In Phun you can create your own world of things that collide, bounce, swing, run, drive, fly and flow. To get started you can go to the File/Load scene menu and load some examples to play with. Don't be afraid to play around, anything you do can be undone by pressing the undo button or control-z. Hoover the mouse over the tools and menues in Phun to get more help. Grabbing onto the background with your right mouse button and moving the mouse will pan the view (ie move the camera). Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out, or use the zoom slider. You can select objects by clicking them, and select many by encirceling them with the brush tool or the box tool. You can add and remove objects to a selection by holding down control and/or shift while selecting. Selected objects can be assigned to groups by pressing ctrl-G. Erase objects by drawing a straight line over them with the brush tool, or just select them and press delete. Clicking an object with the right mouse button will bring up a menu where you can modify it's properties. The same goes for water. Clicking on sliders with the middle mouse button resets them to their default value. Useful shortcuts: K - Sketch B - Brush X - Box C - Circle P - Plane N - Chain S - Spring F - Fixate H - Hinge E - Pen D - Drag R - Scale Ctrl-Z - Undo Ctrl-Y - Redo Delete - Delete selected objects Space - Pause/Resume simulation