by members of the Progress Quest forums. There is no such mode present in the game; it's just a part of the convoluted satire that is Progress Quest. ******************************************************************************* R A C E S A N D C L A S S E S ******************************************************************************* At the beginning of the game, you choose one race and class for your starting character. The races and classes have no impact on the play of the game, nor do they appear to have any impact on your statistics. Most of the names are humorous so try to choose the funniest combination. +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | RACES | | CLASSES | +-------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | Battle-Finch | | Bastard Lunatic | | Crested Dwarf | | Battle-Felon | | Demicanadian | | Birdrider | | Double Hobbit | | Fighter/Organist | | Double Wookie | | Hunter Strangler | | Dung Elf | | Inner Mason | | Eel Man | | Lowling | | Enchanted Motorcycle | | Mage Illusioner | | Greater Gnome | | Mu-Fu Monk | | Gyrognome | | Puma Burgular | | Half Halfling | | Robot Monk | | Half Man | | Runeloremaster | | Half Orc | | Shiv-Knight | | Land Squid | | Slow Poisoner | | Lesser Dwarf | | Tickle-Mimic | | Low Elf | | Toungeblade | | Panda Man | | Ur-Paladin | | Skraeling | | Voodoo Princess | | Talking Pony | +-------------------------+ | Trans-Kobold | | Will o' the Wisp | +-------------------------+ ******************************************************************************* W E A P O N S ******************************************************************************* The left table details the possible weapon types. Each has an associated base Quality Value. This value is modified by two factors; the first is the given modifying quality value of any descriptors the weapon has. For instance, a Nerf Bastard Sword is 9 - 7 = 2. Also modifying the final Quality Value is any numerical modifier attached to the weapon. For instance, a +3 Nerf Bastard Sword has a Q.V. of 5. When you buy a weapon at the store, it +------------------+---------------+ +----------------------+---------------+ | Weapon Type | Quality Value | | Modifier | Quality Value | +------------------+---------------+ +----------------------+---------------+ | Stick | 0 | | Nerf | - 7 | | Broken Bottle | 1 | | Rubber | - 6 | | Shiv | 1 | | Padded | - 5 | | Bowie Knife | 2 | | Bent | - 4 | | Claw Hammer | 2 | | Mini | - 4 | | Andiron | 3 | | Rusty | - 3 | | Hatchet | 3 | | Unbalanced | - 2 | | Crowbar | 4 | | Dull | - 2 | | Mace | 4 | | Tarnished | - 1 | | Shortsword | 5 | | Polished | + 1 | | Longiron | 5 | | Serrated | + 1 | | Zip Gun | 6 | | Heavy | + 1 | | Longsword | 6 | | Pronged | + 2 | | Broadsword | 7 | | Steely | + 2 | | Morning Star | 8 | | Vicious | + 3 | | Bastard Sword | 9 | | Venomed | + 4 | | Lance | 10 | | Dancing | + 5 | | Halberd | 11 | | Invisible | + 6 | | Poleax | 12 | | Vorpal | + 7 | | Bandyclef | 15 | +----------------------+---------------+ +------------------+---------------+ ******************************************************************************* S H I E L D S A N D A R M O R ******************************************************************************* +------------------+---------------+ +----------------------+---------------+ | Shield Type | Quality Value | | Modifier | Quality Value | +------------------+---------------+ +----------------------+---------------+ | Parasol | 0 | | Cursed | - 5 | | Pie Plate | 1 | | Plastic | - 4 | | Garbage Can Lid | 2 | | Cracked | - 4 | | Buckler | 3 | | Warped | - 3 | | Pexiglass | 4 | | Corroded | - 3 | | Round Shield | 5 | | Torn | - 3 | | Scutum | 6 | | Dented | - 3 | | Kite Shield | 7 | | Rusty | - 3 | | Pavise | 8 | | Motheaten | - 3 | | Tower Shield | 9 | | Threadbare | - 2 | | Baroque Shield | 11 | | Mildewed | - 2 | | Magnetic Field | 18 | | Holey | - 1 | +------------------+---------------+ | Patched | - 1 | | Faded | - 1 | +------------------+---------------+ | Studded | + 1 | | Armor Type | Quality Value | | Cambric | + 1 | +------------------+---------------+ | Banded | + 2 | | Lace | 1 | | Gilded | + 2 | | Macrame | 2 | | Custom | + 3 | | Burlap | 3 | | Festooned | + 3 | | Canvas | 4 | | Holy | + 4 | | Pleathers | 7 | | Fine | + 4 | | Leathers | 8 | | Impressive | + 5 | | Ringmail | 10 | +----------------------+---------------+ | Scale Mail | 12 | | Chainmail | 14 | | Splint Mail | 15 | | Platemail | 16 | | ABS | 17 | | Kevlar | 18 | | Titanium | 19 | | Mithril Mail | 20 | | Diamond Mail | 25 | | Plasma | 30 | +------------------+---------------+ ******************************************************************************* S P E L L S ******************************************************************************* The following list includes all of the different spells you can learn in the game. Each spell will have a level of proficieny assigned to it, beginning at level I and continuing upawrd over time. Some more advanced spells can only be acquired once your character has reached a certain amount of INT. Acrid Hands Angioplasty Animate Nightstand Animate Tunic Aqueous Humor Astral Miasma Big Sister Braingate Clever Fellow Cone of Annoyance Cone of Paste Covet Curse Family Curse Name Dropsy Eye of the Troglodyte Good Move Grognor's Big Day Off Gyp Hastiness Holy Batpole Holy Roller Hydrophobia Infinite Confusion Innoculate Invisible Hands Lockjaw Magnetic Orb Mulligan Nestor's Bright Idea Nonplus Rabbit Punch Revolting Cloud Roger's Grand Illusion Sadness Seasick Slime Finger Spectral Miasma Spectral Oyster Tonsilectomy Tumor (Benign) Tumor (Malignant) Ursine Armor Vitreous Humor ******************************************************************************* E N E M I E S ******************************************************************************* Unlike other categories, the level of a monster does not always equal your level exactly. Usually, it is within two levels in either direction, however. Some modifiers will allow the level of a monster to change. The Item Dropped column indicates what type of item will be dropped when you defeat that enemy. Enemies which (drop unique item) will drop a special item, taken from the list of Unique Items, which follows subsequent to this level. +--------------------------+-------+------------------------------------------+ | Enemy Name | Level | Item Dropped | +--------------------------+-------+------------------------------------------+ | Anhkheg | 6 | chitin | | Anklyosaurus | 9 | tail | | Ant | 0 | antenna | | Ape | 4 | ass | | Asmodeus | 52 | leathers | | Baalzebul | 43 | pants | | Bacon Elemental | 10 | bit | | Balor | 8 | whip | | Baluchitherium | 14 | ear | | Banshee | 7 | larynx | | Barbed Devil | 8 | flame | | Bat | 1 | wing | | Beagle | 0 | collar | | Beef Giant | 11 | steak | | Beer Golem | 15 | foam | | Beholder | 10 | eyestalk | | Beige Dragon | 9 | (drops unique item) | | Berserker | 1 | shirt | | Billy Goat | 1 | beard | | Black Dragon | 7 | (drops unique item) | | Black Pudding | 10 | saliva | | Blink Dog | 4 | eyelid | | Blue Dragon | 9 | (drops unique item) | | Bone Devil | 9 | hook | | Boogie | 3 | slime | | Boy Scout | 3 | merit badge | | Brass Dragon | 7 | pole | | Brontosaurus | 30 | brain | | Bronze Dragon | 9 | medal | | Brown Elf | 1 | tusk | | Bugbear | 3 | skin | | Bugboar | 3 | tusk | | Bunny | 0 | ear | | Camel | 2 | hump | | Cardboard Golem | 14 | recycling | | Carrion Crawler | 3 | egg | | Catoblepas | 6 | neck | | Caveman | 2 | club | | Centaur | 4 | rib | | Centipede | 0 | leg | | Cheese Elemental | 14 | curd | | Chromatic Dragon | 16 | mineral water | | Cloud Giant | 12 | condensation | | Cockatrice | 5 | wattle | | Copper Dragon | 8 | loafer | | Couatl | 9 | wing | | Crayfish | 0 | antenna | | Cub Scout | 1 | neckercheif | | Demogorgon | 53 | tentacle | | Dervish | 1 | robe | | Diplodocus | 24 | fin | | Dispater | 30 | matches | | Djinn | 7 | lamp | | Doppleganger | 4 | face | | Dragon Turtle | 13 | shell | | Dryad | 2 | acorn | | Dwarf | 1 | drawers | | Eagle Scout | 4 | merit badge | | Eel | 2 | sashimi | | Efreet | 10 | cinder | | Elasmosaurus | 15 | neck | | Erinyes | 6 | thong | | Ettin | 10 | fur | | Fire Giant | 11 | cigarettes | | Frog | 0 | leg | | Frost Giant | 10 | snowman | | Gargoyle | 4 | gravel | | Gelatinous Cube | 4 | jam | | Geryon | 30 | cornucopia | | Ghast | 4 | vomit | | Ghost | 10 | (drops unique item) | | Ghoul | 2 | muscle | | Girl Scout | 2 | cookie | | Glabrezu | 10 | collar | | Gnoll | 2 | collar | | Gnome | 1 | hat | | Goblin | 1 | ear | | Gold Dragon | 8 | filling | | Gorgon | 8 | testicle | | Gorgosaurus | 13 | arm | | Gray Ooze | 3 | gravy | | Green Dragon | 8 | (drops unique item) | | Green Slime | 2 | sample | | Griffon | 7 | nest | | Hair Elemental | 16 | follicle | | Harpy | 3 | mascara | | Hell Hound | 5 | tounge | | Hezrou | 9 | leg | | Hill Giant | 8 | corpse | | Hippocampus | 4 | mane | | Hippogriff | 3 | egg | | Hobgoblin | 1 | patella | | Homonculus | 2 | fluid | | Humidity Giant | 12 | drops | | Hydra | 8 | liver | | Ice Devil | 11 | snow | | Iguanadon | 6 | thumb | | Imp | 2 | tail | | Invisible Stalker | 8 | (drops unique item) | | Jubilex | 17 | gel | | Koala | 2 | heart | | Kobold | 1 | penis | | Leather Golem | 15 | fob | | Lemure | 3 | blob | | Leprechaun | 1 | wallet | | Leucrotta | 6 | hoof | | Lich | 11 | crown | | Lizard Man | 2 | tail | | Lurker | 10 | sac | | Malebranche | 5 | fork | | Manes | 1 | tooth | | Man-o-war | 3 | tentacle | | Manticore | 6 | spike | | Marilith | 7 | arm | | Mastodon | 12 | tusk | | Medusa | 6 | eye | | Megalosaurus | 12 | jaw | | Mermaid | 1 | gills | | Merman | 1 | trident | | Midge | 0 | corpse | | Mimic | 9 | hinge | | Mind Flayer | 8 | tentacle | | Minotaur | 6 | map | | Monoclonius | 8 | horn | | Morkoth | 7 | teeth | | Moth | 0 | dust | | Mummy | 6 | gauze | | Naga | 9 | rattle | | Nalfeshnee | 11 | tusk | | Neo-Otyugh | 11 | organ | | Nixie | 1 | webbing | | Nymph | 3 | hanky | | Ochre Jelly | 6 | nucleus | | Octopus | 2 | beak | | Ogre Mage | 5 | apparel | | Ogre | 4 | talon | | Orc | 1 | snout | | Orcus | 27 | wand | | Ostrich | 1 | beak | | Otyugh | 7 | organ | | Owlbear | 5 | feather | | Pegasus | 4 | aileron | | Pentasaurus | 12 | head | | Peryton | 4 | antler | | Piercer | 3 | tip | | Pirate | 1 | booty | | Pit Fiend | 13 | seed | | Pixie | 1 | dust | | Plaid Dragon | 7 | sporrin | | Platinum Dragon | 21 | (drops unique item) | | Porcelain Giant | 9 | fixture | | Porn Elemental | 12 | lube | | Purple Worm | 15 | dung | | Quartz Giant | 10 | crystal | | Quasit | 3 | tail | | Rakshasa | 7 | pajamas | | Rat | 1 | tail | | Red Dragon | 10 | cocktail | | Remorhaz | 11 | protrusion | | Rice Giant | 8 | grain | | Roc | 18 | wing | | Roper | 11 | twine | | Rot Grub | 1 | eggsac | | Rubber Golem | 16 | ball | | Rust Monster | 5 | shavings | | Sand Elemental | 8 | glass | | Satyr | 5 | hoof | | Sea Elf | 1 | jerkin | | Sea Hag | 3 | wart | | Shadow | 3 | silhouette | | Shambling Mound | 10 | mulch | | Shedu | 9 | hoof | | Shrieker | 3 | stalk | | Silver Dragon | 10 | (drops unique item) | | Skeleton | 1 | clavicle | | Spectre | 7 | vestige | | Sphinx | 10 | paw | | Spider | 0 | web | | Sprite | 1 | can | | Stegosaurus | 18 | plate | | Stirge | 1 | proboscis | | Stone Giant | 9 | hatchling | | Storm Giant | 15 | barometer | | Succubus | 6 | bra | | Su-monster | 5 | tail | | Swamp Elf | 1 | lilypad | | Sylph | 3 | thigh | | Tin Dragon | 8 | (drops unique item) | | Titan | 20 | sandal | | Trapper | 12 | shag | | Treant | 10 | acorn | | Triceratops | 16 | horn | | Triton | 3 | scale | | Troglodyte | 2 | tail | | Troll | 6 | hide | | Tyranosauraus Rex | 18 | forearm | | Umber Hulk | 8 | claw | | Unicorn | 4 | blood | | Uruk | 2 | boot | | Vampire | 8 | pancreas | | Violet Fungi | 3 | spore | | Vrock | 8 | neck | | Wasp | 0 | stinger | | Whippet | 2 | collar | | White Dragon | 6 | tooth | | Wight | 4 | lung | | Will-o-the-Wisp | 9 | wisp | | Wolf | 2 | paw | | Wraith | 5 | finger | | Wyvern | 7 | poison | | Xorn | 7 | jaw | | Yeenoghu | 25 | flail | | Yellow Mold | 1 | spore | | Yeti | 4 | fur | | Zombie | 2 | forehead | +--------------------------+-------+------------------------------------------+ ******************************************************************************* U N I Q U E I T E M S ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to CJayC for hosting this guide! Thanks to myself for writing this guide! ******************************************************************************* This file is copyright by Denouement (Chris Parham). You may NOT reproduce or distribute this guide in any manner, electronically or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author. You may not display this guide on any page in which there are advertisment banners. Below can be found the list of sites that are permitted to host this guide. This list can be changed at any time. "The Progress Quest FAQ" Last Update: 15.7.2002 Version: 1.0 DENOUEMENT